Ansible Module Docs


Sets and retrieves file ACL information.

Options (= is mandatory):

- default
      if the target is a directory, setting this to yes will make
      it the default acl for entities created inside the
      directory. It causes an error if name is a file. (Choices:
      yes, no)

- entity
      actual user or group that the ACL applies to when matching
      entity types user or group are selected.

- entry
      DEPRECATED. The acl to set or remove.  This must always be
      quoted in the form of '<etype>:<qualifier>:<perms>'.  The
      qualifier may be empty for some types, but the type and
      perms are always requried. '-' can be used as placeholder
      when you do not care about permissions. This is now
      superceeded by entity, type and permissions fields.

- etype
      if the target is a directory, setting this to yes will make
      it the default acl for entities created inside the
      directory. It causes an error if name is a file. (Choices:
      user, group, mask, other)

- follow
      whether to follow symlinks on the path if a symlink is
      encountered. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      The full path of the file or object.

- permissions
      Permissions to apply/remove can be any combination of r, w
      and  x (read, write and execute respectively)

- state
      defines whether the ACL should be present or not.  The
      `query' state gets the current acl `present' without
      changing it, for use in 'register' operations. (Choices:
      query, present, absent)

Notes:    The "acl" module requires that acls are enabled on the target
      filesystem and that the setfacl and getfacl binaries are

# Grant user Joe read access to a file
- acl: name=/etc/foo.conf entity=joe etype=user permissions="r" state=present

# Removes the acl for Joe on a specific file
- acl: name=/etc/foo.conf entity=joe etype=user state=absent

# Sets default acl for joe on foo.d
- acl: name=/etc/foo.d entity=joe etype=user permissions=rw default=yes state=present

# Same as previous but using entry shorthand
- acl: name=/etc/foo.d entrty="default:user:joe:rw-" state=present

# Obtain the acl for a specific file
- acl: name=/etc/foo.conf
  register: acl_info


Use variables to create new hosts and groups in inventory for use
in later plays of the same playbook. Takes variables so you can
define the new hosts more fully.

Options (= is mandatory):

- groups
      The groups to add the hostname to, comma separated.

= name
      The hostname/ip of the host to add to the inventory, can
      include a colon and a port number.

# add host to group 'just_created' with variable foo=42
- add_host: name={{ ip_from_ec2 }} groups=just_created foo=42

# add a host with a non-standard port local to your machines
- add_host: name={{ new_ip }}:{{ new_port }}

# add a host alias that we reach through a tunnel
- add_host: hostname={{ new_ip }}
            ansible_ssh_host={{ inventory_hostname }}
            ansible_ssh_port={{ new_port }}


Notify airbrake about app deployments (see

Options (= is mandatory):

= environment
      The airbrake environment name, typically 'production',
      'staging', etc.

- repo
      URL of the project repository

- revision
      A hash, number, tag, or other identifier showing what
      revision was deployed

= token
      API token.

- url
      Optional URL to submit the notification to. Use to send
      notifications to Airbrake-compliant tools like Errbit.

- user
      The username of the person doing the deployment

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates for the target url will not be
      validated. This should only be used on personally controlled
      sites using self-signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    urllib, urllib2

- airbrake_deployment: token=AAAAAA


Manages `apt' packages (such as for Debian/Ubuntu).

Options (= is mandatory):

- cache_valid_time
      If `update_cache' is specified and the last run is less or
      equal than `cache_valid_time' seconds ago, the
      `update_cache' gets skipped.

- default_release
      Corresponds to the `-t' option for `apt' and sets pin

- dpkg_options
      Add dpkg options to apt command. Defaults to '-o
      "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options
      ::=--force-confold"'Options should be supplied as comma
      separated list

- force
      If `yes', force installs/removes. (Choices: yes, no)

- install_recommends
      Corresponds to the `--no-install-recommends' option for
      `apt', default behavior works as apt's default behavior,
      `no' does not install recommended packages. Suggested
      packages are never installed. (Choices: yes, no)

- pkg
      A package name or package specifier with version, like `foo'
      or `foo=1.0'. Shell like wildcards (fnmatch) like apt* are
      also supported.

- purge
      Will force purging of configuration files if the module
      state is set to `absent'. (Choices: yes, no)

- state
      Indicates the desired package state (Choices: latest,
      absent, present)

- update_cache
      Run the equivalent of `apt-get update' before the operation.
      Can be run as part of the package installation or as a
      separate step (Choices: yes, no)

- upgrade
      If yes or safe, performs an aptitude safe-upgrade.If full,
      performs an aptitude full-upgrade.If dist, performs an apt-
      get dist-upgrade.Note: This does not upgrade a specific
      package, use state=latest for that. (Choices: yes, safe,
      full, dist)

Notes:    Three of the upgrade modes (`full', `safe' and its alias `yes')
      require `aptitude', otherwise `apt-get' suffices.

Requirements:    python-apt, aptitude

# Update repositories cache and install "foo" package
- apt: pkg=foo update_cache=yes

# Remove "foo" package
- apt: pkg=foo state=absent

# Install the package "foo"
- apt: pkg=foo state=present

# Install the version '1.00' of package "foo"
- apt: pkg=foo=1.00 state=present

# Update the repository cache and update package "nginx" to latest version using default release squeeze-backport
- apt: pkg=nginx state=latest default_release=squeeze-backports update_cache=yes

# Install latest version of "openjdk-6-jdk" ignoring "install-recommends"
- apt: pkg=openjdk-6-jdk state=latest install_recommends=no

# Update all packages to the latest version
- apt: upgrade=dist

# Run the equivalent of "apt-get update" as a separate step
- apt: update_cache=yes

# Only run "update_cache=yes" if the last one is more than more than 3600 seconds ago
- apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600

# Pass options to dpkg on run
- apt: upgrade=dist update_cache=yes dpkg_options='force-confold,force-confdef'


Add or remove an `apt' key, optionally downloading it

Options (= is mandatory):

- data
      keyfile contents

- file
      keyfile path

- id
      identifier of key

- keyring
      path to specific keyring file in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d

- state
      used to specify if key is being added or revoked (Choices:
      absent, present)

- url
      url to retrieve key from.

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates for the target url will not be
      validated. This should only be used on personally controlled
      sites using self-signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    doesn't download the key unless it really needs itas a sanity
      check, downloaded key id must match the one specifiedbest
      practice is to specify the key id and the url

# Add an Apt signing key, uses whichever key is at the URL
- apt_key: url= state=present

# Add an Apt signing key, will not download if present
- apt_key: id=473041FA url= state=present

# Remove an Apt signing key, uses whichever key is at the URL
- apt_key: url= state=absent

# Remove a Apt specific signing key, leading 0x is valid
- apt_key: id=0x473041FA state=absent

# Add a key from a file on the Ansible server
- apt_key: data="{{ lookup('file', 'apt.gpg') }}" state=present

# Add an Apt signing key to a specific keyring file
- apt_key: id=473041FA url= keyring=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian.gpg state=present


Add or remove an APT repositories in Ubuntu and Debian.

Options (= is mandatory):

= repo
      A source string for the repository.

- state
      A source string state. (Choices: absent, present)

- update_cache
      Run the equivalent of `apt-get update' if has changed.
      (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    This module works on Debian and Ubuntu and requires `python-apt'
      and `python-pycurl' packages.This module supports Debian
      Squeeze (version 6) as well as its successors.This module
      treats Debian and Ubuntu distributions separately. So PPA
      could be installed only on Ubuntu machines.

Requirements:    python-apt, python-pycurl

# Add specified repository into sources list.
apt_repository: repo='deb hardy partner' state=present

# Add source repository into sources list.
apt_repository: repo='deb-src hardy partner' state=present

# Remove specified repository from sources list.
apt_repository: repo='deb hardy partner' state=absent

# On Ubuntu target: add nginx stable repository from PPA and install its signing key.
# On Debian target: adding PPA is not available, so it will fail immediately.
apt_repository: repo='ppa:nginx/stable'


Manage physical Ethernet interface resources on Arista EOS network

Options (= is mandatory):

- admin
      controls the operational state of the interface (Choices:
      up, down)

- description
      a single line text string describing the interface

- duplex
      sets the interface duplex setting (Choices: auto, half,

= interface_id
      the full name of the interface

- logging
      enables or disables the syslog facility for this module
      (Choices: true, false, yes, no)

- mtu
      configureds the maximum transmission unit for the interface

- speed
      sets the interface speed setting (Choices: auto, 100m, 1g,

Notes:    Requires EOS 4.10 or laterThe Netdev extension for EOS must be
      installed and active in the available extensions (show
      extensions from the EOS CLI)See for details

Requirements:    Arista EOS 4.10, Netdev extension for EOS

Example playbook entries using the arista_interface module to manage resource
state.  Note that interface names must be the full interface name not shortcut
names (ie Ethernet, not Et1)

    - name: enable interface Ethernet 1
      action: arista_interface interface_id=Ethernet1 admin=up speed=10g duplex=full logging=true

    - name: set mtu on Ethernet 1
      action: arista_interface interface_id=Ethernet1 mtu=1600 speed=10g duplex=full logging=true

    - name: reset changes to Ethernet 1
      action: arista_interface interface_id=Ethernet1 admin=down mtu=1500 speed=10g duplex=full logging=true


Manage layer 2 interface resources on Arista EOS network devices

Options (= is mandatory):

= interface_id
      the full name of the interface

- logging
      enables or disables the syslog facility for this module
      (Choices: true, false, yes, no)

- state
      describe the desired state of the interface related to the
      config (Choices: present, absent)

- tagged_vlans
      specifies the list of vlans that should be allowed to
      transit this interface

- untagged_vlan
      specifies the vlan that untagged traffic should be placed in
      for transit across a vlan tagged link

- vlan_tagging
      specifies whether or not vlan tagging should be enabled for
      this interface (Choices: enable, disable)

Notes:    Requires EOS 4.10 or laterThe Netdev extension for EOS must be
      installed and active in the available extensions (show
      extensions from the EOS CLI)See for details

Requirements:    Arista EOS 4.10, Netdev extension for EOS

Example playbook entries using the arista_l2interface module to manage resource
state. Note that interface names must be the full interface name not shortcut
names (ie Ethernet, not Et1)

    - name: create switchport ethernet1 access port
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet1 logging=true

    - name: create switchport ethernet2 trunk port
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet2 vlan_tagging=enable logging=true

    - name: add vlans to red and blue switchport ethernet2
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet2 tagged_vlans=red,blue logging=true

    - name: set untagged vlan for Ethernet1
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet1 untagged_vlan=red logging=true

    - name: convert access to trunk
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet1 vlan_tagging=enable tagged_vlans=red,blue logging=true

    - name: convert trunk to access
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet2 vlan_tagging=disable untagged_vlan=blue logging=true

    - name: delete switchport ethernet1
      action: arista_l2interface interface_id=Ethernet1 state=absent logging=true


Manage port channel interface resources on Arista EOS network

Options (= is mandatory):

= interface_id
      the full name of the interface

- lacp
      enables the use of the LACP protocol for managing link
      bundles (Choices: active, passive, off)

- links
      array of physical interface links to include in this lag

- logging
      enables or disables the syslog facility for this module
      (Choices: true, false, yes, no)

- minimum_links
      the minimum number of physical interaces that must be
      operationally up to consider the lag operationally up

- state
      describe the desired state of the interface related to the
      config (Choices: present, absent)

Notes:    Requires EOS 4.10 or laterThe Netdev extension for EOS must be
      installed and active in the available extensions (show
      extensions from the EOS CLI)See for details

Requirements:    Arista EOS 4.10, Netdev extension for EOS

Example playbook entries using the arista_lag module to manage resource
state.  Note that interface names must be the full interface name not shortcut
names (ie Ethernet, not Et1)

    - name: create lag interface
      action: arista_lag interface_id=Port-Channel1 links=Ethernet1,Ethernet2 logging=true

    - name: add member links
      action: arista_lag interface_id=Port-Channel1 links=Ethernet1,Ethernet2,Ethernet3 logging=true

    - name: remove member links
      action: arista_lag interface_id=Port-Channel1 links=Ethernet2,Ethernet3 logging=true

    - name: remove lag interface
      action: arista_lag interface_id=Port-Channel1 state=absent logging=true


Manage VLAN resources on Arista EOS network devices.  This module
requires the Netdev EOS extension to be installed in EOS.  For
detailed instructions for installing and using the Netdev module
please see [link]

Options (= is mandatory):

- logging
      enables or disables the syslog facility for this module
      (Choices: true, false, yes, no)

- name
      a descriptive name for the vlan

- state
      describe the desired state of the vlan related to the config
      (Choices: present, absent)

= vlan_id
      the vlan id

Notes:    Requires EOS 4.10 or laterThe Netdev extension for EOS must be
      installed and active in the available extensions (show
      extensions from the EOS CLI)See for details

Requirements:    Arista EOS 4.10, Netdev extension for EOS

Example playbook entries using the arista_vlan module to manage resource

  - name: create vlan 999
    action: arista_vlan vlan_id=999 logging=true

  - name: create / edit vlan 999
    action: arista_vlan vlan_id=999 name=test logging=true

  - name: remove vlan 999
    action: arista_vlan vlan_id=999 state=absent logging=true


Assembles a configuration file from fragments. Often a particular
program will take a single configuration file and does not support
a `conf.d' style structure where it is easy to build up the
configuration from multiple sources. [assemble] will take a
directory of files that can be local or have already been
transferred to the system, and concatenate them together to
produce a destination file. Files are assembled in string sorting
order. Puppet calls this idea `fragments'.

Options (= is mandatory):

- backup
      Create a backup file (if `yes'), including the timestamp
      information so you can get the original file back if you
      somehow clobbered it incorrectly. (Choices: yes, no)

- delimiter
      A delimiter to seperate the file contents.

= dest
      A file to create using the concatenation of all of the
      source files.

- others
      all arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here

- regexp
      Assemble files only if `regex' matches the filename. If not
      set, all files are assembled. All "" (backslash) must be
      escaped as "\\" to comply yaml syntax. Uses Python regular
      expressions; see

- remote_src
      If False, it will search for src at originating/master
      machine, if True it will go to the remote/target machine for
      the src. Default is True. (Choices: True, False)

= src
      An already existing directory full of source files.

# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- assemble: src=/etc/someapp/fragments dest=/etc/someapp/someapp.conf

# When a delimiter is specified, it will be inserted in between each fragment
- assemble: src=/etc/someapp/fragments dest=/etc/someapp/someapp.conf delimiter='### START FRAGMENT ###'


This module asserts that a given expression is true and can be a
simpler alternative to the 'fail' module in some cases.

Options (= is mandatory):

= that
      A string expression of the same form that can be passed to
      the 'when' statement

- assert: ansible_os_family != "RedHat"
- assert: "'foo' in some_command_result.stdout"

> AT

Use this module to schedule a command or script to run once in the
future.All jobs are executed in the a queue.

Options (= is mandatory):

= action
      The action to take for the job defaulting to add. Unique
      will verify that there is only one entry in the queue.Delete
      will remove all existing queued jobs. (Choices: add, delete,

- command
      A command to be executed in the future.

- script_file
      An existing script to be executed in the future.

= unit_count
      The count of units in the future to execute the command or

= unit_type
      The type of units in the future to execute the command or
      script. (Choices: minutes, hours, days, weeks)

- user
      The user to execute the at command as.

Requirements:    at

# Schedule a command to execute in 20 minutes as root.
- at: command="ls -d / > /dev/null" unit_count=20 unit_type="minutes"

# Schedule a script to execute in 1 hour as the neo user.
- at: script_file="/some/" user="neo" unit_count=1 unit_type="hours"

# Match a command to an existing job and delete the job.
- at: command="ls -d / > /dev/null" action="delete"

# Schedule a command to execute in 20 minutes making sure it is unique in the queue.
- at: command="ls -d / > /dev/null" action="unique" unit_count=20 unit_type="minutes"


Adds or removes authorized keys for particular user accounts

Options (= is mandatory):

= key
      The SSH public key, as a string

- key_options
      A string of ssh key options to be prepended to the key in
      the authorized_keys file

- manage_dir
      Whether this module should manage the directory of the
      authorized_keys file. Make sure to set `manage_dir=no' if
      you are using an alternate directory for authorized_keys set
      with `path', since you could lock yourself out of SSH
      access. See the example below. (Choices: yes, no)

- path
      Alternate path to the authorized_keys file

- state
      Whether the given key (with the given key_options) should or
      should not be in the file (Choices: present, absent)

= user
      The username on the remote host whose authorized_keys file
      will be modified

# Example using key data from a local file on the management machine
- authorized_key: user=charlie key="{{ lookup('file', '/home/charlie/.ssh/') }}"

# Using alternate directory locations:
- authorized_key: user=charlie
                  key="{{ lookup('file', '/home/charlie/.ssh/') }}"

# Using with_file
- name: Set up authorized_keys for the deploy user
  authorized_key: user=deploy
                  key="{{ item }}"
    - public_keys/doe-jane
    - public_keys/doe-john

# Using key_options:
- authorized_key: user=charlie
                  key="{{ lookup('file', '/home/charlie/.ssh/') }}"


Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM monitors via iControl SOAP API

Options (= is mandatory):

- interval
      The interval specifying how frequently the monitor instance
      of this template will run. By default, this interval is used
      for up and down states. The default API setting is 5.

- ip
      IP address part of the ipport definition. The default API
      setting is "".

= name
      Monitor name

- parent
      The parent template of this monitor template

- parent_partition
      Partition for the parent monitor

- partition
      Partition for the monitor

= password
      BIG-IP password

- port
      port address part op the ipport definition. Tyhe default API
      setting is 0.

= receive
      The receive string for the monitor call

= receive_disable
      The receive disable string for the monitor call

= send
      The send string for the monitor call

= server
      BIG-IP host

- state
      Monitor state (Choices: present, absent)

- time_until_up
      Specifies the amount of time in seconds after the first
      successful response before a node will be marked up. A value
      of 0 will cause a node to be marked up immediately after a
      valid response is received from the node. The default API
      setting is 0.

- timeout
      The number of seconds in which the node or service must
      respond to the monitor request. If the target responds
      within the set time period, it is considered up. If the
      target does not respond within the set time period, it is
      considered down. You can change this number to any number
      you want, however, it should be 3 times the interval number
      of seconds plus 1 second. The default API setting is 16.

= user
      BIG-IP username

Notes:    Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11F5 developed module
      'bigsuds' required (see run as
      a local_action in your playbookMonitor API documentation: ht

Requirements:    bigsuds

- name: BIGIP F5 | Create HTTP Monitor
    module:             bigip_monitor_http
    state:              present
    server:             "{{ f5server }}"
    user:               "{{ f5user }}"
    password:           "{{ f5password }}"
    name:               "{{ item.monitorname }}"
    send:               "{{ item.send }}"
    receive:            "{{ item.receive }}"
  with_items: f5monitors
- name: BIGIP F5 | Remove HTTP Monitor
    module:             bigip_monitor_http
    state:              absent
    server:             "{{ f5server }}"
    user:               "{{ f5user }}"
    password:           "{{ f5password }}"
    name:               "{{ monitorname }}"


Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors via iControl SOAP API

Options (= is mandatory):

- interval
      The interval specifying how frequently the monitor instance
      of this template will run. By default, this interval is used
      for up and down states. The default API setting is 5.

- ip
      IP address part of the ipport definition. The default API
      setting is "".

= name
      Monitor name

- parent
      The parent template of this monitor template (Choices: tcp,
      tcp_echo, tcp_half_open)

- parent_partition
      Partition for the parent monitor

- partition
      Partition for the monitor

= password
      BIG-IP password

- port
      port address part op the ipport definition. Tyhe default API
      setting is 0.

= receive
      The receive string for the monitor call

= send
      The send string for the monitor call

= server
      BIG-IP host

- state
      Monitor state (Choices: present, absent)

- time_until_up
      Specifies the amount of time in seconds after the first
      successful response before a node will be marked up. A value
      of 0 will cause a node to be marked up immediately after a
      valid response is received from the node. The default API
      setting is 0.

- timeout
      The number of seconds in which the node or service must
      respond to the monitor request. If the target responds
      within the set time period, it is considered up. If the
      target does not respond within the set time period, it is
      considered down. You can change this number to any number
      you want, however, it should be 3 times the interval number
      of seconds plus 1 second. The default API setting is 16.

- type
      The template type of this monitor template (Choices:

= user
      BIG-IP username

Notes:    Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11F5 developed module
      'bigsuds' required (see run as
      a local_action in your playbookMonitor API documentation: ht

Requirements:    bigsuds

- name: BIGIP F5 | Create TCP Monitor
    module:             bigip_monitor_tcp
    state:              present
    server:             "{{ f5server }}"
    user:               "{{ f5user }}"
    password:           "{{ f5password }}"
    name:               "{{ item.monitorname }}"
    type:               tcp
    send:               "{{ item.send }}"
    receive:            "{{ item.receive }}"
  with_items: f5monitors-tcp
- name: BIGIP F5 | Create TCP half open Monitor
    module:             bigip_monitor_tcp
    state:              present
    server:             "{{ f5server }}"
    user:               "{{ f5user }}"
    password:           "{{ f5password }}"
    name:               "{{ item.monitorname }}"
    type:               tcp
    send:               "{{ item.send }}"
    receive:            "{{ item.receive }}"
  with_items: f5monitors-halftcp
- name: BIGIP F5 | Remove TCP Monitor
    module:             bigip_monitor_tcp
    state:              absent
    server:             "{{ f5server }}"
    user:               "{{ f5user }}"
    password:           "{{ f5password }}"
    name:               "{{ monitorname }}"
  - f5monitors-tcp
  - f5monitors-halftcp


Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes via iControl SOAP API

Options (= is mandatory):

- description
      Node description. (Choices: )

= host
      Node IP. Required when state=present and node does not
      exist. Error when state=absent. (Choices: )

- name
      Node name (Choices: )

- partition
      Partition (Choices: )

= password
      BIG-IP password (Choices: )

= server
      BIG-IP host (Choices: )

= state
      Pool member state (Choices: present, absent)

= user
      BIG-IP username (Choices: )

Notes:    Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11F5 developed module
      'bigsuds' required (see run as
      a local_action in your playbook

Requirements:    bigsuds

## playbook task examples:

# file bigip-test.yml
# ...
- hosts: bigip-test
  - name: Add node
    local_action: >
      host="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"
      name="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"

# Note that the BIG-IP automatically names the node using the
# IP address specified in previous play's host parameter.
# Future plays referencing this node no longer use the host
# parameter but instead use the name parameter.
# Alternatively, you could have specified a name with the
# name parameter when state=present.

  - name: Modify node description
    local_action: >
      name="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"
      description="Our best server yet"

  - name: Delete node
    local_action: >
      name="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"


Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools via iControl SOAP API

Options (= is mandatory):

- host
      Pool member IP (Choices: )

- lb_method
      Load balancing method (Choices: round_robin, ratio_member,
      least_connection_member, observed_member, predictive_member,
      ratio_node_address, least_connection_node_address,
      fastest_node_address, observed_node_address,
      predictive_node_address, dynamic_ratio,
      fastest_app_response, least_sessions, dynamic_ratio_member,
      l3_addr, unknown, weighted_least_connection_member,
      weighted_least_connection_node_address, ratio_session,

- monitor_type
      Monitor rule type when monitors > 1 (Choices: and_list,

- monitors
      Monitor template name list. Always use the full path to the
      monitor. (Choices: )

= name
      Pool name (Choices: )

- partition
      Partition of pool/pool member (Choices: )

= password
      BIG-IP password (Choices: )

- port
      Pool member port (Choices: )

- quorum
      Monitor quorum value when monitor_type is m_of_n (Choices: )

= server
      BIG-IP host (Choices: )

- service_down_action
      Sets the action to take when node goes down in pool
      (Choices: none, reset, drop, reselect)

- slow_ramp_time
      Sets the ramp-up time (in seconds) to gradually ramp up the
      load on newly added or freshly detected up pool members
      (Choices: )

- state
      Pool/pool member state (Choices: present, absent)

= user
      BIG-IP username (Choices: )

Notes:    Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11F5 developed module
      'bigsuds' required (see run as
      a local_action in your playbook

Requirements:    bigsuds

## playbook task examples:

# file bigip-test.yml
# ...
- hosts: localhost
  - name: Create pool
    local_action: >

  - name: Modify load balancer method
    local_action: >

- hosts: bigip-test
  - name: Add pool member
    local_action: >
      host="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"

  - name: Remove pool member from pool
    local_action: >
      host="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"

- hosts: localhost
  - name: Delete pool
    local_action: >


Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members via iControl SOAP API

Options (= is mandatory):

- connection_limit
      Pool member connection limit. Setting this to 0 disables the
      limit. (Choices: )

- description
      Pool member description (Choices: )

= host
      Pool member IP (Choices: )

- partition
      Partition (Choices: )

= password
      BIG-IP password (Choices: )

= pool
      Pool name. This pool must exist. (Choices: )

= port
      Pool member port (Choices: )

- rate_limit
      Pool member rate limit (connections-per-second). Setting
      this to 0 disables the limit. (Choices: )

- ratio
      Pool member ratio weight. Valid values range from 1 through
      100. New pool members -- unless overriden with this value --
      default to 1. (Choices: )

= server
      BIG-IP host (Choices: )

= state
      Pool member state (Choices: present, absent)

= user
      BIG-IP username (Choices: )

Notes:    Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11F5 developed module
      'bigsuds' required (see run as
      a local_action in your playbookSupersedes bigip_pool for
      managing pool members

Requirements:    bigsuds

## playbook task examples:

# file bigip-test.yml
# ...
- hosts: bigip-test
  - name: Add pool member
    local_action: >
      host="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"
      description="web server"

  - name: Modify pool member ratio and description
    local_action: >
      host="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"
      description="nginx server"

  - name: Remove pool member from pool
    local_action: >
      host="{{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}"


This module manages boundary meters

Options (= is mandatory):

= apiid
      Organizations boundary API ID

= apikey
      Organizations boundary API KEY

= name
      meter name

- state
      Whether to create or remove the client from boundary
      (Choices: present, absent)

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    This module does not yet support boundary tags.

Requirements:    Boundary API access, bprobe is required to send data, but not to
      register a meter, Python urllib2

- name: Create meter
  boundary_meter: apiid=AAAAAA api_key=BBBBBB state=present name={{ inventory_hostname }}"

- name: Delete meter
  boundary_meter: apiid=AAAAAA api_key=BBBBBB state=absent name={{ inventory_hostname }}"


Manage `bzr' branches to deploy files or software.

Options (= is mandatory):

= dest
      Absolute path of where the branch should be cloned to.

- executable
      Path to bzr executable to use. If not supplied, the normal
      mechanism for resolving binary paths will be used.

- force
      If `yes', any modified files in the working tree will be
      discarded. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      SSH or HTTP protocol address of the parent branch.

- version
      What version of the branch to clone.  This can be the bzr
      revno or revid.

# Example bzr checkout from Ansible Playbooks
- bzr: name=bzr+ssh:// dest=/srv/checkout version=22


Send a message to Campfire.Messages with newlines will result in a
"Paste" message being sent.

Options (= is mandatory):

= msg
      The message body.

- notify
      Send a notification sound before the message. (Choices: 56k,
      bueller, crickets, dangerzone, deeper, drama, greatjob,
      horn, horror, inconceivable, live, loggins, noooo, nyan,
      ohmy, ohyeah, pushit, rimshot, sax, secret, tada, tmyk,
      trombone, vuvuzela, yeah, yodel)

= room
      Room number to which the message should be sent.

= subscription
      The subscription name to use.

= token
      API token.

Requirements:    urllib2, cgi

- campfire: subscription=foo token=12345 room=123 msg="Task completed."

- campfire: subscription=foo token=12345 room=123 notify=loggins
        msg="Task completed ... with feeling."


Launches an AWS CloudFormation stack and waits for it complete.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- disable_rollback
      If a stacks fails to form, rollback will remove the stack
      (Choices: yes, no)

- region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

= stack_name
      name of the cloudformation stack

= state
      If state is "present", stack will be created.  If state is
      "present" and if stack exists and template has changed, it
      will be updated. If state is absent, stack will be removed.

- tags
      Dictionary of tags to associate with stack and it's
      resources during stack creation. Cannot be updated later.
      Requires at least Boto version 2.6.0.

= template
      the path of the cloudformation template

- template_parameters
      a list of hashes of all the template variables for the stack

Requirements:    boto

# Basic task example
- name: launch ansible cloudformation example
  action: cloudformation >
    stack_name="ansible-cloudformation" state=present
    region=us-east-1 disable_rollback=yes
      KeyName: jmartin
      DiskType: ephemeral
      InstanceType: m1.small
      ClusterSize: 3
      Stack: ansible-cloudformation


The [command] module takes the command name followed by a list of
space-delimited arguments.The given command will be executed on
all selected nodes. It will not be processed through the shell, so
variables like `$HOME' and operations like `"<"', `">"', `"|"',
and `"&"' will not work (use the [shell] module if you need these

Options (= is mandatory):

- chdir
      cd into this directory before running the command

- creates
      a filename, when it already exists, this step will *not* be

- executable
      change the shell used to execute the command. Should be an
      absolute path to the executable.

= free_form
      the command module takes a free form command to run

- removes
      a filename, when it does not exist, this step will *not* be

Notes:    If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using
      `<', `>', `|', etc), you actually want the [shell] module
      instead. The [command] module is much more secure as it's
      not affected by the user's environment. `creates',
      `removes', and `chdir' can be specified after the command.
      For instance, if you only want to run a command if a certain
      file does not exist, use this.

# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- command: /sbin/shutdown -t now

# Run the command if the specified file does not exist
- command: /usr/bin/ arg1 arg2 creates=/path/to/database


The [copy] module copies a file on the local box to remote

Options (= is mandatory):

- backup
      Create a backup file including the timestamp information so
      you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered
      it incorrectly. (Choices: yes, no)

- content
      When used instead of 'src', sets the contents of a file
      directly to the specified value.

= dest
      Remote absolute path where the file should be copied to. If
      src is a directory, this must be a directory too.

- directory_mode
      When doing a recursive copy set the mode for the
      directories. If this is not set we will default the system

- force
      the default is `yes', which will replace the remote file
      when contents are different than the source.  If `no', the
      file will only be transferred if the destination does not
      exist. (Choices: yes, no)

- others
      all arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here

- src
      Local path to a file to copy to the remote server; can be
      absolute or relative. If path is a directory, it is copied
      recursively. In this case, if path ends with "/", only
      inside contents of that directory are copied to destination.
      Otherwise, if it does not end with "/", the directory itself
      with all contents is copied. This behavior is similar to

- validate
      The validation command to run before copying into place.
      The path to the file to validate is passed in via '%s' which
      must be present as in the visudo example below.

Notes:    The "copy" module recursively copy facility does not scale to lots
      (>hundreds) of files. For alternative, see synchronize
      module, which is a wrapper around rsync.

# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- copy: src=/srv/myfiles/foo.conf dest=/etc/foo.conf owner=foo group=foo mode=0644

# Copy a new "ntp.conf file into place, backing up the original if it differs from the copied version
- copy: src=/mine/ntp.conf dest=/etc/ntp.conf owner=root group=root mode=644 backup=yes

# Copy a new "sudoers" file into place, after passing validation with visudo
- copy: src=/mine/sudoers dest=/etc/sudoers validate='visudo -cf %s'


Use this module to manage crontab entries. This module allows you
to create named crontab entries, update, or delete them.The module
includes one line with the description of the crontab entry
`"#Ansible: <name>"' corresponding to the "name" passed to the
module, which is used by future ansible/module calls to find/check
the state.

Options (= is mandatory):

- backup
      If set, create a backup of the crontab before it is
      modified. The location of the backup is returned in the
      `backup' variable by this module.

- cron_file
      If specified, uses this file in cron.d instead of an
      individual user's crontab.

- day
      Day of the month the job should run ( 1-31, *, */2, etc )

- hour
      Hour when the job should run ( 0-23, *, */2, etc )

- job
      The command to execute. Required if state=present.

- minute
      Minute when the job should run ( 0-59, *, */2, etc )

- month
      Month of the year the job should run ( 1-12, *, */2, etc )

- name
      Description of a crontab entry.

- reboot
      If the job should be run at reboot. This option is
      deprecated. Users should use special_time. (Choices: yes,

- special_time
      Special time specification nickname. (Choices: reboot,
      yearly, annually, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly)

- state
      Whether to ensure the job is present or absent. (Choices:
      present, absent)

- user
      The specific user who's crontab should be modified.

- weekday
      Day of the week that the job should run ( 0-7 for Sunday -
      Saturday, *, etc )

Requirements:    cron

# Ensure a job that runs at 2 and 5 exists.
# Creates an entry like "* 5,2 * * ls -alh > /dev/null"
- cron: name="check dirs" hour="5,2" job="ls -alh > /dev/null"

# Ensure an old job is no longer present. Removes any job that is prefixed
# by "#Ansible: an old job" from the crontab
- cron: name="an old job" state=absent

# Creates an entry like "@reboot /some/"
- cron: name="a job for reboot" special_time=reboot job="/some/"

# Creates a cron file under /etc/cron.d
- cron: name="yum autoupdate" weekday="2" minute=0 hour=12
        user="root" job="YUMINTERACTIVE=0 /usr/sbin/yum-autoupdate"

# Removes a cron file from under /etc/cron.d
- cron: cron_file=ansible_yum-autoupdate state=absent


Allows to post events to DataDog ( service.Uses API.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aggregation_key
      An arbitrary string to use for aggregation.

- alert_type
      Type of alert. (Choices: error, warning, info, success)

= api_key
      Your DataDog API key.

- date_happened
      POSIX timestamp of the event.Default value is now.

- priority
      The priority of the event. (Choices: normal, low)

- tags
      Comma separated list of tags to apply to the event.

= text
      The body of the event.

= title
      The event title.

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    urllib2

# Post an event with low priority
datadog_event: title="Testing from ansible" text="Test!" priority="low"
# Post an event with several tags
datadog_event: title="Testing from ansible" text="Test!"


This module prints statements during execution and can be useful
for debugging variables or expressions without necessarily halting
the playbook. Useful for debugging together with the 'when:'

Options (= is mandatory):

- msg
      The customized message that is printed. If omitted, prints a
      generic message.

- var
      A variable name to debug.  Mutually exclusive with the 'msg'

# Example that prints the loopback address and gateway for each host
- debug: msg="System {{ inventory_hostname }} has uuid {{ ansible_product_uuid }}"

- debug: msg="System {{ inventory_hostname }} has gateway {{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }}"
  when: ansible_default_ipv4.gateway is defined

- shell: /usr/bin/uptime
  register: result
- debug: var=result


Create/delete a droplet in DigitalOcean and optionally waits for
it to be 'running', or deploy an SSH key.

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Digital Ocean api key.

- client_id
      Digital Ocean manager id.

- command
      Which target you want to operate on. (Choices: droplet, ssh)

- id
      Numeric, the droplet id you want to operate on.

- image_id
      Numeric, this is the id of the image you would like the
      droplet created with.

- name
      String, this is the name of the droplet - must be formatted
      by hostname rules, or the name of a SSH key.

- private_networking
      Bool, add an additional, private network interface to
      droplet for inter-droplet communication (Choices: yes, no)

- region_id
      Numeric, this is the id of the region you would like your

- size_id
      Numeric, this is the id of the size you would like the
      droplet created at.

- ssh_key_ids
      Optional, comma separated list of ssh_key_ids that you would
      like to be added to the server

- ssh_pub_key
      The public SSH key you want to add to your account.

- state
      Indicate desired state of the target. (Choices: present,
      active, absent, deleted)

- unique_name
      Bool, require unique hostnames.  By default, digital ocean
      allows multiple hosts with the same name.  Setting this to
      "yes" allows only one host per name.  Useful for
      idempotence. (Choices: yes, no)

- virtio
      Bool, turn on virtio driver in droplet for improved network
      and storage I/O (Choices: yes, no)

- wait
      Wait for the droplet to be in state 'running' before
      returning.  If wait is "no" an ip_address may not be
      returned. (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      How long before wait gives up, in seconds.

Notes:    Two environment variables can be used, DO_CLIENT_ID and

Requirements:    dopy

# Ensure a SSH key is present
# If a key matches this name, will return the ssh key id and changed = False
# If no existing key matches this name, a new key is created, the ssh key id is returned and changed = False

- digital_ocean: >
      ssh_pub_key='ssh-rsa AAAA...'

# Create a new Droplet
# Will return the droplet details including the droplet id (used for idempotence)

- digital_ocean: >
  register: my_droplet
- debug: msg="ID is {{ }}"
- debug: msg="IP is {{ my_droplet.droplet.ip_address }}"

# Ensure a droplet is present
# If droplet id already exist, will return the droplet details and changed = False
# If no droplet matches the id, a new droplet will be created and the droplet details (including the new id) are returned, changed = True.

- digital_ocean: >

# Create a droplet with ssh key
# The ssh key id can be passed as argument at the creation of a droplet (see ssh_key_ids).
# Several keys can be added to ssh_key_ids as id1,id2,id3
# The keys are used to connect as root to the droplet.

- digital_ocean: >


Manages a Django application using the `' application
frontend to `django-admin'. With the `virtualenv' parameter, all
management commands will be executed by the given `virtualenv'

Options (= is mandatory):

= app_path
      The path to the root of the Django application where
      ** lives.

- apps
      A list of space-delimited apps to target. Used by the 'test'

- cache_table
      The name of the table used for database-backed caching. Used
      by the 'createcachetable' command.

= command
      The name of the Django management command to run. Allowed
      commands are cleanup, createcachetable, flush, loaddata,
      syncdb, test, validate. (Choices: cleanup, flush, loaddata,
      runfcgi, syncdb, test, validate, migrate, collectstatic)

- database
      The database to target. Used by the 'createcachetable',
      'flush', 'loaddata', and 'syncdb' commands.

- failfast
      Fail the command immediately if a test fails. Used by the
      'test' command. (Choices: yes, no)

- fixtures
      A space-delimited list of fixture file names to load in the
      database. *Required* by the 'loaddata' command.

- link
      Will create links to the files instead of copying them, you
      can only use this parameter with 'collectstatic' command

- merge
      Will run out-of-order or missing migrations as they are not
      rollback migrations, you can only use this parameter with
      'migrate' command

- pythonpath
      A directory to add to the Python path. Typically used to
      include the settings module if it is located external to the
      application directory.

- settings
      The Python path to the application's settings module, such
      as 'myapp.settings'.

- skip
      Will skip over out-of-order missing migrations, you can only
      use this parameter with `migrate'

- virtualenv
      An optional path to a `virtualenv' installation to use while
      running the manage application.

Notes:    `virtualenv' ( must be installed on the
      remote host if the virtualenv parameter is specified.This
      module will create a virtualenv if the virtualenv parameter
      is specified and a virtualenv does not already exist at the
      given location.This module assumes English error messages
      for the 'createcachetable' command to detect table
      existence, unfortunately.To be able to use the migrate
      command, you must have south installed and added as an app
      in your settingsTo be able to use the collectstatic command,
      you must have enabled staticfiles in your settings

Requirements:    virtualenv, django

# Run cleanup on the application installed in 'django_dir'.
- django_manage: command=cleanup app_path={{ django_dir }}

# Load the initial_data fixture into the application
- django_manage: command=loaddata app_path={{ django_dir }} fixtures={{ initial_data }}

#Run syncdb on the application
- django_manage: >
      app_path={{ django_dir }}
      settings={{ settings_app_name }}
      pythonpath={{ settings_dir }}
      virtualenv={{ virtualenv_dir }}

#Run the SmokeTest test case from the main app. Useful for testing deploys.
- django_manage: command=test app_path=django_dir apps=main.SmokeTest


Manages DNS records via the v2 REST API of the DNS Made Easy
service.  It handles records only; there is no manipulation of
domains or monitor/account support yet. See:

Options (= is mandatory):

= account_key
      Accout API Key.

= account_secret
      Accout Secret Key.

= domain
      Domain to work with. Can be the domain name (e.g.
      "") or the numeric ID of the domain in DNS Made
      Easy (e.g. "839989") for faster resolution.

- record_name
      Record name to get/create/delete/update. If record_name is
      not specified; all records for the domain will be returned
      in "result" regardless of the state argument.

- record_ttl
      record's "Time to live".  Number of seconds the record
      remains cached in DNS servers.

- record_type
      Record type. (Choices: A, AAAA, CNAME, HTTPRED, MX, NS, PTR,
      SRV, TXT)

- record_value
      Record value. HTTPRED: <redirection URL>, MX: <priority>
      <target name>, NS: <name server>, PTR: <target name>, SRV:
      <priority> <weight> <port> <target name>, TXT: <text
      value>If record_value is not specified; no changes will be
      made and the record will be returned in 'result' (in other
      words, this module can be used to fetch a record's current
      id, type, and ttl)

= state
      whether the record should exist or not (Choices: present,

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    The DNS Made Easy service requires that machines interacting with
      the API have the proper time and timezone set. Be sure you
      are within a few seconds of actual time by using NTP.This
      module returns record(s) in the "result" element when
      'state' is set to 'present'. This value can be be registered
      and used in your playbooks.

Requirements:    urllib, urllib2, hashlib, hmac

# fetch domain records
- dnsmadeeasy: account_key=key account_secret=secret state=present
  register: response

# create / ensure the presence of a record
- dnsmadeeasy: account_key=key account_secret=secret state=present record_name="test" record_type="A" record_value=""

# update the previously created record
- dnsmadeeasy: account_key=key account_secret=secret state=present record_name="test" record_value=""

# fetch a specific record
- dnsmadeeasy: account_key=key account_secret=secret state=present record_name="test"
  register: response

# delete a record / ensure it is absent
- dnsmadeeasy: account_key=key account_secret=secret state=absent record_name="test"


Manage the life cycle of docker containers.

Options (= is mandatory):

- command
      Set command to run in a container on startup

- count
      Set number of containers to run

- detach
      Enable detached mode on start up, leaves container running
      in background

- dns
      Set custom DNS servers for the container

- docker_url
      URL of docker host to issue commands to

- env
      Set environment variables (e.g.

- expose
      Set container ports to expose for port mappings or links.
      (If the port is already exposed using EXPOSE in a
      Dockerfile, you don't need to expose it again.)

- hostname
      Set container hostname

= image
      Set container image to use

- links
      Link container(s) to other container(s) (e.g.

- lxc_conf
      LXC config parameters,  e.g. lxc.aa_profile:unconfined

- memory_limit
      Set RAM allocated to container

- name
      Set the name of the container (cannot use with count)

- password
      Set remote API password

- ports
      Set private to public port mapping specification using
      docker CLI-style syntax [([<host_interface>:[host_port]])|(<

- privileged
      Set whether the container should run in privileged mode

- publish_all_ports
      Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces

- state
      Set the state of the container (Choices: present, stopped,
      absent, killed, restarted)

- username
      Set remote API username

- volumes
      Set volume(s) to mount on the container

- volumes_from
      Set shared volume(s) from another container

Requirements:    docker-py >= 0.3.0

Start one docker container running tomcat in each host of the web group and bind tomcat's listening port to 8080
on the host:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: run tomcat servers
    docker: image=centos command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080

The tomcat server's port is NAT'ed to a dynamic port on the host, but you can determine which port the server was
mapped to using docker_containers:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: run tomcat servers
    docker: image=centos command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080 count=5
  - name: Display IP address and port mappings for containers
    debug: msg={{inventory_hostname}}:{{item['HostConfig']['PortBindings']['8080/tcp'][0]['HostPort']}}
    with_items: docker_containers

Just as in the previous example, but iterates over the list of docker containers with a sequence:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
    start_containers_count: 5
  - name: run tomcat servers
    docker: image=centos command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080 count={{start_containers_count}}
  - name: Display IP address and port mappings for containers
    debug: msg="{{inventory_hostname}}:{{docker_containers[{{item}}]['HostConfig']['PortBindings']['8080/tcp'][0]['HostPort']}}"
    with_sequence: start=0 end={{start_containers_count - 1}}

Stop, remove all of the running tomcat containers and list the exit code from the stopped containers:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: stop tomcat servers
    docker: image=centos command="service tomcat6 start" state=absent
  - name: Display return codes from stopped containers
    debug: msg="Returned {{inventory_hostname}}:{{item}}"
    with_items: docker_containers

Create a named container:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: run tomcat server
    docker: image=centos name=tomcat command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080

Create multiple named containers:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: run tomcat servers
    docker: image=centos name={{item}} command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080
      - crookshank
      - snowbell
      - heathcliff
      - felix
      - sylvester

Create containers named in a sequence:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: run tomcat servers
    docker: image=centos name={{item}} command="service tomcat6 start" ports=8080
    with_sequence: start=1 end=5

Create two linked containers:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: ensure redis container is running
    docker: image=crosbymichael/redis name=redis

  - name: ensure redis_ambassador container is running
    docker: image=svendowideit/ambassador ports=6379:6379 links=redis:redis name=redis_ambassador_ansible

Create containers with options specified as key-value pairs and lists:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - docker:
        image: namespace/image_name
          - postgresql:db
          - redis:redis

Create containers with options specified as strings and lists as comma-separated strings:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  docker: image=namespace/image_name links=postgresql:db,redis:redis


Create, check and remove docker images

Options (= is mandatory):

- docker_url
      URL of docker host to issue commands to

= name
      Image name to work with

- nocache
      Do not use cache with building

- path
      Path to directory with Dockerfile

- state
      Set the state of the image (Choices: present, absent, build)

- tag
      Image tag to work with

- timeout
      Set image operation timeout

Requirements:    docker-py

Build docker image if required. Path should contains Dockerfile to build image:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: check or build image
    docker_image: path="/path/to/build/dir" name="my/app" state=present

Build new version of image:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: check or build image
    docker_image: path="/path/to/build/dir" name="my/app" state=build

Remove image from local docker storage:

- hosts: web
  sudo: yes
  - name: run tomcat servers
    docker_image: name="my/app" state=absent


Installs Python libraries, optionally in a `virtualenv'

Options (= is mandatory):

- executable
      The explicit executable or a pathname to the executable to
      be used to run easy_install for a specific version of Python
      installed in the system. For example `easy_install-3.3', if
      there are both Python 2.7 and 3.3 installations in the
      system and you want to run easy_install for the Python 3.3

= name
      A Python library name

- virtualenv
      an optional `virtualenv' directory path to install into. If
      the `virtualenv' does not exist, it is created automatically

- virtualenv_command
      The command to create the virtual environment with. For
      example `pyvenv', `virtualenv', `virtualenv2'.

- virtualenv_site_packages
      Whether the virtual environment will inherit packages from
      the global site-packages directory.  Note that if this
      setting is changed on an already existing virtual
      environment it will not have any effect, the environment
      must be deleted and newly created. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    Please note that the [easy_install] module can only install Python
      libraries. Thus this module is not able to remove libraries.
      It is generally recommended to use the [pip] module which
      you can first install using [easy_install].Also note that
      `virtualenv' must be installed on the remote host if the
      `virtualenv' parameter is specified.

Requirements:    virtualenv

# Examples from Ansible Playbooks
- easy_install: name=pip

# Install Bottle into the specified virtualenv.
- easy_install: name=bottle virtualenv=/webapps/myapp/venv

> EC2

Creates or terminates ec2 instances. When created optionally waits
for it to be 'running'. This module has a dependency on python-
boto >= 2.5

Options (= is mandatory):

- assign_public_ip
      when provisioning within vpc, assign a public IP address.
      Boto library must be 2.13.0+

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- count
      number of instances to launch

- count_tag
      Used with 'exact_count' to determine how many nodes based on
      a specific tag criteria should be running.  This can be
      expressed in multiple ways and is shown in the EXAMPLES
      section.  For instance, one can request 25 servers that are
      tagged with "class=webserver".

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints).  Must be
      specified if region is not used. If not set then the value
      of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used

- exact_count
      An integer value which indicates how many instances that
      match the 'count_tag' parameter should be running. Instances
      are either created or terminated based on this value.

- group
      security group (or list of groups) to use with the instance

- group_id
      security group id (or list of ids) to use with the instance

- id
      identifier for this instance or set of instances, so that
      the module will be idempotent with respect to EC2 instances.
      This identifier is valid for at least 24 hours after the
      termination of the instance, and should not be reused for
      another call later on. For details, see the description of
      client token at

= image
      `emi' (or `ami') to use for the instance

- instance_ids
      list of instance ids, currently only used when

- instance_profile_name
      Name of the IAM instance profile to use. Boto library must
      be 2.5.0+

- instance_tags
      a hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance;
      '{"key":"value"}' and '{"key":"value","key":"value"}'

= instance_type
      instance type to use for the instance

- kernel
      kernel `eki' to use for the instance

- key_name
      key pair to use on the instance

- monitoring
      enable detailed monitoring (CloudWatch) for instance

- placement_group
      placement group for the instance when using EC2 Clustered

- private_ip
      the private ip address to assign the instance (from the vpc

- ramdisk
      ramdisk `eri' to use for the instance

- region
      The AWS region to use.  Must be specified if ec2_url is not
      used. If not specified then the value of the EC2_REGION
      environment variable, if any, is used.

- state
      create or terminate instances

- user_data
      opaque blob of data which is made available to the ec2

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

- volumes
      a list of volume dicts, each containing device name and
      optionally ephemeral id or snapshot id. Size and type (and
      number of iops for io device type) must be specified for a
      new volume or a root volume, and may be passed for a
      snapshot volume. For any volume, a volume size less than 1
      will be interpreted as a request not to create the volume.

- vpc_subnet_id
      the subnet ID in which to launch the instance (VPC)

- wait
      wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before
      returning (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

- zone
      AWS availability zone in which to launch the instance

Requirements:    boto

# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region.
# It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set.

# Basic provisioning example
- local_action:
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    instance_type: c1.medium
    image: emi-40603AD1
    wait: yes
    group: webserver
    count: 3

# Advanced example with tagging and CloudWatch
- local_action:
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    group: databases
    instance_type: m1.large
    image: ami-6e649707
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 500
    count: 5
       db: postgres
    monitoring: yes

# Single instance with additional IOPS volume from snapshot
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    group: webserver
    instance_type: m1.large
    image: ami-6e649707
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 500
    - device_name: /dev/sdb
      snapshot: snap-abcdef12
      device_type: io1
      iops: 1000
      volume_size: 100
    monitoring: yes

# Multiple groups example
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    group: ['databases', 'internal-services', 'sshable', 'and-so-forth']
    instance_type: m1.large
    image: ami-6e649707
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 500
    count: 5
        db: postgres
    monitoring: yes

# Multiple instances with additional volume from snapshot
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    group: webserver
    instance_type: m1.large
    image: ami-6e649707
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 500
    count: 5
    - device_name: /dev/sdb
      snapshot: snap-abcdef12
      volume_size: 10
    monitoring: yes

# VPC example
- local_action:
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    group_id: sg-1dc53f72
    instance_type: m1.small
    image: ami-6e649707
    wait: yes
    vpc_subnet_id: subnet-29e63245
    assign_public_ip: yes

# Launch instances, runs some tasks
# and then terminate them

- name: Create a sandbox instance
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
    key_name: my_keypair
    instance_type: m1.small
    security_group: my_securitygroup
    image: my_ami_id
    region: us-east-1
    - name: Launch instance
      local_action: ec2 key_name={{ keypair }} group={{ security_group }} instance_type={{ instance_type }} image={{ image }} wait=true region={{ region }}
      register: ec2
    - name: Add new instance to host group
      local_action: add_host hostname={{ item.public_ip }} groupname=launched
      with_items: ec2.instances
    - name: Wait for SSH to come up
      local_action: wait_for host={{ item.public_dns_name }} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
      with_items: ec2.instances

- name: Configure instance(s)
  hosts: launched
  sudo: True
  gather_facts: True
    - my_awesome_role
    - my_awesome_test

- name: Terminate instances
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Terminate instances that were previously launched
        module: ec2
        state: 'absent'
        instance_ids: '{{ ec2.instance_ids }}'

# Start a few existing instances, run some tasks
# and stop the instances

- name: Start sandbox instances
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
      - 'i-xxxxxx'
      - 'i-xxxxxx'
      - 'i-xxxxxx'
    region: us-east-1
    - name: Start the sandbox instances
        module: ec2
        instance_ids: '{{ instance_ids }}'
        region: '{{ region }}'
        state: running
        wait: True
    - do_neat_stuff
    - do_more_neat_stuff

- name: Stop sandbox instances
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
      - 'i-xxxxxx'
      - 'i-xxxxxx'
      - 'i-xxxxxx'
    region: us-east-1
    - name: Stop the sanbox instances
      module: ec2
      instance_ids: '{{ instance_ids }}'
      region: '{{ region }}'
      state: stopped
      wait: True

# Enforce that 5 instances with a tag "foo" are running

- local_action:
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    instance_type: c1.medium
    image: emi-40603AD1
    wait: yes
    group: webserver
        foo: bar
    exact_count: 5
    count_tag: foo

# Enforce that 5 running instances named "database" with a "dbtype" of "postgres"

- local_action:
    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    instance_type: c1.medium
    image: emi-40603AD1
    wait: yes
    group: webserver
        Name: database
        dbtype: postgres
    exact_count: 5
        Name: database
        dbtype: postgres

# count_tag complex argument examples

    # instances with tag foo

    # instances with tag foo=bar
        foo: bar

    # instances with tags foo=bar & baz
        foo: bar

    # instances with tags foo & bar & baz=bang
        - foo
        - bar
        - baz: bang


Creates or deletes ec2 images. This module has a dependency on
python-boto >= 2.5

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- delete_snapshot
      Whether or not to deleted an AMI while deregistering it.

- description
      An optional human-readable string describing the contents
      and purpose of the AMI.

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints).  Must be
      specified if region is not used. If not set then the value
      of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used

- image_id
      Image ID to be deregistered.

- instance_id
      instance id of the image to create

- name
      The name of the new image to create

- no_reboot
      An optional flag indicating that the bundling process should
      not attempt to shutdown the instance before bundling. If
      this flag is True, the responsibility of maintaining file
      system integrity is left to the owner of the instance. The
      default choice is "no". (Choices: yes, no)

- region
      The AWS region to use.  Must be specified if ec2_url is not
      used. If not specified then the value of the EC2_REGION
      environment variable, if any, is used.

- state
      create or deregister/delete image

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

- wait
      wait for the AMI to be in state 'available' before
      returning. (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

Requirements:    boto

# Basic AMI Creation
- local_action:
    module: ec2_ami
    aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    instance_id: i-xxxxxx
    wait: yes
    name: newtest
  register: instance

# Basic AMI Creation, without waiting
- local_action:
    module: ec2_ami
    aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    region: xxxxxx
    instance_id: i-xxxxxx
    wait: no
    name: newtest
  register: instance

# Deregister/Delete AMI
- local_action:
    module: ec2_ami
    aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    region: xxxxxx
    image_id: ${instance.image_id}
    delete_snapshot: True
    state: absent

# Deregister AMI
- local_action:
    module: ec2_ami
    aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    region: xxxxxx
    image_id: ${instance.image_id}
    delete_snapshot: False
    state: absent


This module associates AWS EC2 elastic IP addresses with instances

Options (= is mandatory):

- ec2_access_key
      EC2 access key. If not specified then the EC2_ACCESS_KEY
      environment variable is used.

- ec2_secret_key
      EC2 secret key. If not specified then the EC2_SECRET_KEY
      environment variable is used.

- ec2_url
      URL to use to connect to EC2-compatible cloud (by default
      the module will use EC2 endpoints)

- in_vpc
      allocate an EIP inside a VPC or not

- instance_id
      The EC2 instance id

- public_ip
      The elastic IP address to associate with the instance.If
      absent, allocate a new address

- region
      the EC2 region to use

- state
      If present, associate the IP with the instance.If absent,
      disassociate the IP with the instance. (Choices: present,

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    This module will return `public_ip' on success, which will contain
      the public IP address associated with the instance.There may
      be a delay between the time the Elastic IP is assigned and
      when the cloud instance is reachable via the new address.
      Use wait_for and pause to delay further playbook execution
      until the instance is reachable, if necessary.

Requirements:    boto

- name: associate an elastic IP with an instance
  ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip=

- name: disassociate an elastic IP from an instance
  ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip= state=absent

- name: allocate a new elastic IP and associate it with an instance
  ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003

- name: allocate a new elastic IP without associating it to anything
  register: eip
- name: output the IP
  debug: msg="Allocated IP is {{ eip.public_ip }}"

- name: provision new instances with ec2
  ec2: keypair=mykey instance_type=c1.medium image=emi-40603AD1 wait=yes group=webserver count=3
  register: ec2
- name: associate new elastic IPs with each of the instances
  ec2_eip: "instance_id={{ item }}"
  with_items: ec2.instance_ids

- name: allocate a new elastic IP inside a VPC in us-west-2
  ec2_eip: region=us-west-2 in_vpc=yes
  register: eip
- name: output the IP
  debug: msg="Allocated IP inside a VPC is {{ eip.public_ip }}"


This module de-registers or registers an AWS EC2 instance from the
ELBs that it belongs to.Returns fact "ec2_elbs" which is a list of
elbs attached to the instance if state=absent is passed as an
argument.Will be marked changed when called only if there are ELBs
found to operate on.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- ec2_elbs
      List of ELB names, required for registration. The ec2_elbs
      fact should be used if there was a previous de-register.

- enable_availability_zone
      Whether to enable the availability zone of the instance on
      the target ELB if the availability zone has not already been
      enabled. If set to no, the task will fail if the
      availability zone is not enabled on the ELB. (Choices: yes,

= instance_id
      EC2 Instance ID

- region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

= state
      register or deregister the instance (Choices: present,

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

- wait
      Wait for instance registration or deregistration to complete
      successfully before returning. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    boto

# basic pre_task and post_task example
  - name: Gathering ec2 facts
  - name: Instance De-register
    local_action: ec2_elb
      instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
      state: 'absent'
  - myrole
  - name: Instance Register
    local_action: ec2_elb
      instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
      ec2_elbs: "{{ item }}"
      state: 'present'
    with_items: ec2_elbs


Creates or destroys Amazon ELB.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- health_check
      An associative array of health check configuration settigs
      (see example)

- listeners
      List of ports/protocols for this ELB to listen on (see

= name
      The name of the ELB

- purge_listeners
      Purge existing listeners on ELB that are not found in

- purge_zones
      Purge existing availability zones on ELB that are not found
      in zones

- region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

= state
      Create or destroy the ELB

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

- zones
      List of availability zones to enable on this ELB

Requirements:    boto

# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region.
# It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set.

# Basic provisioning example
- local_action:
    module: ec2_elb_lb
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: present
      - us-east-1a
      - us-east-1d
      - protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp
        load_balancer_port: 80
        instance_port: 80
      - protocol: https
        load_balancer_port: 443
        instance_protocol: http # optional, defaults to value of protocol setting
        instance_port: 80
        # ssl certificate required for https or ssl
        ssl_certificate_id: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/company/servercerts/ProdServerCert"

# Configure a health check
- local_action:
    module: ec2_elb_lb
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: present
      - us-east-1d
      - protocol: http
        load_balancer_port: 80
        instance_port: 80
        ping_protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp
        ping_port: 80
        ping_path: "/index.html" # not required for tcp or ssl
        response_timeout: 5 # seconds
        interval: 30 # seconds
        unhealthy_threshold: 2
        healthy_threshold: 10

# Ensure ELB is gone
- local_action:
    module: ec2_elb_lb
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: absent

# Normally, this module will purge any listeners that exist on the ELB
# but aren't specified in the listeners parameter. If purge_listeners is
# false it leaves them alone
- local_action:
    module: ec2_elb_lb
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: present
      - us-east-1a
      - us-east-1d
      - protocol: http
        load_balancer_port: 80
        instance_port: 80
    purge_listeners: no

# Normally, this module will leave availability zones that are enabled
# on the ELB alone. If purge_zones is true, then any extreneous zones
# will be removed
- local_action:
    module: ec2_elb_lb
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: present
      - us-east-1a
      - us-east-1d
      - protocol: http
        load_balancer_port: 80
        instance_port: 80
    purge_zones: yes


This module fetches data from the metadata servers in ec2 (aws).
Eucalyptus cloud provides a similar service and this module should
work this cloud provider as well.

Options (= is mandatory):

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    Parameters to filter on ec2_facts may be added later.

# Conditional example
- name: Gather facts
  action: ec2_facts

- name: Conditional
  action: debug msg="This instance is a t1.micro"
  when: ansible_ec2_instance_type == "t1.micro"


maintains ec2 security groups. This module has a dependency on
python-boto >= 2.5

Options (= is mandatory):

= description
      Description of the security group.

- ec2_access_key
      EC2 access key

- ec2_secret_key
      EC2 secret key

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints)

= name
      Name of the security group.

- region
      the EC2 region to use

= rules
      List of firewall rules to enforce in this group (see

- state
      create or delete security group

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

- vpc_id
      ID of the VPC to create the group in.

Requirements:    boto

- name: example ec2 group
    module: ec2_group
    name: example
    description: an example EC2 group
    vpc_id: 12345
    region: eu-west-1a
    ec2_secret_key: SECRET
    ec2_access_key: ACCESS
      - proto: tcp
        from_port: 80
        to_port: 80
      - proto: tcp
        from_port: 22
        to_port: 22
      - proto: udp
        from_port: 10050
        to_port: 10050
      - proto: udp
        from_port: 10051
        to_port: 10051
        group_id: sg-12345678
      - proto: all
        # the containing group name may be specified here
        group_name: example


maintains ec2 key pairs. This module has a dependency on python-
boto >= 2.5

Options (= is mandatory):

- ec2_access_key
      EC2 access key

- ec2_secret_key
      EC2 secret key

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints)

- key_material
      Public key material.

= name
      Name of the key pair.

- region
      the EC2 region to use

- state
      create or delete keypair

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    boto

# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region.
# It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set.

# Creates a new ec2 key pair named `example` if not present, returns generated
# private key
- name: example ec2 key
    module: ec2_key
    name: example

# Creates a new ec2 key pair named `example` if not present using provided key
# material
- name: example2 ec2 key
    module: ec2_key
    name: example2
    key_material: 'ssh-rsa AAAAxyz...=='
    state: present

# Creates a new ec2 key pair named `example` if not present using provided key
# material
- name: example3 ec2 key
    module: ec2_key
    name: example3
    key_material: "{{ item }}"
  with_file: /path/to/

# Removes ec2 key pair by name
- name: remove example key
    module: ec2_key
    name: example
    state: absent


creates an EC2 snapshot from an existing EBS volume

Options (= is mandatory):

- description
      description to be applied to the snapshot

- device_name
      device name of a mounted volume to be snapshotted

- ec2_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- ec2_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints).  Must be
      specified if region is not used. If not set then the value
      of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used

- instance_id
      instance that has a the required volume to snapshot mounted

- region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

- volume_id
      volume from which to take the snapshot

Requirements:    boto

# Simple snapshot of volume using volume_id
- local_action:
    module: ec2_snapshot
    volume_id: vol-abcdef12
    description: snapshot of /data from DB123 taken 2013/11/28 12:18:32

# Snapshot of volume mounted on device_name attached to instance_id
- local_action:
    module: ec2_snapshot
    instance_id: i-12345678
    device_name: /dev/sdb1
    description: snapshot of /data from DB123 taken 2013/11/28 12:18:32


Creates and removes tags from any EC2 resource.  The resource is
referenced by its resource id (e.g. an instance being i-XXXXXXX).
It is designed to be used with complex args (tags), see the
examples.  This module has a dependency on python-boto.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints).  Must be
      specified if region is not used. If not set then the value
      of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used.

- region
      region in which the resource exists.

= resource
      The EC2 resource id.

- state
      Whether the tags should be present or absent on the
      resource. (Choices: present, absent)

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    boto

# Basic example of adding tag(s)
- name: tag a resource
  local_action: ec2_tag resource=vol-XXXXXX region=eu-west-1 state=present
      Name: ubervol
      env: prod

# Playbook example of adding tag(s) to spawned instances
- name: launch some instances
  local_action: ec2 keypair={{ keypair }} group={{ security_group }} instance_type={{ instance_type }} image={{ image_id }} wait=true region=eu-west-1
  register: ec2

- name: tag my launched instances
  local_action: ec2_tag resource={{ }} region=eu-west-1 state=present
  with_items: ec2.instances
      Name: webserver
      env: prod


creates an EBS volume and optionally attaches it to an instance.
If both an instance ID and a device name is given and the instance
has a device at the device name, then no volume is created and no
attachment is made.  This module has a dependency on python-boto.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- device_name
      device id to override device mapping. Assumes /dev/sdf for
      Linux/UNIX and /dev/xvdf for Windows.

- ec2_url
      Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by
      default the module will use EC2 endpoints).  Must be
      specified if region is not used. If not set then the value
      of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used

- instance
      instance ID if you wish to attach the volume.

- iops
      the provisioned IOPs you want to associate with this volume

- region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

- snapshot
      snapshot ID on which to base the volume

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

= volume_size
      size of volume (in GB) to create.

- zone
      zone in which to create the volume, if unset uses the zone
      the instance is in (if set)

Requirements:    boto

# Simple attachment action
- local_action:
    module: ec2_vol
    instance: XXXXXX
    volume_size: 5
    device_name: sdd

# Example using custom iops params
- local_action:
    module: ec2_vol
    instance: XXXXXX
    volume_size: 5
    iops: 200
    device_name: sdd

# Example using snapshot id
- local_action:
    module: ec2_vol
    instance: XXXXXX
    snapshot: "{{ snapshot }}"

# Playbook example combined with instance launch
- local_action:
    module: ec2
    keypair: "{{ keypair }}"
    image: "{{ image }}"
    wait: yes
    count: 3
    register: ec2
- local_action:
    module: ec2_vol
    instance: "{{ }} "
    volume_size: 5
    with_items: ec2.instances
    register: ec2_vol


Create or terminates AWS virtual private clouds.  This module has
a dependency on python-boto.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

= cidr_block
      The cidr block representing the VPC, e.g.

- dns_hostnames
      toggles the "Enable DNS hostname support for instances" flag
      (Choices: yes, no)

- dns_support
      toggles the "Enable DNS resolution" flag (Choices: yes, no)

- instance_tenancy
      The supported tenancy options for instances launched into
      the VPC. (Choices: default, dedicated)

- internet_gateway
      Toggle whether there should be an Internet gateway attached
      to the VPC (Choices: yes, no)

- region
      region in which the resource exists.

- route_tables
      A dictionary array of route tables to add of the form: {
      subnets: [,,], routes: [{ dest:, gw: igw},] }. Where the subnets list is those
      subnets the route table should be associated with, and the
      routes list is a list of routes to be in the table.  The
      special keyword for the gw of igw specifies that you should
      the route should go through the internet gateway attached to
      the VPC. gw also accepts instance-ids in addition igw. This
      module is currently unable to affect the 'main' route table
      due to some limitations in boto, so you must explicitly
      define the associated subnets or they will be attached to
      the main table implicitly.

= state
      Create or terminate the VPC

- subnets
      A dictionary array of subnets to add of the form: { cidr:
      ..., az: ... }. Where az is the desired availability zone of
      the subnet, but it is not required. All VPC subnets not in
      this list will be removed.

- validate_certs
      When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for
      boto versions >= 2.6.0. (Choices: yes, no)

- vpc_id
      A VPC id to terminate when state=absent

- wait
      wait for the VPC to be in state 'available' before returning
      (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

Requirements:    boto

# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region.
# It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set.

# Basic creation example:
        module: ec2_vpc
        state: present
        region: us-west-2
# Full creation example with subnets and optional availability zones.
# The absence or presense of subnets deletes or creates them respectively.
        module: ec2_vpc
        state: present
          - cidr:
            az: us-west-2c
          - cidr:
            az: us-west-2b
          - cidr:
            az: us-west-2a
        internet_gateway: True
          - subnets:
              - dest:
                gw: igw
          - subnets:
              - dest:
                gw: igw
        region: us-west-2
      register: vpc

# Removal of a VPC by id
        module: ec2_vpc
        state: absent
        vpc_id: vpc-aaaaaaa
        region: us-west-2
If you have added elements not managed by this module, e.g. instances, NATs, etc then
the delete will fail until those dependencies are removed.


This module provides user management for ejabberd servers

Options (= is mandatory):

= host
      the ejabberd host associated with this username

- logging
      enables or disables the local syslog facility for this
      module (Choices: true, false, yes, no)

- password
      the password to assign to the username

- state
      describe the desired state of the user to be managed
      (Choices: present, absent)

= username
      the name of the user to manage

Notes:    Password parameter is required for state == present onlyPasswords
      must be stored in clear text for this release

Requirements:    ejabberd

Example playbook entries using the ejabberd_user module to manage users state.


    - name: create a user if it does not exists
      action: ejabberd_user username=test host=server password=password

    - name: delete a user if it exists
      action: ejabberd_user username=test host=server state=absent


Manage cache clusters in Amazon Elasticache.Returns information
about the specified cache cluster.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- cache_engine_version
      The version number of the cache engine

- cache_port
      The port number on which each of the cache nodes will accept

- cache_security_groups
      A list of cache security group names to associate with this
      cache cluster

- engine
      Name of the cache engine to be used (memcached or redis)

- hard_modify
      Whether to destroy and recreate an existing cache cluster if
      necessary in order to modify its state (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      The cache cluster identifier

- node_type
      The compute and memory capacity of the nodes in the cache

- num_nodes
      The initial number of cache nodes that the cache cluster
      will have

- region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

= state
      `absent' or `present' are idempotent actions that will
      create or destroy a cache cluster as needed. `rebooted' will
      reboot the cluster, resulting in a momentary outage.
      (Choices: present, absent, rebooted)

- wait
      Wait for cache cluster result before returning (Choices:
      yes, no)

- zone
      The EC2 Availability Zone in which the cache cluster will be

Requirements:    boto

# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region.
# It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set.

# Basic example
- local_action:
    module: elasticache
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: present
    engine: memcached
    cache_engine_version: 1.4.14
    node_type: cache.m1.small
    num_nodes: 1
    cache_port: 11211
      - default
    zone: us-east-1d

# Ensure cache cluster is gone
- local_action:
    module: elasticache
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: absent

# Reboot cache cluster
- local_action:
    module: elasticache
    name: "test-please-delete"
    state: rebooted


Runs the `facter' discovery program
( on the remote system,
returning JSON data that can be useful for inventory purposes.

Requirements:    facter, ruby-json

# Example command-line invocation
ansible -m facter


This module fails the progress with a custom message. It can be
useful for bailing out when a certain condition is met using

Options (= is mandatory):

- msg
      The customized message used for failing execution. If
      omitted, fail will simple bail out with a generic message.

# Example playbook using fail and when together
- fail: msg="The system may not be provisioned according to the CMDB status."
  when: cmdb_status != "to-be-staged"


This module works like [copy], but in reverse. It is used for
fetching files from remote machines and storing them locally in a
file tree, organized by hostname. Note that this module is written
to transfer log files that might not be present, so a missing
remote file won't be an error unless fail_on_missing is set to

Options (= is mandatory):

= dest
      A directory to save the file into. For example, if the
      `dest' directory is `/backup' a `src' file named
      `/etc/profile' on host `', would be saved
      into `/backup/'

- fail_on_missing
      Makes it fails when the source file is missing. (Choices:
      yes, no)

- flat
      Allows you to override the default behavior of prepending
      hostname/path/to/file to the destination.  If dest ends with
      '/', it will use the basename of the source file, similar to
      the copy module.  Obviously this is only handy if the
      filenames are unique.

= src
      The file on the remote system to fetch. This `must' be a
      file, not a directory. Recursive fetching may be supported
      in a later release.

- validate_md5
      Verify that the source and destination md5sums match after
      the files are fetched. (Choices: yes, no)

# Store file into /tmp/fetched/
- fetch: src=/tmp/somefile dest=/tmp/fetched

# Specifying a path directly
- fetch: src=/tmp/somefile dest=/tmp/prefix-{{ ansible_hostname }} flat=yes

# Specifying a destination path
- fetch: src=/tmp/uniquefile dest=/tmp/special/ flat=yes

# Storing in a path relative to the playbook
- fetch: src=/tmp/uniquefile dest=special/prefix-{{ ansible_hostname }} flat=yes


Sets attributes of files, symlinks, and directories, or removes
files/symlinks/directories. Many other modules support the same
options as the [file] module - including [copy], [template], and

Options (= is mandatory):

- force
      force the creation of the symlinks in two cases: the source
      file does not exist (but will appear later); the destination
      exists and is a file (so, we need to unlink the "path" file
      and create symlink to the "src" file in place of it).
      (Choices: yes, no)

- group
      name of the group that should own the file/directory, as
      would be fed to `chown' (Choices: )

- mode
      mode the file or directory should be, such as 0644 as would
      be fed to `chmod' (Choices: )

- owner
      name of the user that should own the file/directory, as
      would be fed to `chown' (Choices: )

= path
      path to the file being managed.  Aliases: `dest', `name'

- recurse
      recursively set the specified file attributes (applies only
      to state=directory) (Choices: yes, no)

- selevel
      level part of the SELinux file context. This is the MLS/MCS
      attribute, sometimes known as the `range'. `_default'
      feature works as for `seuser'. (Choices: )

- serole
      role part of SELinux file context, `_default' feature works
      as for `seuser'. (Choices: )

- setype
      type part of SELinux file context, `_default' feature works
      as for `seuser'. (Choices: )

- seuser
      user part of SELinux file context. Will default to system
      policy, if applicable. If set to `_default', it will use the
      `user' portion of the policy if available (Choices: )

- src
      path of the file to link to (applies only to `state=link').
      Will accept absolute, relative and nonexisting paths.
      Relative paths are not expanded. (Choices: )

- state
      If `directory', all immediate subdirectories will be created
      if they do not exist. If `file', the file will NOT be
      created if it does not exist, see the [copy] or [template]
      module if you want that behavior. If `link', the symbolic
      link will be created or changed. Use `hard' for hardlinks.
      If `absent', directories will be recursively deleted, and
      files or symlinks will be unlinked. If `touch' (new in 1.4),
      an empty file will be created if the c(dest) does not exist,
      while an existing file or directory will receive updated
      file access and modification times (similar to the way
      `touch` works from the command line). (Choices: file, link,
      directory, hard, touch, absent)

Notes:    See also [copy], [template], [assemble]

- file: path=/etc/foo.conf owner=foo group=foo mode=0644
- file: src=/file/to/link/to dest=/path/to/symlink owner=foo group=foo state=link


This module creates file system.

Options (= is mandatory):

= dev
      Target block device.

- force
      If yes, allows to create new filesystem on devices that
      already has filesystem. (Choices: yes, no)

= fstype
      File System type to be created.

- opts
      List of options to be passed to mkfs command.

Notes:    uses mkfs command

# Create a ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb1.
- filesystem: fstype=ext2 dev=/dev/sdb1

# Create a ext4 filesystem on /dev/sdb1 and check disk blocks.
- filesystem: fstype=ext4 dev=/dev/sdb1 opts="-cc"


This modules launches an ephemeral `fireball' ZeroMQ message bus
daemon on the remote node which Ansible can use to communicate
with nodes at high speed.The daemon listens on a configurable port
for a configurable amount of time.Starting a new fireball as a
given user terminates any existing user fireballs.Fireball mode is
AES encrypted

Options (= is mandatory):

- minutes
      The `fireball' listener daemon is started on nodes and will
      stay around for this number of minutes before turning itself

- port
      TCP port for ZeroMQ

Notes:    See the advanced playbooks chapter for more about using fireball

Requirements:    zmq, keyczar

# This example playbook has two plays: the first launches 'fireball' mode on all hosts via SSH, and
# the second actually starts using it for subsequent management over the fireball connection

- hosts: devservers
  gather_facts: false
  connection: ssh
  sudo: yes
      - action: fireball

- hosts: devservers
  connection: fireball
      - command: /usr/bin/anything


This module allows for addition or deletion of services and ports
either tcp or udp in either running or permanent firewalld rules

Options (= is mandatory):

= permanent
      Should this configuration be in the running firewalld
      configuration or persist across reboots

- port
      Name of a port to add/remove to/from firewalld must be in
      the form PORT/PROTOCOL

- rich_rule
      Rich rule to add/remove to/from firewalld

- service
      Name of a service to add/remove to/from firewalld - service
      must be listed in /etc/services

= state
      Should this port accept(enabled) or reject(disabled)

- timeout
      The amount of time the rule should be in effect for when

- zone
      The firewalld zone to add/remove to/from (NOTE: default zone
      can be configured per system but "public" is default from
      upstream. Available choices can be extended based on per-
      system configs, listed here are "out of the box" defaults).
      (Choices: work, drop, internal, external, trusted, home,
      dmz, public, block)

Notes:    Not tested on any debian based system

Requirements:    firewalld >= 0.2.11

- firewalld: service=https permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: port=8081/tcp permanent=true state=disabled
- firewalld: zone=dmz service=http permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: rich_rule='rule service name="ftp" audit limit value="1/m" accept' permanent=true state=enabled


Send a message to a flowdock team inbox or chat using the push API
(see and

Options (= is mandatory):

- external_user_name
      (chat only - required) Name of the "user" sending the

- from_address
      (inbox only - required) Email address of the message sender

- from_name
      (inbox only) Name of the message sender

- link
      (inbox only) Link associated with the message. This will be
      used to link the message subject in Team Inbox.

= msg
      Content of the message

- project
      (inbox only) Human readable identifier for more detailed
      message categorization

- reply_to
      (inbox only) Email address for replies

- source
      (inbox only - required) Human readable identifier of the
      application that uses the Flowdock API

- subject
      (inbox only - required) Subject line of the message

- tags
      tags of the message, separated by commas

= token
      API token.

= type
      Whether to post to 'inbox' or 'chat' (Choices: inbox, chat)

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    urllib, urllib2

- flowdock: type=inbox
            source='my cool app'
            msg='test from ansible'
            subject='test subject'

- flowdock: type=chat
            msg='test from ansible'


This module allows users to manage their objects/buckets in Google
Cloud Storage.  It allows upload and download operations and can
set some canned permissions. It also allows retrieval of URLs for
objects for use in playbooks, and retrieval of string contents of
objects.  This module requires setting the default project in GCS
prior to playbook usage.  See
e/docs/reference/v1/apiversion1 for information about setting the
default project.

Options (= is mandatory):

= bucket
      Bucket name.

- dest
      The destination file path when downloading an object/key
      with a GET operation.

- expiration
      Time limit (in seconds) for the URL generated and returned
      by GCA when performing a mode=put or mode=get_url operation.
      This url is only avaialbe when public-read is the acl for
      the object.

- force
      Forces an overwrite either locally on the filesystem or
      remotely with the object/key. Used with PUT and GET

= gcs_access_key
      GCS access key. If not set then the value of the
      GCS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

= gcs_secret_key
      GCS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      GCS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

= mode
      Switches the module behaviour between upload, download,
      get_url (return download url) , get_str (download object as
      string), create (bucket) and delete (bucket). (Choices: get,
      put, get_url, get_str, delete, create)

- object
      Keyname of the object inside the bucket. Can be also be used
      to create "virtual directories" (see examples).

- permission
      This option let's the user set the canned permissions on the
      object/bucket that are created. The permissions that can be
      set are 'private', 'public-read', 'authenticated-read'.

- src
      The source file path when performing a PUT operation.

Requirements:    boto 2.9+

# upload some content
- gc_storage: bucket=mybucket object=key.txt src=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=put permission=public-read

# download some content
- gc_storage: bucket=mybucket object=key.txt dest=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=get

# Download an object as a string to use else where in your playbook
- gc_storage: bucket=mybucket object=key.txt mode=get_str

# Create an empty bucket
- gc_storage: bucket=mybucket mode=create

# Create a bucket with key as directory
- gc_storage: bucket=mybucket object=/my/directory/path mode=create

# Delete a bucket and all contents
- gc_storage: bucket=mybucket mode=delete


Creates or terminates Google Compute Engine (GCE) instances.  See for an overview.
Full install/configuration instructions for the gce* modules can
be found in the comments of ansible/test/

Options (= is mandatory):

- image
      image string to use for the instance

- instance_names
      a comma-separated list of instance names to create or

- machine_type
      machine type to use for the instance, use 'n1-standard-1' by

- metadata
      a hash/dictionary of custom data for the instance;

- name
      identifier when working with a single instance

- network
      name of the network, 'default' will be used if not specified

- persistent_boot_disk
      if set, create the instance with a persistent boot disk

- state
      desired state of the resource (Choices: active, present,
      absent, deleted)

- tags
      a comma-separated list of tags to associate with the

= zone
      the GCE zone to use (Choices: us-central1-a, us-central1-b,
      us-central2-a, europe-west1-a, europe-west1-b)

Requirements:    libcloud

# Basic provisioning example.  Create a single Debian 7 instance in the
# us-central1-a Zone of n1-standard-1 machine type.
- local_action:
    module: gce
    name: test-instance
    zone: us-central1-a
    machine_type: n1-standard-1
    image: debian-7

# Example using defaults and with metadata to create a single 'foo' instance
- local_action:
    module: gce
    name: foo
    metadata: '{"db":"postgres", "group":"qa", "id":500}'

# Launch instances from a control node, runs some tasks on the new instances,
# and then terminate them
- name: Create a sandbox instance
  hosts: localhost
    names: foo,bar
    machine_type: n1-standard-1
    image: debian-6
    zone: us-central1-a
    - name: Launch instances
      local_action: gce instance_names={{names}} machine_type={{machine_type}}
                    image={{image}} zone={{zone}}
      register: gce
    - name: Wait for SSH to come up
      local_action: wait_for host={{item.public_ip}} port=22 delay=10
                    timeout=60 state=started
      with_items: {{gce.instance_data}}

- name: Configure instance(s)
  hosts: launched
  sudo: True
    - my_awesome_role
    - my_awesome_tasks

- name: Terminate instances
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Terminate instances that were previously launched
        module: gce
        state: 'absent'
        instance_names: {{gce.instance_names}}


This module can create and destroy Google Compute Engine
`loadbalancer' and `httphealthcheck' resources.  The primary LB
resource is the `load_balancer' resource and the health check
parameters are all prefixed with `httphealthcheck'. The full
documentation for Google Compute Engine load balancing is at
However, the ansible module simplifies the configuration by
following the libcloud model. Full install/configuration
instructions for the gce* modules can be found in the comments of

Options (= is mandatory):

- external_ip
      the external static IPv4 (or auto-assigned) address for the

- httphealthcheck_healthy_count
      number of consecutive successful checks before marking a
      node healthy

- httphealthcheck_host
      host header to pass through on HTTP check requests

- httphealthcheck_interval
      the duration in seconds between each health check request

- httphealthcheck_name
      the name identifier for the HTTP health check

- httphealthcheck_path
      the url path to use for HTTP health checking

- httphealthcheck_port
      the TCP port to use for HTTP health checking

- httphealthcheck_timeout
      the timeout in seconds before a request is considered a
      failed check

- httphealthcheck_unhealthy_count
      number of consecutive failed checks before marking a node

- members
      a list of zone/nodename pairs, e.g ['us-central1-a/www-a',

- name
      name of the load-balancer resource

- port_range
      the port (range) to forward, e.g. 80 or 8000-8888 defaults
      to all ports

- protocol
      the protocol used for the load-balancer packet forwarding,
      tcp or udp (Choices: tcp, udp)

- region
      the GCE region where the load-balancer is defined (Choices:
      us-central1, us-central2, europe-west1)

- state
      desired state of the LB (Choices: active, present, absent,

Requirements:    libcloud

# Simple example of creating a new LB, adding members, and a health check
- local_action:
    module: gce_lb
    name: testlb
    region: us-central1
    members: ["us-central1-a/www-a", "us-central1-b/www-b"]
    httphealthcheck_name: hc
    httphealthcheck_port: 80
    httphealthcheck_path: "/up"


This module can create and destroy Google Compue Engine networks
and firewall rules The `name'
parameter is reserved for referencing a network while the `fwname'
parameter is used to reference firewall rules. IPv4 Address ranges
must be specified using the CIDR
/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing format. Full install/configuration
instructions for the gce* modules can be found in the comments of

Options (= is mandatory):

- allowed
      the protocol:ports to allow ('tcp:80' or 'tcp:80,443' or

- fwname
      name of the firewall rule

- ipv4_range
      the IPv4 address range in CIDR notation for the network

- name
      name of the network

- src_range
      the source IPv4 address range in CIDR notation

- src_tags
      the source instance tags for creating a firewall rule

- state
      desired state of the persistent disk (Choices: active,
      present, absent, deleted)

Requirements:    libcloud

# Simple example of creating a new network
- local_action:
    module: gce_net
    name: privatenet
    ipv4_range: ''

# Simple example of creating a new firewall rule
- local_action:
    module: gce_net
    name: privatenet
    allowed: tcp:80,8080
    src_tags: ["web", "proxy"]


This module can create and destroy unformatted GCE persistent
It also supports attaching and detaching disks from running
instances but does not support creating boot disks from images or
snapshots.  The 'gce' module supports creating instances with boot
disks. Full install/configuration instructions for the gce*
modules can be found in the comments of ansible/test/

Options (= is mandatory):

- detach_only
      do not destroy the disk, merely detach it from an instance
      (Choices: yes, no)

- instance_name
      instance name if you wish to attach or detach the disk

- mode
      GCE mount mode of disk, READ_ONLY (default) or READ_WRITE
      (Choices: READ_WRITE, READ_ONLY)

= name
      name of the disk

- size_gb
      whole integer size of disk (in GB) to create, default is 10

- state
      desired state of the persistent disk (Choices: active,
      present, absent, deleted)

- zone
      zone in which to create the disk

Requirements:    libcloud

# Simple attachment action to an existing instance
- local_action:
    module: gce_pd
    instance_name: notlocalhost
    size_gb: 5
    name: pd


Manage installation and uninstallation of Ruby gems.

Options (= is mandatory):

- executable
      Override the path to the gem executable

- gem_source
      The path to a local gem used as installation source.

- include_dependencies
      Wheter to include dependencies or not. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      The name of the gem to be managed.

- repository
      The repository from which the gem will be installed

= state
      The desired state of the gem. `latest' ensures that the
      latest version is installed. (Choices: present, absent,

- user_install
      Install gem in user's local gems cache or for all users

- version
      Version of the gem to be installed/removed.

# Installs version 1.0 of vagrant.
- gem: name=vagrant version=1.0 state=present

# Installs latest available version of rake.
- gem: name=rake state=latest

# Installs rake version 1.0 from a local gem on disk.
- gem: name=rake gem_source=/path/to/gems/rake-1.0.gem state=present


Downloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to the remote server. The
remote server `must' have direct access to the remote resource.By
default, if an environment variable `<protocol>_proxy' is set on
the target host, requests will be sent through that proxy. This
behaviour can be overridden by setting a variable for this task
(see `setting the environment
<>`_), or by
using the use_proxy option.

Options (= is mandatory):

= dest
      absolute path of where to download the file to.If `dest' is
      a directory, either the server provided filename or, if none
      provided, the base name of the URL on the remote server will
      be used. If a directory, `force' has no effect. If `dest' is
      a directory, the file will always be downloaded (regardless
      of the force option), but replaced only if the contents

- force
      If `yes' and `dest' is not a directory, will download the
      file every time and replace the file if the contents change.
      If `no', the file will only be downloaded if the destination
      does not exist. Generally should be `yes' only for small
      local files. Prior to 0.6, this module behaved as if `yes'
      was the default. (Choices: yes, no)

- others
      all arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here

- sha256sum
      If a SHA-256 checksum is passed to this parameter, the
      digest of the destination file will be calculated after it
      is downloaded to ensure its integrity and verify that the
      transfer completed successfully.

= url
      HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL in the form

- use_proxy
      if `no', it will not use a proxy, even if one is defined in
      an environment variable on the target hosts. (Choices: yes,

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    This module doesn't yet support configuration for proxies.

Requirements:    urllib2, urlparse

- name: download foo.conf
  get_url: url= dest=/etc/foo.conf mode=0440

- name: download file with sha256 check
  get_url: url= dest=/etc/foo.conf sha256sum=b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c


Manage `git' checkouts of repositories to deploy files or

Options (= is mandatory):

- accept_hostkey
      Add the hostkey for the repo url if not already added. If
      ssh_args contains "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", this
      parameter is ignored.

- bare
      if `yes', repository will be created as a bare repo,
      otherwise it will be a standard repo with a workspace.
      (Choices: yes, no)

- depth
      Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the
      specified number or revisions. The minimum possible value is
      `1', otherwise ignored.

= dest
      Absolute path of where the repository should be checked out

- executable
      Path to git executable to use. If not supplied, the normal
      mechanism for resolving binary paths will be used.

- force
      If `yes', any modified files in the working repository will
      be discarded.  Prior to 0.7, this was always 'yes' and could
      not be disabled. (Choices: yes, no)

- key_file
      Uses the same wrapper method as ssh_opts to pass "-i
      <key_file>" to the ssh arguments used by git

- reference
      Reference repository (see "git clone --reference ...")

- remote
      Name of the remote.

= repo
      git, SSH, or HTTP protocol address of the git repository.

- ssh_opts
      Creates a wrapper script and exports the path as GIT_SSH
      which git then automatically uses to override ssh arguments.
      An example value could be "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

- update
      If `yes', repository will be updated using the supplied
      remote.  Otherwise the repo will be left untouched. Prior to
      1.2, this was always 'yes' and could not be disabled.
      (Choices: yes, no)

- version
      What version of the repository to check out.  This can be
      the full 40-character `SHA-1' hash, the literal string
      `HEAD', a branch name, or a tag name.

Notes:    If the task seems to be hanging, first verify remote host is in
      `known_hosts'. SSH will prompt user to authorize the first
      contact with a remote host.  To avoid this prompt, one
      solution is to add the remote host public key in
      `/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts' before calling the git module,
      with the following command: ssh-keyscan >>

# Example git checkout from Ansible Playbooks
- git: repo=git://

# Example read-write git checkout from github
- git: repo=ssh:// dest=/home/mylogin/hello

# Example just ensuring the repo checkout exists
- git: repo=git:// dest=/srv/checkout update=no


Adds service hooks and removes service hooks that have an error

Options (= is mandatory):

= action
      This tells the githooks module what you want it to do.
      (Choices: create, cleanall)

- hookurl
      When creating a new hook, this is the url that you want
      github to post to. It is only required when creating a new

= oauthkey
      The oauth key provided by github. It can be found/generated
      on github under "Edit Your Profile" >> "Applications" >>
      "Personal Access Tokens"

= repo
      This is the API url for the repository you want to manage
      hooks for. It should be in the form of: Note this is
      different than the normal repo url.

= user
      Github username.

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates for the target repo will not be
      validated. This should only be used on personally controlled
      sites using self-signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

# Example creating a new service hook. It ignores duplicates.
- github_hooks: action=create hookurl= user={{ gituser }} oauthkey={{ oauthkey }} repo=

# Cleaning all hooks for this repo that had an error on the last update. Since this works for all hooks in a repo it is probably best that this would be called from a handler.
- local_action: github_hooks action=cleanall user={{ gituser }} oauthkey={{ oauthkey }} repo={{ repo }}


Add or Remove images from the glance repository.

Options (= is mandatory):

- auth_url
      The keystone url for authentication

- container_format
      The format of the container

- copy_from
      A url from where the image can be downloaded, mutually
      exclusive with file parameter

- disk_format
      The format of the disk that is getting uploaded

- file
      The path to the file which has to be uploaded, mutually
      exclusive with copy_from

- is_public
      Whether the image can be accessed publicly

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

- min_disk
      The minimum disk space required to deploy this image

- min_ram
      The minimum ram required to deploy this image

= name
      Name that has to be given to the image

- owner
      The owner of the image

- region_name
      Name of the region

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- timeout
      The time to wait for the image process to complete in

Requirements:    glanceclient, keystoneclient

# Upload an image from an HTTP URL
- glance_image: login_username=admin


Manage presence of groups on a host.

Options (= is mandatory):

- gid
      Optional `GID' to set for the group.

= name
      Name of the group to manage.

- state
      Whether the group should be present or not on the remote
      host. (Choices: present, absent)

- system
      If `yes', indicates that the group created is a system
      group. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    groupadd, groupdel, groupmod

# Example group command from Ansible Playbooks
- group: name=somegroup state=present


Use facts to create ad-hoc groups that can be used later in a

Options (= is mandatory):

= key
      The variables whose values will be used as groups

Notes:    Spaces in group names are converted to dashes '-'.

# Create groups based on the machine architecture
-  group_by: key=machine_{{ ansible_machine }}
# Create groups like 'kvm-host'
-  group_by: key=virt_{{ ansible_virtualization_type }}_{{ ansible_virtualization_role }}


The [grove] module sends a message for a service to a

Options (= is mandatory):

= channel_token
      Token of the channel to post to.

- icon_url
      Icon for the service

= message
      Message content

- service
      Name of the service (displayed as the "user" in the message)

- url
      Service URL for the web client

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

- grove: >
    message=deployed {{ target }}

> HG

Manages Mercurial (hg) repositories. Supports SSH, HTTP/S and
local address.

Options (= is mandatory):

= dest
      Absolute path of where the repository should be cloned to.

- executable
      Path to hg executable to use. If not supplied, the normal
      mechanism for resolving binary paths will be used.

- force
      Discards uncommitted changes. Runs `hg update -C'. (Choices:
      yes, no)

- purge
      Deletes untracked files. Runs `hg purge'. (Choices: yes, no)

= repo
      The repository address.

- revision
      Equivalent `-r' option in hg command which could be the
      changeset, revision number, branch name or even tag.

Notes:    If the task seems to be hanging, first verify remote host is in
      `known_hosts'. SSH will prompt user to authorize the first
      contact with a remote host.  To avoid this prompt, one
      solution is to add the remote host public key in
      `/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts' before calling the hg module,
      with the following command: ssh-keyscan >>

# Ensure the current working copy is inside the stable branch and deletes untracked files if any.
- hg: repo= dest=/home/user/repo1 revision=stable purge=yes


Send a message to hipchat

Options (= is mandatory):

- color
      Background color for the message. Default is yellow.
      (Choices: yellow, red, green, purple, gray, random)

- from
      Name the message will appear be sent from. max 15
      characters. Over 15, will be shorten.

= msg
      The message body.

- msg_format
      message format. html or text. Default is text. (Choices:
      text, html)

- notify
      notify or not (change the tab color, play a sound, etc)
      (Choices: yes, no)

= room
      ID or name of the room.

= token
      API token.

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    urllib, urllib2

- hipchat: token=AAAAAA room=notify msg="Ansible task finished"


Manages Homebrew packages

Options (= is mandatory):

- install_options
      options flags to install a package

= name
      name of package to install/remove

- state
      state of the package (Choices: present, absent)

- update_homebrew
      update homebrew itself first (Choices: yes, no)

- homebrew: name=foo state=present
- homebrew: name=foo state=present update_homebrew=yes
- homebrew: name=foo state=absent
- homebrew: name=foo,bar state=absent
- homebrew: name=foo state=present install_options=with-baz,enable-debug


Set system's hostnameCurrently implemented on only Debian, Ubuntu,
RedHat and CentOS.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      Name of the host

Requirements:    hostname

- hostname: name=web01


Add and remove username/password entries in a password file using
htpasswd.This is used by web servers such as Apache and Nginx for
basic authentication.

Options (= is mandatory):

- create
      Used with `state=present'. If specified, the file will be
      created if it does not already exist. If set to "no", will
      fail if the file does not exist (Choices: yes, no)

- crypt_scheme
      Encryption scheme to be used. (Choices: apr_md5_crypt,
      des_crypt, ldap_sha1, plaintext)

= name
      User name to add or remove

- password
      Password associated with user.Must be specified if user does
      not exist yet.

= path
      Path to the file that contains the usernames and passwords

- state
      Whether the user entry should be present or not (Choices:
      present, absent)

Notes:    This module depends on the `passlib' Python library, which needs
      to be installed on all target systems.On Debian, Ubuntu, or
      Fedora: install `python-passlib'.On RHEL or CentOS: Enable
      EPEL, then install `python-passlib'.

# Add a user to a password file and ensure permissions are set
- htpasswd: path=/etc/nginx/passwdfile name=janedoe password=9s36?;fyNp owner=root group=www-data mode=0640
# Remove a user from a password file
- htpasswd: path=/etc/apache2/passwdfile name=foobar state=absent


Loads variables from a YAML file dynamically during task runtime.
It can work with conditionals, or use host specific variables to
determine the path name to load from.

Options (= is mandatory):

= free-form
      The file name from which variables should be loaded, if
      called from a role it will look for the file in vars/
      subdirectory of the role, otherwise the path would be
      relative to playbook. An absolute path can also be provided.

# Conditionally decide to load in variables when x is 0, otherwise do not.
- include_vars: contingency_plan.yml
  when: x == 0

# Load a variable file based on the OS type, or a default if not found.
- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
   - "{{ ansible_os_distribution }}.yml"
   - "default.yml"


Manage (add, remove, change) individual settings in an INI-style
file without having to manage the file as a whole with, say,
[template] or [assemble]. Adds missing sections if they don't
exist.Comments are discarded when the source file is read, and
therefore will not show up in the destination file.

Options (= is mandatory):

- backup
      Create a backup file including the timestamp information so
      you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered
      it incorrectly. (Choices: yes, no)

= dest
      Path to the INI-style file; this file is created if required

- option
      if set (required for changing a `value'), this is the name
      of the option.May be omitted if adding/removing a whole

- others
      all arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here

= section
      Section name in INI file. This is added if `state=present'
      automatically when a single value is being set.

- value
      the string value to be associated with an `option'. May be
      omitted when removing an `option'.

Notes:    While it is possible to add an `option' without specifying a
      `value', this makes no sense.A section named `default'
      cannot be added by the module, but if it exists, individual
      options within the section can be updated. (This is a
      limitation of Python's `ConfigParser'.) Either use
      [template] to create a base INI file with a `[default]'
      section, or use [lineinfile] to add the missing line.

Requirements:    ConfigParser

# Ensure "fav=lemonade is in section "[drinks]" in specified file
- ini_file: dest=/etc/conf section=drinks option=fav value=lemonade mode=0600 backup=yes

- ini_file: dest=/etc/anotherconf


Send a message to an IRC channel. This is a very simplistic

Options (= is mandatory):

= channel
      Channel name

- color
      Text color for the message. Default is black. (Choices:
      yellow, red, green, blue, black)

= msg
      The message body.

- nick

- passwd
      Server password

- port
      IRC server port number

- server
      IRC server name/address

- timeout
      Timeout to use while waiting for successful registration and
      join messages, this is to prevent an endless loop

Requirements:    socket

- irc: channel="#t1" msg="Hello world"

- local_action: irc port=6669
                msg="All finished at {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"


Send a message to jabber

Options (= is mandatory):

- encoding
      message encoding

- host
      host to connect, overrides user info

= msg
      The message body.

= password
      password for user to connect

- port
      port to connect to, overrides default

= to
      user ID or name of the room, when using room use a slash to
      indicate your nick.

= user
      User as which to connect

Requirements:    xmpp

# send a message to a user
- jabber:

          msg="Ansible task finished"

# send a message to a room
- jabber:

          msg="Ansible task finished"

# send a message, specifying the host and port
- jabber
         msg="Ansible task finished"


Deploy applications to JBoss standalone using the filesystem

Options (= is mandatory):

- deploy_path
      The location in the filesystem where the deployment scanner

= deployment
      The name of the deployment

- src
      The remote path of the application ear or war to deploy

- state
      Whether the application should be deployed or undeployed
      (Choices: present, absent)

Notes:    The JBoss standalone deployment-scanner has to be enabled in
      standalone.xmlEnsure no identically named application is
      deployed through the JBoss CLI

# Deploy a hello world application
- jboss: src=/tmp/hello-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war deployment=hello.war state=present
# Update the hello world application
- jboss: src=/tmp/hello-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war deployment=hello.war state=present
# Undeploy the hello world application
- jboss: deployment=hello.war state=absent


Add or remove kernel modules from blacklist.

Options (= is mandatory):

- blacklist_file
      If specified, use this blacklist file instead of

= name
      Name of kernel module to black- or whitelist.

- state
      Whether the module should be present in the blacklist or
      absent. (Choices: present, absent)

# Blacklist the nouveau driver module
- kernel_blacklist: name=nouveau state=present


Manage users,tenants, roles from OpenStack.

Options (= is mandatory):

- description
      A description for the tenant

- email
      An email address for the user

- endpoint
      The keystone url for authentication

- login_password
      Password of login user

- login_tenant_name
      The tenant login_user belongs to

- login_user
      login username to authenticate to keystone

- password
      The password to be assigned to the user

- role
      The name of the role to be assigned or created

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- tenant
      The tenant name that has be added/removed

- token
      The token to be uses in case the password is not specified

- user
      The name of the user that has to added/removed from

Requirements:    python-keystoneclient

# Create a tenant
- keystone_user: tenant=demo tenant_description="Default Tenant"

# Create a user
- keystone_user: user=john tenant=demo password=secrete

# Apply the admin role to the john user in the demo tenant
- keystone_user: role=admin user=john tenant=demo


This module will search a file for a line, and ensure that it is
present or absent.This is primarily useful when you want to change
a single line in a file only. For other cases, see the [copy] or
[template] modules.

Options (= is mandatory):

- backrefs
      Used with `state=present'. If set, line can contain
      backreferences (both positional and named) that will get
      populated if the `regexp' matches. This flag changes the
      operation of the module slightly; `insertbefore' and
      `insertafter' will be ignored, and if the `regexp' doesn't
      match anywhere in the file, the file will be left unchanged.
      If the `regexp' does match, the last matching line will be
      replaced by the expanded line parameter. (Choices: yes, no)

- backup
      Create a backup file including the timestamp information so
      you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered
      it incorrectly. (Choices: yes, no)

- create
      Used with `state=present'. If specified, the file will be
      created if it does not already exist. By default it will
      fail if the file is missing. (Choices: yes, no)

= dest
      The file to modify.

- insertafter
      Used with `state=present'. If specified, the line will be
      inserted after the specified regular expression. A special
      value is available; `EOF' for inserting the line at the end
      of the file. May not be used with `backrefs'. (Choices: EOF,

- insertbefore
      Used with `state=present'. If specified, the line will be
      inserted before the specified regular expression. A value is
      available; `BOF' for inserting the line at the beginning of
      the file. May not be used with `backrefs'. (Choices: BOF,

- line
      Required for `state=present'. The line to insert/replace
      into the file. If `backrefs' is set, may contain
      backreferences that will get expanded with the `regexp'
      capture groups if the regexp matches. The backreferences
      should be double escaped (see examples).

- others
      All arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here.

- regexp
      The regular expression to look for in every line of the
      file. For `state=present', the pattern to replace if found;
      only the last line found will be replaced. For
      `state=absent', the pattern of the line to remove.  Uses
      Python regular expressions; see

- state
      Whether the line should be there or not. (Choices: present,

- validate
      validation to run before copying into place

- lineinfile: dest=/etc/selinux/config regexp=^SELINUX= line=SELINUX=disabled

- lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers state=absent regexp="^%wheel"

- lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts regexp='^127\.0\.0\.1' line=' localhost' owner=root group=root mode=0644

- lineinfile: dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf regexp="^Listen " insertafter="^#Listen " line="Listen 8080"

- lineinfile: dest=/etc/services regexp="^# port for http" insertbefore="^www.*80/tcp" line="# port for http by default"

# Add a line to a file if it does not exist, without passing regexp
- lineinfile: dest=/tmp/testfile line=" foo"

# Fully quoted because of the ': ' on the line. See the Gotchas in the YAML docs.
- lineinfile: "dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^%wheel' line='%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'"

- lineinfile: dest=/opt/jboss-as/bin/standalone.conf regexp='^(.*)Xms(\d+)m(.*)$' line='\1Xms${xms}m\3' backrefs=yes

# Validate a the sudoers file before saving
- lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^%ADMIN ALL\=' line='%ADMIN ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' validate='visudo -cf %s'


creates / deletes a Linode Public Cloud instance and optionally
waits for it to be 'running'.

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Linode API key

- datacenter
      datacenter to create an instance in (Linode Datacenter)

- distribution
      distribution to use for the instance (Linode Distribution)

- linode_id
      Unique ID of a linode server

- name
      Name to give the instance (alphanumeric, dashes,
      underscore)To keep sanity on the Linode Web Console, name is
      prepended with LinodeID_

- password
      root password to apply to a new server (auto generated if

- payment_term
      payment term to use for the instance (payment term in
      months) (Choices: 1, 12, 24)

- plan
      plan to use for the instance (Linode plan)

- ssh_pub_key
      SSH public key applied to root user

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,
      active, started, absent, deleted, stopped, restarted)

- swap
      swap size in MB

- wait
      wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before
      returning (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

Notes:    LINODE_API_KEY env variable can be used instead

Requirements:    linode-python

# Create a server
- local_action:
     module: linode
     api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
     name: linode-test1
     plan: 1
     datacenter: 2
     distribution: 99
     password: 'superSecureRootPassword'
     ssh_pub_key: 'ssh-rsa qwerty'
     swap: 768
     wait: yes
     wait_timeout: 600
     state: present

# Ensure a running server (create if missing)
- local_action:
     module: linode
     api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
     name: linode-test1
     linode_id: 12345678
     plan: 1
     datacenter: 2
     distribution: 99
     password: 'superSecureRootPassword'
     ssh_pub_key: 'ssh-rsa qwerty'
     swap: 768
     wait: yes
     wait_timeout: 600
     state: present

# Delete a server
- local_action:
     module: linode
     api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
     name: linode-test1
     linode_id: 12345678
     state: absent

# Stop a server
- local_action:
     module: linode
     api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
     name: linode-test1
     linode_id: 12345678
     state: stopped

# Reboot a server
- local_action:
     module: linode
     api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
     name: linode-test1
     linode_id: 12345678
     state: restarted


This module creates, removes or resizes volume groups.

Options (= is mandatory):

- force
      If yes, allows to remove volume group with logical volumes.
      (Choices: yes, no)

- pesize
      The size of the physical extent in megabytes. Must be a
      power of 2.

- pvs
      List of comma-separated devices to use as physical devices
      in this volume group. Required when creating or resizing
      volume group.

- state
      Control if the volume group exists. (Choices: present,

= vg
      The name of the volume group.

Notes:    module does not modify PE size for already present volume group

# Create a volume group on top of /dev/sda1 with physical extent size = 32MB.
- lvg: pvs=/dev/sda1 pesize=32

# Create or resize a volume group on top of /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc5.
# If, for example, we already have VG on top of /dev/sdb1,
# this VG will be extended by /dev/sdc5.  Or if was created on
# top of /dev/sda5, we first extend it with /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc5,
# and then reduce by /dev/sda5.
- lvg: pvs=/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc5

# Remove a volume group with name
- lvg: state=absent


This module creates, removes or resizes logical volumes.

Options (= is mandatory):

- force
      Shrink or remove operations of volumes requires this switch.
      Ensures that that filesystems get never corrupted/destroyed
      by mistake. (Choices: yes, no)

= lv
      The name of the logical volume.

- size
      The size of the logical volume, according to lvcreate(8)
      --size, by default in megabytes or optionally with one of
      [bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE] units; or according to lvcreate(8)
      --extents as a percentage of [VG|PVS|FREE]; resizing is not
      supported with percentages.

- state
      Control if the logical volume exists. (Choices: present,

= vg
      The volume group this logical volume is part of.

Notes:    Filesystems on top of the volume are not resized.

# Create a logical volume of 512m.
- lvol: vg=firefly lv=test size=512

# Create a logical volume of 512g.
- lvol: vg=firefly lv=test size=512g

# Create a logical volume the size of all remaining space in the volume group
- lvol: vg=firefly lv=test size=100%FREE

# Extend the logical volume to 1024m.
- lvol: vg=firefly lv=test size=1024

# Reduce the logical volume to 512m
- lvol: vg=firefly lv=test size=512 force=yes

# Remove the logical volume.
- lvol: vg=firefly lv=test state=absent force=yes


Manages MacPorts packages

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      name of package to install/remove

- state
      state of the package (Choices: present, absent, active,

- update_cache
      update the package db first (Choices: yes, no)

- macports: name=foo state=present
- macports: name=foo state=present update_cache=yes
- macports: name=foo state=absent
- macports: name=foo state=active
- macports: name=foo state=inactive


This module is useful for sending emails from playbooks.One may
wonder why automate sending emails?  In complex environments there
are from time to time processes that cannot be automated, either
because you lack the authority to make it so, or because not
everyone agrees to a common approach.If you cannot automate a
specific step, but the step is non-blocking, sending out an email
to the responsible party to make him perform his part of the
bargain is an elegant way to put the responsibility in someone
else's lap.Of course sending out a mail can be equally useful as a
way to notify one or more people in a team that a specific action
has been (successfully) taken.

Options (= is mandatory):

- attach
      A space-separated list of pathnames of files to attach to
      the message. Attached files will have their content-type set
      to `application/octet-stream'.

- bcc
      The email-address(es) the mail is being 'blind' copied to.
      This is a comma-separated list, which may contain address
      and phrase portions.

- body
      The body of the email being sent.

- cc
      The email-address(es) the mail is being copied to. This is a
      comma-separated list, which may contain address and phrase

- charset
      The character set of email being sent

- from
      The email-address the mail is sent from. May contain address
      and phrase.

- headers
      A vertical-bar-separated list of headers which should be
      added to the message. Each individual header is specified as
      `header=value' (see example below).

- host
      The mail server

- port
      The mail server port

= subject
      The subject of the email being sent.

- to
      The email-address(es) the mail is being sent to. This is a
      comma-separated list, which may contain address and phrase

# Example playbook sending mail to root
- local_action: mail msg='System {{ ansible_hostname }} has been successfully provisioned.'

# Send e-mail to a bunch of users, attaching files
- local_action: mail
                body="Hello, this is an e-mail. I hope you like it ;-)"
                from=" (Jane Jolie)"
                to="John Doe <>, Suzie Something <>"
                cc="Charlie Root <root@localhost>"
                attach="/etc/group /tmp/pavatar2.png"
      |X-Special="Something or other"


Add or remove kernel modules.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      Name of kernel module to manage.

- state
      Whether the module should be present or absent. (Choices:
      present, absent)

# Add the 802.1q module
- modprobe: name=8021q state=present


Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database.

Options (= is mandatory):

= database
      The name of the database to add/remove the user from

- login_host
      The host running the database

- login_password
      The password used to authenticate with

- login_port
      The port to connect to

- login_user
      The username used to authenticate with

- password
      The password to use for the user

- roles
      The database user roles valid values are one or more of the
      following: read, 'readWrite', 'dbAdmin', 'userAdmin',
      'clusterAdmin', 'readAnyDatabase', 'readWriteAnyDatabase',
      'userAdminAnyDatabase', 'dbAdminAnyDatabase'This param
      requires mongodb 2.4+ and pymongo 2.5+

- state
      The database user state (Choices: present, absent)

= user
      The name of the user to add or remove

Notes:    Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version
      2.4.2+. This can be installed using pip or the OS package
      manager. @see

Requirements:    pymongo

# Create 'burgers' database user with name 'bob' and password '12345'.
- mongodb_user: database=burgers name=bob password=12345 state=present

# Delete 'burgers' database user with name 'bob'.
- mongodb_user: database=burgers name=bob state=absent

# Define more users with various specific roles (if not defined, no roles is assigned, and the user will be added via pre mongo 2.2 style)
- mongodb_user: database=burgers name=ben password=12345 roles='read' state=present
- mongodb_user: database=burgers name=jim password=12345 roles='readWrite,dbAdmin,userAdmin' state=present
- mongodb_user: database=burgers name=joe password=12345 roles='readWriteAnyDatabase' state=present


Manage the state of a program monitored via `Monit'

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      The name of the `monit' program/process to manage

= state
      The state of service (Choices: present, started, stopped,
      restarted, monitored, unmonitored, reloaded)

# Manage the state of program "httpd" to be in "started" state.
- monit: name=httpd state=started


This module controls active and configured mount points in

Options (= is mandatory):

- dump
      dump (see fstab(8))

= fstype
      file-system type

= name
      path to the mount point, eg: `/mnt/files'

- opts
      mount options (see fstab(8))

- passno
      passno (see fstab(8))

= src
      device to be mounted on `name'.

= state
      If `mounted' or `unmounted', the device will be actively
      mounted or unmounted as well as just configured in `fstab'.
      `absent' and `present' only deal with `fstab'. `mounted'
      will also automatically create the mount point directory if
      it doesn't exist. If `absent' changes anything, it will
      remove the mount point directory. (Choices: present, absent,
      mounted, unmounted)

# Mount DVD read-only
- mount: name=/mnt/dvd src=/dev/sr0 fstype=iso9660 opts=ro state=present

# Mount up device by label
- mount: name=/srv/disk src='LABEL=SOME_LABEL' state=present

# Mount up device by UUID
- mount: name=/home src='UUID=b3e48f45-f933-4c8e-a700-22a159ec9077' opts=noatime state=present


Publish a message on an MQTT topic.

Options (= is mandatory):

- client_id
      MQTT client identifier

- password
      Password for `username' to authenticate against the broker.

= payload
      Payload. The special string `"None"' may be used to send a
      NULL (i.e. empty) payload which is useful to simply notify
      with the `topic' or to clear previously retained messages.

- port
      MQTT broker port number

- qos
      QoS (Quality of Service) (Choices: 0, 1, 2)

- retain
      Setting this flag causes the broker to retain (i.e. keep)
      the message so that applications that subsequently subscribe
      to the topic can received the last retained message

- server
      MQTT broker address/name

= topic
      MQTT topic name

- username
      Username to authenticate against the broker.

Notes:    This module requires a connection to an MQTT broker such as
      Mosquitto and the `mosquitto' Python
      module (

Requirements:    mosquitto

- local_action: mqtt
              topic=service/ansible/{{ ansible_hostname }}
              payload="Hello at {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"


Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host.

Options (= is mandatory):

- collation
      Collation mode

- encoding
      Encoding mode

- login_host
      Host running the database

- login_password
      The password used to authenticate with

- login_port
      Port of the MySQL server

- login_unix_socket
      The path to a Unix domain socket for local connections

- login_user
      The username used to authenticate with

= name
      name of the database to add or remove

- state
      The database state (Choices: present, absent, dump, import)

- target
      Location, on the remote host, of the dump file to read from
      or write to. Uncompressed SQL files (`.sql') as well as
      bzip2 (`.bz2') and gzip (`.gz') compressed files are

Notes:    Requires the MySQLdb Python package on the remote host. For
      Ubuntu, this is as easy as apt-get install python-mysqldb.
      (See [apt].)Both `login_password' and `login_user' are
      required when you are passing credentials. If none are
      present, the module will attempt to read the credentials
      from `~/.my.cnf', and finally fall back to using the MySQL
      default login of `root' with no password.

Requirements:    ConfigParser

# Create a new database with name 'bobdata'
- mysql_db: name=bobdata state=present

# Copy database dump file to remote host and restore it to database 'my_db'
- copy: src=dump.sql.bz2 dest=/tmp
- mysql_db: name=my_db state=import target=/tmp/dump.sql.bz2


Manages MySQL server replication, slave, master status get and
change master host.

Options (= is mandatory):

- login_host
      mysql host to connect

- login_password
      password to connect mysql host, if defined login_user also

- login_unix_socket
      unix socket to connect mysql server

- login_user
      username to connect mysql host, if defined login_password
      also needed.

- master_connect_retry
      same as mysql variable

- master_host
      same as mysql variable

- master_log_file
      same as mysql variable

- master_log_pos
      same as mysql variable

- master_password
      same as mysql variable

- master_port
      same as mysql variable

- master_ssl
      same as mysql variable

- master_ssl_ca
      same as mysql variable

- master_ssl_capath
      same as mysql variable

- master_ssl_cert
      same as mysql variable

- master_ssl_cipher
      same as mysql variable

- master_ssl_key
      same as mysql variable

- master_user
      same as mysql variable

- mode
      module operating mode. Could be getslave (SHOW SLAVE
      STATUS), getmaster (SHOW MASTER STATUS), changemaster
      (CHANGE MASTER TO), startslave (START SLAVE), stopslave
      (STOP SLAVE) (Choices: getslave, getmaster, changemaster,
      stopslave, startslave)

- relay_log_file
      same as mysql variable

- relay_log_pos
      same as mysql variable

# Stop mysql slave thread
- mysql_replication: mode=stopslave

# Get master binlog file name and binlog position
- mysql_replication: mode=getmaster

# Change master to master server and use binary log 'mysql-bin.000009' with position 4578
- mysql_replication: mode=changemaster master_host= master_log_file=mysql-bin.000009 master_log_pos=4578


Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database.

Options (= is mandatory):

- append_privs
      Append the privileges defined by priv to the existing ones
      for this user instead of overwriting existing ones.
      (Choices: yes, no)

- check_implicit_admin
      Check if mysql allows login as root/nopassword before trying
      supplied credentials.

- host
      the 'host' part of the MySQL username

- login_host
      Host running the database

- login_password
      The password used to authenticate with

- login_port
      Port of the MySQL server

- login_unix_socket
      The path to a Unix domain socket for local connections

- login_user
      The username used to authenticate with

= name
      name of the user (role) to add or remove

- password
      set the user's password

- priv
      MySQL privileges string in the format:

- state
      Whether the user should exist.  When `absent', removes the
      user. (Choices: present, absent)

Notes:    Requires the MySQLdb Python package on the remote host. For
      Ubuntu, this is as easy as apt-get install python-
      mysqldb.Both `login_password' and `login_username' are
      required when you are passing credentials. If none are
      present, the module will attempt to read the credentials
      from `~/.my.cnf', and finally fall back to using the MySQL
      default login of 'root' with no password.MySQL server
      installs with default login_user of 'root' and no password.
      To secure this user as part of an idempotent playbook, you
      must create at least two tasks: the first must change the
      root user's password, without providing any
      login_user/login_password details. The second must drop a
      ~/.my.cnf file containing the new root credentials.
      Subsequent runs of the playbook will then succeed by reading
      the new credentials from the file.

Requirements:    ConfigParser, MySQLdb

# Create database user with name 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges
- mysql_user: name=bob password=12345 priv=*.*:ALL state=present

# Creates database user 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges and 'WITH GRANT OPTION'
- mysql_user: name=bob password=12345 priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT state=present

# Ensure no user named 'sally' exists, also passing in the auth credentials.
- mysql_user: login_user=root login_password=123456 name=sally state=absent

# Example privileges string format

# Example using login_unix_socket to connect to server
- mysql_user: name=root password=abc123 login_unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

# Example .my.cnf file for setting the root password
# Note: don't use quotes around the password, because the mysql_user module
# will include them in the password but the mysql client will not



Query / Set MySQL variables

Options (= is mandatory):

- login_host
      mysql host to connect

- login_password
      password to connect mysql host, if defined login_user also

- login_unix_socket
      unix socket to connect mysql server

- login_user
      username to connect mysql host, if defined login_password
      also needed.

- value
      If set, then sets variable value to this

= variable
      Variable name to operate

# Check for sync_binary_log setting
- mysql_variables: variable=sync_binary_log

# Set read_only variable to 1
- mysql_variables: variable=read_only value=1


The [nagios] module has two basic functions: scheduling downtime
and toggling alerts for services or hosts.All actions require the
`host' parameter to be given explicitly. In playbooks you can use
the `{{inventory_hostname}}' variable to refer to the host the
playbook is currently running on.You can specify multiple services
at once by separating them with commas, .e.g.,
`services=httpd,nfs,puppet'.When specifying what service to handle
there is a special service value, `host', which will handle
alerts/downtime for the `host itself', e.g., `service=host'. This
keyword may not be given with other services at the same time.
`Setting alerts/downtime for a host does not affect
alerts/downtime for any of the services running on it.' To
schedule downtime for all services on particular host use keyword
"all", e.g., `service=all'.When using the [nagios] module you will
need to specify your Nagios server using the `delegate_to'

Options (= is mandatory):

= action
      Action to take. (Choices: downtime, enable_alerts,
      disable_alerts, silence, unsilence, silence_nagios,
      unsilence_nagios, command)

- author
      Author to leave downtime comments as. Only usable with the
      `downtime' action.

- cmdfile
      Path to the nagios `command file' (FIFO pipe). Only required
      if auto-detection fails.

= command
      The raw command to send to nagios, which should not include
      the submitted time header or the line-feed *Required* option
      when using the `command' action.

- host
      Host to operate on in Nagios.

- minutes
      Minutes to schedule downtime for.Only usable with the
      `downtime' action.

= services
      What to manage downtime/alerts for. Separate multiple
      services with commas. `service' is an alias for `services'.
      *Required* option when using the `downtime',
      `enable_alerts', and `disable_alerts' actions.

Requirements:    Nagios

# set 30 minutes of apache downtime
- nagios: action=downtime minutes=30 service=httpd host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# schedule an hour of HOST downtime
- nagios: action=downtime minutes=60 service=host host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# schedule downtime for ALL services on HOST
- nagios: action=downtime minutes=45 service=all host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# schedule downtime for a few services
- nagios: action=downtime services=frob,foobar,qeuz host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# enable SMART disk alerts
- nagios: action=enable_alerts service=smart host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# "two services at once: disable httpd and nfs alerts"
- nagios: action=disable_alerts service=httpd,nfs host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# disable HOST alerts
- nagios: action=disable_alerts service=host host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# silence ALL alerts
- nagios: action=silence host={{ inventory_hostname }}

# unsilence all alerts
- nagios: action=unsilence host={{ inventory_hostname }}

- nagios: action=silence_nagios

- nagios: action=unsilence_nagios

# command something
- nagios: action=command command='DISABLE_FAILURE_PREDICTION'


Manages Citrix NetScaler server and service entities.

Options (= is mandatory):

- action
      the action you want to perform on the entity (Choices:
      enable, disable)

= name
      name of the entity

= nsc_host
      hostname or ip of your netscaler

- nsc_protocol
      protocol used to access netscaler

= password

- type
      type of the entity (Choices: server, service)

= user

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates for the target url will not be
      validated. This should only be used on personally controlled
      sites using self-signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    urllib, urllib2

# Disable the server
ansible host -m netscaler -a " user=apiuser password=apipass"

# Enable the server
ansible host -m netscaler -a " user=apiuser password=apipass action=enable"

# Disable the service local:8080
ansible host -m netscaler -a " user=apiuser password=apipass name=local:8080 type=service action=disable"


Notify newrelic about app deployments (see http://newrelic.github.

Options (= is mandatory):

- app_name
      (one of app_name or application_id are required) The value
      of app_name in the newrelic.yml file used by the application

- application_id
      (one of app_name or application_id are required) The
      application id, found in the URL when viewing the
      application in RPM

- appname
      Name of the application

- changelog
      A list of changes for this deployment

- description
      Text annotation for the deployment - notes for you

- environment
      The environment for this deployment

- revision
      A revision number (e.g., git commit SHA)

= token
      API token.

- user
      The name of the user/process that triggered this deployment

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Requirements:    urllib, urllib2

- newrelic_deployment: token=AAAAAA
                       user='ansible deployment'


Create or Remove virtual machines from Openstack.

Options (= is mandatory):

- auth_url
      The keystone url for authentication

- flavor_id
      The id of the flavor in which the new VM has to be created

= image_id
      The id of the image that has to be cloned

- key_name
      The key pair name to be used when creating a VM

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

- meta
      A list of key value pairs that should be provided as a
      metadata to the new VM

= name
      Name that has to be given to the instance

- nics
      A list of network id's to which the VM's interface should be

- region_name
      Name of the region

- security_groups
      The name of the security group to which the VM should be

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- wait
      If the module should wait for the VM to be created.

- wait_for
      The amount of time the module should wait for the VM to get
      into active state

Requirements:    novaclient

# Creates a new VM and attaches to a network and passes metadata to the instance
- nova_compute:
       state: present
       login_username: admin
       login_password: admin
       login_tenant_name: admin
       name: vm1
       image_id: 4f905f38-e52a-43d2-b6ec-754a13ffb529
       key_name: ansible_key
       wait_for: 200
       flavor_id: 4
         - net-id: 34605f38-e52a-25d2-b6ec-754a13ffb723
         hostname: test1
         group: uge_master


Add or Remove key pair from nova .

Options (= is mandatory):

- auth_url
      The keystone url for authentication

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

= name
      Name that has to be given to the key pair

- public_key
      The public key that would be uploaded to nova and injected
      to vm's upon creation

- region_name
      Name of the region

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

Requirements:    novaclient

# Creates a key pair with the running users public key
- nova_keypair: state=present login_username=admin
                login_password=admin login_tenant_name=admin name=ansible_key
                public_key={{ lookup('file','~/.ssh/') }}

# Creates a new key pair and the private key returned after the run.
- nova_keypair: state=present login_username=admin login_password=admin
                login_tenant_name=admin name=ansible_key


Manage node.js packages with Node Package Manager (npm)

Options (= is mandatory):

- executable
      The executable location for npm.This is useful if you are
      using a version manager, such as nvm

- global
      Install the node.js library globally (Choices: yes, no)

- name
      The name of a node.js library to install

- path
      The base path where to install the node.js libraries

- production
      Install dependencies in production mode, excluding
      devDependencies (Choices: yes, no)

- state
      The state of the node.js library (Choices: present, absent,

- version
      The version to be installed

description: Install "coffee-script" node.js package.
- npm: name=coffee-script path=/app/location

description: Install "coffee-script" node.js package on version 1.6.1.
- npm: name=coffee-script version=1.6.1 path=/app/location

description: Install "coffee-script" node.js package globally.
- npm: name=coffee-script global=yes

description: Remove the globally package "coffee-script".
- npm: name=coffee-script global=yes state=absent

description: Install packages based on package.json.
- npm: path=/app/location

description: Update packages based on package.json to their latest version.
- npm: path=/app/location state=latest

description: Install packages based on package.json using the npm installed with nvm v0.10.1.
- npm: path=/app/location executable=/opt/nvm/v0.10.1/bin/npm state=present


Similar to the [facter] module, this runs the `Ohai' discovery
program ( on the remote
host and returns JSON inventory data. `Ohai' data is a bit more
verbose and nested than `facter'.

Requirements:    ohai

# Retrieve (ohai) data from all Web servers and store in one-file per host
ansible webservers -m ohai --tree=/tmp/ohaidata


Discover targets on given portal, (dis)connect targets, mark
targets to manually or auto start, return device nodes of
connected targets.

Options (= is mandatory):

- auto_node_startup
      whether the target node should be automatically connected at
      startup (Choices: True, False)

- discover
      whether the list of target nodes on the portal should be
      (re)discovered and added to the persistent iscsi database.
      Keep in mind that iscsiadm discovery resets configurtion,
      like node.startup to manual, hence combined with
      auto_node_startup=yes will allways return a changed state.
      (Choices: True, False)

- login
      whether the target node should be connected (Choices: True,

- node_auth

- node_pass

- node_user

- port
      the port on which the iscsi target process listens

- portal
      the ip address of the iscsi target

- show_nodes
      whether the list of nodes in the persistent iscsi database
      should be returned by the module (Choices: True, False)

- target
      the iscsi target name

Requirements:    open_iscsi library and tools (iscsiadm)


open_iscsi: show_nodes=yes discover=yes portal=

open_iscsi: portal={{iscsi_target}} login=yes discover=yes

open_iscsi: login=yes

open_iscsi: login=no"


Manage packages on OpenBSD using the pkg tools.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      Name of the package.

= state
      `present' will make sure the package is installed. `latest'
      will make sure the latest version of the package is
      installed. `absent' will make sure the specified package is
      not installed. (Choices: present, latest, absent)

# Make sure nmap is installed
- openbsd_pkg: name=nmap state=present

# Make sure nmap is the latest version
- openbsd_pkg: name=nmap state=latest

# Make sure nmap is not installed
- openbsd_pkg: name=nmap state=absent


Manage Open vSwitch bridges

Options (= is mandatory):

= bridge
      Name of bridge to manage

- state
      Whether the bridge should exist (Choices: present, absent)

- timeout
      How long to wait for ovs-vswitchd to respond

Requirements:    ovs-vsctl

# Create a bridge named br-int
- openvswitch_bridge: bridge=br-int state=present


Manage Open vSwitch ports

Options (= is mandatory):

= bridge
      Name of bridge to manage

= port
      Name of port to manage on the bridge

- state
      Whether the port should exist (Choices: present, absent)

- timeout
      How long to wait for ovs-vswitchd to respond

Requirements:    ovs-vsctl

# Creates port eth2 on bridge br-ex
- openvswitch_port: bridge=br-ex port=eth2 state=present


Manages OpenWrt packages

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      name of package to install/remove

- state
      state of the package (Choices: present, absent)

- update_cache
      update the package db first (Choices: yes, no)

- opkg: name=foo state=present
- opkg: name=foo state=present update_cache=yes
- opkg: name=foo state=absent
- opkg: name=foo,bar state=absent


makes an OS computer speak!  Amuse your friends, annoy your

Options (= is mandatory):

= msg
      What to say

- voice
      What voice to use

Notes:    If you like this module, you may also be interested in the osx_say
      callback in the plugins/ directory of the source checkout.

Requirements:    say

- local_action: osx_say msg="{{inventory_hostname}} is all done" voice=Zarvox


allows you to create new instances, either from scratch or an
image, in addition to deleting or stopping instances on the
oVirt/RHEV platform

Options (= is mandatory):

- disk_alloc
      define if disk is thin or preallocated (Choices: thin,

- disk_int
      interface type of the disk (Choices: virtio, ide)

- image
      template to use for the instance

- instance_cores
      define the instance's number of cores

- instance_cpus
      the instance's number of cpu's

- instance_disksize
      size of the instance's disk in GB

- instance_mem
      the instance's amount of memory in MB

= instance_name
      the name of the instance to use

- instance_network
      the logical network the machine should belong to

- instance_nic
      name of the network interface in oVirt/RHEV

- instance_os
      type of Operating System

- instance_type
      define if the instance is a server or desktop (Choices:
      server, desktop)

= password
      password of the user to authenticate with

- region
      the oVirt/RHEV datacenter where you want to deploy to

- resource_type
      whether you want to deploy an image or create an instance
      from scratch. (Choices: new, template)

- sdomain
      the Storage Domain where you want to create the instance's
      disk on.

- state
      create, terminate or remove instances (Choices: present,
      absent, shutdown, started, restarted)

= url
      the url of the oVirt instance

= user
      the user to authenticate with

- zone
      deploy the image to this oVirt cluster

Requirements:    ovirt-engine-sdk

# Basic example provisioning from image.

action: ovirt >

# Full example to create new instance from scratch
action: ovirt >

# stopping an instance
action: ovirt >

# starting an instance
action: ovirt >


Manages Archlinux packages

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      name of package to install, upgrade or remove.

- recurse
      remove all not explicitly installed dependencies not
      required by other packages of the package to remove
      (Choices: yes, no)

- state
      desired state of the package. (Choices: installed, absent)

- update_cache
      update the package database first (pacman -Syy). (Choices:
      yes, no)

# Install package foo
- pacman: name=foo state=installed

# Remove package foo
- pacman: name=foo state=absent

# Remove packages foo and bar
- pacman: name=foo,bar state=absent

# Recursively remove package baz
- pacman: name=baz state=absent recurse=yes

# Update the package database (pacman -Syy) and install bar (bar will be the updated if a newer version exists)
- pacman: name=bar, state=installed, update_cache=yes


This module will let you create PagerDuty maintenance windows

Options (= is mandatory):

- desc
      Short description of maintenance window. (Choices: )

- hours
      Length of maintenance window in hours. (Choices: )

= name
      PagerDuty unique subdomain. (Choices: )

= passwd
      PagerDuty user password. (Choices: )

- service
      PagerDuty service ID. (Choices: )

= state
      Create a maintenance window or get a list of ongoing
      windows. (Choices: running, started, ongoing)

= user
      PagerDuty user ID. (Choices: )

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    This module does not yet have support to end maintenance windows.

Requirements:    PagerDuty API access

# List ongoing maintenance windows.
- pagerduty: name=companyabc passwd=password123 state=ongoing

# Create a 1 hour maintenance window for service FOO123.
- pagerduty: name=companyabc

# Create a 4 hour maintenance window for service FOO123 with the description "deployment".
- pagerduty: name=companyabc


Pauses playbook execution for a set amount of time, or until a
prompt is acknowledged. All parameters are optional. The default
behavior is to pause with a prompt.You can use `ctrl+c' if you
wish to advance a pause earlier than it is set to expire or if you
need to abort a playbook run entirely. To continue early: press
`ctrl+c' and then `c'. To abort a playbook: press `ctrl+c' and
then `a'.The pause module integrates into async/parallelized
playbooks without any special considerations (see also: Rolling
Updates). When using pauses with the `serial' playbook parameter
(as in rolling updates) you are only prompted once for the current
group of hosts.

Options (= is mandatory):

- minutes
      Number of minutes to pause for.

- prompt
      Optional text to use for the prompt message.

- seconds
      Number of seconds to pause for.

# Pause for 5 minutes to build app cache.
- pause: minutes=5

# Pause until you can verify updates to an application were successful.
- pause:

# A helpful reminder of what to look out for post-update.
- pause: prompt="Make sure exception is not present"


A trivial test module, this module always returns `pong' on
successful contact. It does not make sense in playbooks, but it is
useful from `/usr/bin/ansible'

# Test 'webservers' status
ansible webservers -m ping


This module will let you pause/unpause Pingdom alerts

Options (= is mandatory):

= checkid
      Pingdom ID of the check. (Choices: )

= key
      Pingdom API key. (Choices: )

= passwd
      Pingdom user password. (Choices: )

= state
      Define whether or not the check should be running or paused.
      (Choices: running, paused)

= uid
      Pingdom user ID. (Choices: )

Notes:    This module does not yet have support to add/remove checks.

Requirements:    This pingdom python library:

# Pause the check with the ID of 12345.
- pingdom:

# Unpause the check with the ID of 12345.
- pingdom:


Manage Python library dependencies. To use this module, one of the
following keys is required: `name' or `requirements'.

Options (= is mandatory):

- chdir
      cd into this directory before running the command

- executable
      The explicit executable or a pathname to the executable to
      be used to run pip for a specific version of Python
      installed in the system. For example `pip-3.3', if there are
      both Python 2.7 and 3.3 installations in the system and you
      want to run pip for the Python 3.3 installation.

- extra_args
      Extra arguments passed to pip.

- name
      The name of a Python library to install or the url of the
      remote package.

- requirements
      The path to a pip requirements file

- state
      The state of module (Choices: present, absent, latest)

- version
      The version number to install of the Python library
      specified in the `name' parameter

- virtualenv
      An optional path to a `virtualenv' directory to install into

- virtualenv_command
      The command or a pathname to the command to create the
      virtual environment with. For example `pyvenv',
      `virtualenv', `virtualenv2', `~/bin/virtualenv',

- virtualenv_site_packages
      Whether the virtual environment will inherit packages from
      the global site-packages directory.  Note that if this
      setting is changed on an already existing virtual
      environment it will not have any effect, the environment
      must be deleted and newly created. (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    Please note that virtualenv ( must be
      installed on the remote host if the virtualenv parameter is

Requirements:    virtualenv, pip

# Install (Bottle) python package.
- pip: name=bottle

# Install (Bottle) python package on version 0.11.
- pip: name=bottle version=0.11

# Install (MyApp) using one of the remote protocols (bzr+,hg+,git+,svn+). You do not have to supply '-e' option in extra_args.
- pip: name='svn+http://myrepo/svn/MyApp#egg=MyApp'

# Install (Bottle) into the specified (virtualenv), inheriting none of the globally installed modules
- pip: name=bottle virtualenv=/my_app/venv

# Install (Bottle) into the specified (virtualenv), inheriting globally installed modules
- pip: name=bottle virtualenv=/my_app/venv virtualenv_site_packages=yes

# Install (Bottle) into the specified (virtualenv), using Python 2.7
- pip: name=bottle virtualenv=/my_app/venv virtualenv_command=virtualenv-2.7

# Install specified python requirements.
- pip: requirements=/my_app/requirements.txt

# Install specified python requirements in indicated (virtualenv).
- pip: requirements=/my_app/requirements.txt virtualenv=/my_app/venv

# Install specified python requirements and custom Index URL.
- pip: requirements=/my_app/requirements.txt extra_args='-i'

# Install (Bottle) for Python 3.3 specifically,using the 'pip-3.3' executable.
- pip: name=bottle executable=pip-3.3


Manages SmartOS packages

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      name of package to install/remove

- state
      state of the package (Choices: present, absent)

# install package foo"
- pkgin: name=foo state=present

# remove package foo
- pkgin: name=foo state=absent

# remove packages foo and bar
- pkgin: name=foo,bar state=absent


Manage binary packages for FreeBSD using 'pkgng' which is
available in versions after 9.0.

Options (= is mandatory):

- cached
      use local package base or try to fetch an updated one
      (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      name of package to install/remove

- pkgsite
      specify packagesite to use for downloading packages, if not
      specified, use settings from /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf

- state
      state of the package (Choices: present, absent)

Notes:    When using pkgsite, be careful that already in cache packages
      won't be downloaded again.

# Install package foo
- pkgng: name=foo state=present

# Remove packages foo and bar
- pkgng: name=foo,bar state=absent


Manages CSW packages (SVR4 format) on Solaris 10 and 11.These were
the native packages on Solaris <= 10 and are available as a legacy
feature in Solaris 11.Pkgutil is an advanced packaging system,
which resolves dependency on installation. It is designed for CSW

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      Package name, e.g. (`CSWnrpe')

- site
      Specifies the repository path to install the package
      from.Its global definition is done in

= state
      Whether to install (`present'), or remove (`absent') a
      package.The upgrade (`latest') operation will update/install
      the package to the latest version available.Note: The module
      has a limitation that (`latest') only works for one package,
      not lists of them. (Choices: present, absent, latest)

# Install a package
pkgutil: name=CSWcommon state=present

# Install a package from a specific repository
pkgutil: name=CSWnrpe site='ftp://myinternal.repo/opencsw/kiel state=latest'


Manage packages for FreeBSD using 'portinstall'.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      name of package to install/remove

- state
      state of the package (Choices: present, absent)

- use_packages
      use packages instead of ports whenever available (Choices:
      yes, no)

# Install package foo
- portinstall: name=foo state=present

# Install package security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd
- portinstall: name=security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd state=present

# Remove packages foo and bar
- portinstall: name=foo,bar state=absent


Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host.

Options (= is mandatory):

- encoding
      Encoding of the database

- lc_collate
      Collation order (LC_COLLATE) to use in the database. Must
      match collation order of template database unless
      `template0' is used as template.

- lc_ctype
      Character classification (LC_CTYPE) to use in the database
      (e.g. lower, upper, ...) Must match LC_CTYPE of template
      database unless `template0' is used as template.

- login_host
      Host running the database

- login_password
      The password used to authenticate with

- login_user
      The username used to authenticate with

= name
      name of the database to add or remove

- owner
      Name of the role to set as owner of the database

- port
      Database port to connect to.

- state
      The database state (Choices: present, absent)

- template
      Template used to create the database

Notes:    The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in
      as or sudo'ing to the `postgres' account on the host.This
      module uses `psycopg2', a Python PostgreSQL database
      adapter. You must ensure that psycopg2 is installed on the
      host before using this module. If the remote host is the
      PostgreSQL server (which is the default case), then
      PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host. For
      Ubuntu-based systems, install the `postgresql', `libpq-dev',
      and `python-psycopg2' packages on the remote host before
      using this module.

Requirements:    psycopg2

# Create a new database with name "acme"
- postgresql_db: name=acme

# Create a new database with name "acme" and specific encoding and locale
# settings. If a template different from "template0" is specified, encoding
# and locale settings must match those of the template.
- postgresql_db: name=acme


Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects.This
module is basically a wrapper around most of the functionality of
PostgreSQL's GRANT and REVOKE statements with detection of changes
(GRANT/REVOKE `privs' ON `type' `objs' TO/FROM `roles')

Options (= is mandatory):

= database
      Name of database to connect to.Alias: `db'

- grant_option
      Whether `role' may grant/revoke the specified
      privileges/group memberships to others.Set to `no' to revoke
      GRANT OPTION, leave unspecified to make no
      changes.`grant_option' only has an effect if `state' is
      `present'.Alias: `admin_option' (Choices: yes, no)

- host
      Database host address. If unspecified, connect via Unix
      socket.Alias: `login_host'

- login
      The username to authenticate with.Alias: `login_user'

- objs
      Comma separated list of database objects to set privileges
      on.If `type' is `table' or `sequence', the special value
      `ALL_IN_SCHEMA' can be provided instead to specify all
      database objects of type `type' in the schema specified via
      `schema'. (This also works with PostgreSQL < 9.0.)If `type'
      is `database', this parameter can be omitted, in which case
      privileges are set for the database specified via
      `database'.If `type' is `function', colons (":") in object
      names will be replaced with commas (needed to specify
      function signatures, see examples)Alias: `obj'

- password
      The password to authenticate with.Alias: `login_password')

- port
      Database port to connect to.

- privs
      Comma separated list of privileges to grant/revoke.Alias:

= roles
      Comma separated list of role (user/group) names to set
      permissions for.The special value `PUBLIC' can be provided
      instead to set permissions for the implicitly defined PUBLIC
      group.Alias: `role'

- schema
      Schema that contains the database objects specified via
      `objs'.May only be provided if `type' is `table', `sequence'
      or `function'. Defaults to  `public' in these cases.

- state
      If `present', the specified privileges are granted, if
      `absent' they are revoked. (Choices: present, absent)

- type
      Type of database object to set privileges on. (Choices:
      table, sequence, function, database, schema, language,
      tablespace, group)

Notes:    Default authentication assumes that postgresql_privs is run by the
      `postgres' user on the remote host. (Ansible's `user' or
      `sudo-user').This module requires Python package `psycopg2'
      to be installed on the remote host. In the default case of
      the remote host also being the PostgreSQL server, PostgreSQL
      has to be installed there as well, obviously. For Debian
      /Ubuntu-based systems, install packages `postgresql' and
      `python-psycopg2'.Parameters that accept comma separated
      lists (`privs', `objs', `roles') have singular alias names
      (`priv', `obj', `role').To revoke only `GRANT OPTION' for a
      specific object, set `state' to `present' and `grant_option'
      to `no' (see examples).Note that when revoking privileges
      from a role R, this role  may still have access via
      privileges granted to any role R is a member of including
      `PUBLIC'.Note that when revoking privileges from a role R,
      you do so as the user specified via `login'. If R has been
      granted the same privileges by another user also, R can
      still access database objects via these privileges.When
      revoking privileges, `RESTRICT' is assumed (see PostgreSQL

Requirements:    psycopg2

# On database "library":
# GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON TABLE public.books, public.authors
# TO librarian, reader WITH GRANT OPTION
- postgresql_privs: >

# Same as above leveraging default values:
- postgresql_privs: >

# Note that role "reader" will be *granted* INSERT privilege itself if this
# isn't already the case (since state=present).
- postgresql_privs: >

# "public" is the default schema. This also works for PostgreSQL 8.x.
- postgresql_privs: >

# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public, math TO librarian
- postgresql_privs: >

# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON FUNCTION math.add(int, int) TO librarian, reader
# Note the separation of arguments with colons.
- postgresql_privs: >

# GRANT librarian, reader TO alice, bob WITH ADMIN OPTION
# Note that group role memberships apply cluster-wide and therefore are not
# restricted to database "library" here.
- postgresql_privs: >

# Note that here "db=postgres" specifies the database to connect to, not the
# database to grant privileges on (which is specified via the "objs" param)
- postgresql_privs: >

# If objs is omitted for type "database", it defaults to the database
# to which the connection is established
- postgresql_privs: >


Add or remove PostgreSQL users (roles) from a remote host and,
optionally, grant the users access to an existing database or
tables.The fundamental function of the module is to create, or
delete, roles from a PostgreSQL cluster. Privilege assignment, or
removal, is an optional step, which works on one database at a
time. This allows for the module to be called several times in the
same module to modify the permissions on different databases, or
to grant permissions to already existing users.A user cannot be
removed until all the privileges have been stripped from the user.
In such situation, if the module tries to remove the user it will
fail. To avoid this from happening the fail_on_user option signals
the module to try to remove the user, but if not possible keep
going; the module will report if changes happened and separately
if the user was removed or not.

Options (= is mandatory):

- db
      name of database where permissions will be granted

- encrypted
      denotes if the password is already encrypted. boolean.

- expires
      sets the user's password expiration.

- fail_on_user
      if `yes', fail when user can't be removed. Otherwise just
      log and continue (Choices: yes, no)

- login_host
      Host running PostgreSQL.

- login_password
      Password used to authenticate with PostgreSQL

- login_user
      User (role) used to authenticate with PostgreSQL

= name
      name of the user (role) to add or remove

- password
      set the user's password, before 1.4 this was required.When
      passing an encrypted password it must be generated with the
      format `'str["md5"] + md5[ password + username ]'',
      resulting in a total of 35 characters.  An easy way to do
      this is: `echo "md5`echo -n "verysecretpasswordJOE" |

- port
      Database port to connect to.

- priv
      PostgreSQL privileges string in the format:

- role_attr_flags
      PostgreSQL role attributes string in the format:

- state
      The user (role) state (Choices: present, absent)

Notes:    The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in
      as or sudo'ing to the postgres account on the host.This
      module uses psycopg2, a Python PostgreSQL database adapter.
      You must ensure that psycopg2 is installed on the host
      before using this module. If the remote host is the
      PostgreSQL server (which is the default case), then
      PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host. For
      Ubuntu-based systems, install the postgresql, libpq-dev, and
      python-psycopg2 packages on the remote host before using
      this module.If you specify PUBLIC as the user, then the
      privilege changes will apply to all users. You may not
      specify password or role_attr_flags when the PUBLIC user is

Requirements:    psycopg2

# Create django user and grant access to database and products table
- postgresql_user: db=acme name=django password=ceec4eif7ya priv=CONNECT/products:ALL

# Create rails user, grant privilege to create other databases and demote rails from super user status
- postgresql_user: name=rails password=secret role_attr_flags=CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER

# Remove test user privileges from acme
- postgresql_user: db=acme name=test priv=ALL/products:ALL state=absent fail_on_user=no

# Remove test user from test database and the cluster
- postgresql_user: db=test name=test priv=ALL state=absent

# Example privileges string format

# Remove an existing user's password
- postgresql_user: db=test user=test password=NULL


Add or Remove a floating IP to an instance

Options (= is mandatory):

- auth_url
      The keystone url for authentication

= instance_name
      The name of the instance to which the IP address should be

- internal_network_name
      The name of the network of the port to associate with the
      floating ip. Necessary when VM multiple networks.

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

= network_name
      Name of the network from which IP has to be assigned to VM.
      Please make sure the network is an external network

- region_name
      Name of the region

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

Requirements:    novaclient, quantumclient, neutronclient, keystoneclient

# Assign a floating ip to the instance from an external network
- quantum_floating_ip: state=present login_username=admin login_password=admin
                       login_tenant_name=admin network_name=external_network
                       instance_name=vm1 internal_network_name=internal_network


Add or Remove network from OpenStack.

Options (= is mandatory):

- admin_state_up
      Whether the state should be marked as up or down

- auth_url
      The keystone url for authentication

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

= name
      Name to be assigned to the nework

- provider_network_type
      The type of the network to be created, gre, vlan, local.
      Available types depend on the plugin. The Quantum service
      decides if not specified.

- provider_physical_network
      The physical network which would realize the virtual network
      for flat and vlan networks.

- provider_segmentation_id
      The id that has to be assigned to the network, in case of
      vlan networks that would be vlan id and for gre the tunnel

- region_name
      Name of the region

- router_external
      If 'yes', specifies that the virtual network is a external
      network (public).

- shared
      Whether this network is shared or not

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- tenant_name
      The name of the tenant for whom the network is created

Requirements:    quantumclient, neutronclient, keystoneclient

# Create a GRE backed Quantum network with tunnel id 1 for tenant1
- quantum_network: name=t1network tenant_name=tenant1 state=present
                   provider_network_type=gre provider_segmentation_id=1
                   login_username=admin login_password=admin login_tenant_name=admin

# Create an external network
- quantum_network: name=external_network state=present
                   provider_network_type=local router_external=yes
                   login_username=admin login_password=admin login_tenant_name=admin


Create or Delete routers from OpenStack

Options (= is mandatory):

- admin_state_up
      desired admin state of the created router .

- auth_url
      The keystone url for authentication

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

= name
      Name to be give to the router

- region_name
      Name of the region

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- tenant_name
      Name of the tenant for which the router has to be created,
      if none router would be created for the login tenant.

Requirements:    quantumclient, neutronclient, keystoneclient

# Creates a router for tenant admin
- quantum_router: state=present


Add or Remove a floating IP to an instance

Options (= is mandatory):

- allocation_pool_end
      From the subnet pool the last IP that should be assigned to
      the virtual machines

- allocation_pool_start
      From the subnet pool the starting address from which the IP
      should be allocated

- auth_url
      The keystone URL for authentication

= cidr
      The CIDR representation of the subnet that should be
      assigned to the subnet

- dns_nameservers
      DNS nameservers for this subnet, comma-separated

- enable_dhcp
      Whether DHCP should be enabled for this subnet.

- gateway_ip
      The ip that would be assigned to the gateway for this subnet

- ip_version
      The IP version of the subnet 4 or 6

= login_password
      Password of login user

= login_tenant_name
      The tenant name of the login user

= login_username
      login username to authenticate to keystone

= network_name
      Name of the network to which the subnet should be attached

- region_name
      Name of the region

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- tenant_name
      The name of the tenant for whom the subnet should be created

Requirements:    quantumclient, neutronclient, keystoneclient

# Create a subnet for a tenant with the specified subnet
- quantum_subnet: state=present login_username=admin login_password=admin
                  login_tenant_name=admin tenant_name=tenant1
                  network_name=network1 name=net1subnet cidr="


Manage dynamic, cluster-wide parameters for RabbitMQ

Options (= is mandatory):

= component
      Name of the component of which the parameter is being set

= name
      Name of the parameter being set

- node
      erlang node name of the rabbit we wish to configure

- state
      Specify if user is to be added or removed (Choices: present,

- value
      Value of the parameter, as a JSON term

- vhost
      vhost to apply access privileges.

# Set the federation parameter 'local_username' to a value of 'guest' (in quotes)
- rabbitmq_parameter: component=federation


Enables or disables RabbitMQ plugins

Options (= is mandatory):

= names
      Comma-separated list of plugin names

- new_only
      Only enable missing pluginsDoes not disable plugins that are
      not in the names list (Choices: yes, no)

- prefix
      Specify a custom install prefix to a Rabbit

- state
      Specify if plugins are to be enabled or disabled (Choices:
      enabled, disabled)

# Enables the rabbitmq_management plugin
- rabbitmq_plugin: names=rabbitmq_management state=enabled


Manage the state of a virtual host in RabbitMQ.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      The name of the policy to manage.

- node
      Erlang node name of the rabbit we wish to configure.

= pattern
      A regex of queues to apply the policy to.

- priority
      The priority of the policy.

- state
      The state of the policy. (Choices: present, absent)

= tags
      A dict or string describing the policy.

- vhost
      The name of the vhost to apply to.

- name: ensure the default vhost contains the HA policy via a dict
  rabbitmq_policy: name=HA pattern='.*'
      "ha-mode": all

- name: ensure the default vhost contains the HA policy
  rabbitmq_policy: name=HA pattern='.*' tags="ha-mode=all"


Add or remove users to RabbitMQ and assign permissions

Options (= is mandatory):

- configure_priv
      Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a
      resource for the specified vhost.By default all actions are

- force
      Deletes and recreates the user. (Choices: yes, no)

- node
      erlang node name of the rabbit we wish to configure

- password
      Password of user to add.To change the password of an
      existing user, you must also specify `force=yes'.

- read_priv
      Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a
      resource for the specified vhost.By default all actions are

- state
      Specify if user is to be added or removed (Choices: present,

- tags
      User tags specified as comma delimited

= user
      Name of user to add

- vhost
      vhost to apply access privileges.

- write_priv
      Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a
      resource for the specified vhost.By default all actions are

# Add user to server and assign full access control
- rabbitmq_user: user=joe


Manage the state of a virtual host in RabbitMQ

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      The name of the vhost to manage

- node
      erlang node name of the rabbit we wish to configure

- state
      The state of vhost (Choices: present, absent)

- tracing
      Enable/disable tracing for a vhost (Choices: yes, no)

# Ensure that the vhost /test exists.
- rabbitmq_vhost: name=/test state=present


Executes a low-down and dirty SSH command, not going through the
module subsystem. This is useful and should only be done in two
cases. The first case is installing `python-simplejson' on older
(Python 2.4 and before) hosts that need it as a dependency to run
modules, since nearly all core modules require it. Another is
speaking to any devices such as routers that do not have any
Python installed. In any other case, using the [shell] or
[command] module is much more appropriate. Arguments given to
[raw] are run directly through the configured remote shell.
Standard output, error output and return code are returned when
available. There is no change handler support for this module.This
module does not require python on the remote system, much like the
[script] module.

Options (= is mandatory):

- executable
      change the shell used to execute the command. Should be an
      absolute path to the executable.

= free_form
      the raw module takes a free form command to run

Notes:    If you want to execute a command securely and predictably, it may
      be better to use the [command] module instead. Best
      practices when writing playbooks will follow the trend of
      using [command] unless [shell] is explicitly required. When
      running ad-hoc commands, use your best judgement.

# Bootstrap a legacy python 2.4 host
- raw: yum -y install python-simplejson


creates / deletes a Rackspace Public Cloud instance and optionally
waits for it to be 'running'.

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- auth_endpoint
      The URI of the authentication service

- auto_increment
      Whether or not to increment a single number with the name of
      the created servers. Only applicable when used with the
      `group' attribute or meta key.

- count
      number of instances to launch

- count_offset
      number count to start at

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- disk_config
      Disk partitioning strategy (Choices: auto, manual)

- env
      Environment as configured in ~/.pyrax.cfg, see https://githu

- exact_count
      Explicitly ensure an exact count of instances, used with

- files
      Files to insert into the instance.

- flavor
      flavor to use for the instance

- group
      host group to assign to server, is also used for idempotent
      operations to ensure a specific number of instances

- identity_type
      Authentication machanism to use, such as rackspace or

- image
      image to use for the instance. Can be an `id', `human_id' or

- instance_ids
      list of instance ids, currently only used when
      state='absent' to remove instances

- key_name
      key pair to use on the instance

- meta
      A hash of metadata to associate with the instance

- name
      Name to give the instance

- networks
      The network to attach to the instances. If specified, you
      must include ALL networks including the public and private
      interfaces. Can be `id' or `label'.

- region
      Region to create an instance in

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- tenant_id
      The tenant ID used for authentication

- tenant_name
      The tenant name used for authentication

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

- verify_ssl
      Whether or not to require SSL validation of API endpoints

- wait
      wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before
      returning (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Build a Cloud Server
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Server build request
        module: rax
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        name: rax-test1
        flavor: 5
        image: b11d9567-e412-4255-96b9-bd63ab23bcfe
          /root/.ssh/authorized_keys: /home/localuser/.ssh/
          /root/test.txt: /home/localuser/test.txt
        wait: yes
        state: present
          - private
          - public
      register: rax

- name: Build an exact count of cloud servers with incremented names
  hosts: local
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Server build requests
        module: rax
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        flavor: performance1-1
        image: ubuntu-1204-lts-precise-pangolin
        state: present
        count: 10
        count_offset: 10
        exact_count: yes
        group: test
        wait: yes
      register: rax


creates / deletes a Rackspace Public Cloud load balancer.

Options (= is mandatory):

- algorithm
      algorithm for the balancer being created (Choices: RANDOM,

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- meta
      A hash of metadata to associate with the instance

- name
      Name to give the load balancer

- port
      Port for the balancer being created

- protocol
      Protocol for the balancer being created (Choices: DNS_TCP,

- region
      Region to create the load balancer in

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- timeout
      timeout for communication between the balancer and the node

- type
      type of interface for the balancer being created (Choices:

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

- vip_id
      Virtual IP ID to use when creating the load balancer for
      purposes of sharing an IP with another load balancer of
      another protocol

- wait
      wait for the balancer to be in state 'running' before
      returning (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Build a Load Balancer
  gather_facts: False
  hosts: local
  connection: local
    - name: Load Balancer create request
        module: rax_clb
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        name: my-lb
        port: 8080
        protocol: HTTP
        type: SERVICENET
        timeout: 30
        region: DFW
        wait: yes
        state: present
          app: my-cool-app
      register: my_lb


Adds, modifies and removes nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load

Options (= is mandatory):

- address
      IP address or domain name of the node

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- condition
      Condition for the node, which determines its role within the
      load balancer (Choices: enabled, disabled, draining)

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

= load_balancer_id
      Load balancer id

- node_id
      Node id

- port
      Port number of the load balanced service on the node

- region
      Region to authenticate in

- state
      Indicate desired state of the node (Choices: present,

- type
      Type of node (Choices: primary, secondary)

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

- virtualenv
      Path to a virtualenv that should be activated before doing
      anything. The virtualenv has to already exist. Useful if
      installing pyrax globally is not an option.

- wait
      Wait for the load balancer to become active before returning
      (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      How long to wait before giving up and returning an error

- weight
      Weight of node

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used: `RAX_USERNAME',

Requirements:    pyrax

# Add a new node to the load balancer
- local_action:
    module: rax_clb_nodes
    load_balancer_id: 71
    port: 80
    condition: enabled
    type: primary
    wait: yes
    credentials: /path/to/credentials

# Drain connections from a node
- local_action:
    module: rax_clb_nodes
    load_balancer_id: 71
    node_id: 410
    condition: draining
    wait: yes
    credentials: /path/to/credentials

# Remove a node from the load balancer
- local_action:
    module: rax_clb_nodes
    load_balancer_id: 71
    node_id: 410
    state: absent
    wait: yes
    credentials: /path/to/credentials


Manage DNS records on Rackspace Cloud DNS

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- comment
      Brief description of the domain. Maximum length of 160

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

= data
      IP address for A/AAAA record, FQDN for CNAME/MX/NS, or text
      data for SRV/TXT

= domain
      Domain name to create the record in

= name
      FQDN record name to create

- priority
      Required for MX and SRV records, but forbidden for other
      record types. If specified, must be an integer from 0 to

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- ttl
      Time to live of domain in seconds

- type
      DNS record type (Choices: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV, TXT)

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Create record
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Record create request
        module: rax_dns_record
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        type: A
      register: rax_dns_record


Gather facts for Rackspace Cloud Servers.

Options (= is mandatory):

- address
      Server IP address to retrieve facts for, will match any IP
      assigned to the server

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- auth_endpoint
      The URI of the authentication service

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- env
      Environment as configured in ~/.pyrax.cfg, see https://githu

- id
      Server ID to retrieve facts for

- identity_type
      Authentication machanism to use, such as rackspace or

- name
      Server name to retrieve facts for

- region
      Region to create an instance in

- tenant_id
      The tenant ID used for authentication

- tenant_name
      The tenant name used for authentication

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

- verify_ssl
      Whether or not to require SSL validation of API endpoints

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Gather info about servers
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Get facts about servers
        module: rax_facts
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        region: DFW
    - name: Map some facts
        ansible_ssh_host: "{{ rax_accessipv4 }}"


Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Files Containers

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- clear_meta
      Optionally clear existing metadata when applying metadata to
      existing containers. Selecting this option is only
      appropriate when setting type=meta (Choices: yes, no)

= container
      The container to use for container or metadata operations.

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- meta
      A hash of items to set as metadata values on a container

- private
      Used to set a container as private, removing it from the
      CDN.  *Warning!* Private containers, if previously made
      public, can have live objects available until the TTL on
      cached objects expires

- public
      Used to set a container as public, available via the Cloud
      Files CDN

- region
      Region to create an instance in

- ttl
      In seconds, set a container-wide TTL for all objects cached
      on CDN edge nodes. Setting a TTL is only appropriate for
      containers that are public

- type
      Type of object to do work on, i.e. metadata object or a
      container object (Choices: file, meta)

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

- web_error
      Sets an object to be presented as the HTTP error page when
      accessed by the CDN URL

- web_index
      Sets an object to be presented as the HTTP index page when
      accessed by the CDN URL

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: "Test Cloud Files Containers"
  hosts: local
  gather_facts: no
    - name: "List all containers"
      rax_files: state=list

    - name: "Create container called 'mycontainer'"
      rax_files: container=mycontainer

    - name: "Create container 'mycontainer2' with metadata"
        container: mycontainer2
          key: value

    - name: "Set a container's web index page"
      rax_files: container=mycontainer web_index=index.html

    - name: "Set a container's web error page"
      rax_files: container=mycontainer web_error=error.html

    - name: "Make container public"
      rax_files: container=mycontainer public=yes

    - name: "Make container public with a 24 hour TTL"
      rax_files: container=mycontainer public=yes ttl=86400

    - name: "Make container private"
      rax_files: container=mycontainer private=yes

- name: "Test Cloud Files Containers Metadata Storage"
  hosts: local
  gather_facts: no
    - name: "Get mycontainer2 metadata"
        container: mycontainer2
        type: meta

    - name: "Set mycontainer2 metadata"
        container: mycontainer2
        type: meta

    - name: "Remove mycontainer2 metadata"
        container: "mycontainer2"
        type: meta
        state: absent
          key: ""
          file_for: ""


Upload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- clear_meta
      Optionally clear existing metadata when applying metadata to
      existing objects. Selecting this option is only appropriate
      when setting type=meta (Choices: yes, no)

= container
      The container to use for file object operations.

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- dest
      The destination of a "get" operation; i.e. a local
      directory, "/home/user/myfolder". Used to specify the
      destination of an operation on a remote object; i.e. a file
      name, "file1", or a comma-separated list of remote objects,

- expires
      Used to set an expiration on a file or folder uploaded to
      Cloud Files. Requires an integer, specifying expiration in

- meta
      A hash of items to set as metadata values on an uploaded
      file or folder

- method
      The method of operation to be performed.  For example, put
      to upload files to Cloud Files, get to download files from
      Cloud Files or delete to delete remote objects in Cloud
      Files (Choices: get, put, delete)

- region
      Region in which to work.  Maps to a Rackspace Cloud region,
      i.e. DFW, ORD, IAD, SYD, LON

- src
      Source from which to upload files.  Used to specify a remote
      object as a source for an operation, i.e. a file name,
      "file1", or a comma-separated list of remote objects,
      "file1,file2,file17".  src and dest are mutually exclusive
      on remote-only object operations

- structure
      Used to specify whether to maintain nested directory
      structure when downloading objects from Cloud Files.
      Setting to false downloads the contents of a container to a
      single, flat directory (Choices: yes, no)

- type
      Type of object to do work onMetadata object or a file object
      (Choices: file, meta)

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: "Test Cloud Files Objects"
  hosts: local
  gather_facts: False
    - name: "Get objects from test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont dest=~/Downloads/testcont

    - name: "Get single object from test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont src=file1 dest=~/Downloads/testcont

    - name: "Get several objects from test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont src=file1,file2,file3 dest=~/Downloads/testcont

    - name: "Delete one object in test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete dest=file1

    - name: "Delete several objects in test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete dest=file2,file3,file4

    - name: "Delete all objects in test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete

    - name: "Upload all files to test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=put src=~/Downloads/onehundred

    - name: "Upload one file to test container"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=put src=~/Downloads/testcont/file1

    - name: "Upload one file to test container with metadata"
        container: testcont
        src: ~/Downloads/testcont/file2
        method: put
          testkey: testdata

    - name: "Upload one file to test container with TTL of 60 seconds"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=put src=~/Downloads/testcont/file3 expires=60

    - name: "Attempt to get remote object that does not exist"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=get src=FileThatDoesNotExist.jpg dest=~/Downloads/testcont
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: "Attempt to delete remote object that does not exist"
      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete dest=FileThatDoesNotExist.jpg
      ignore_errors: yes

- name: "Test Cloud Files Objects Metadata"
  hosts: local
  gather_facts: false
    - name: "Get metadata on one object"
      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta dest=file2

    - name: "Get metadata on several objects"
      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta src=file2,file1

    - name: "Set metadata on an object"
        container: testcont
        type: meta
        dest: file17
        method: put
          key1: value1
          key2: value2
        clear_meta: true

    - name: "Verify metadata is set"
      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta src=file17

    - name: "Delete metadata"
        container: testcont
        type: meta
        dest: file17
        method: delete
          key1: ''
          key2: ''

    - name: "Get metadata on all objects"
      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta


Create a keypair for use with Rackspace Cloud Servers

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- auth_endpoint
      The URI of the authentication service

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- env
      Environment as configured in ~/.pyrax.cfg, see https://githu

- identity_type
      Authentication machanism to use, such as rackspace or

= name
      Name of keypair

- public_key
      Public Key string to upload

- region
      Region to create an instance in

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- tenant_id
      The tenant ID used for authentication

- tenant_name
      The tenant name used for authentication

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

- verify_ssl
      Whether or not to require SSL validation of API endpoints

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)Keypairs cannot be
      manipulated, only created and deleted. To "update" a keypair
      you must first delete and then recreate.

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Create a keypair
  hosts: local
  gather_facts: False
    - name: keypair request
        module: rax_keypair
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        name: my_keypair
        region: DFW
      register: keypair
    - name: Create local public key
        module: copy
        content: "{{ keypair.keypair.public_key }}"
        dest: "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ }}.pub"
    - name: Create local private key
        module: copy
        content: "{{ keypair.keypair.private_key }}"
        dest: "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ }}"


creates / deletes a Rackspace Public Cloud isolated network.

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- cidr
      cidr of the network being created

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- label
      Label (name) to give the network

- region
      Region to create the network in

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      `RAX_REGION'.`RAX_CREDENTIALS' and `RAX_CREDS' points to a
      credentials file appropriate for pyrax`RAX_USERNAME' and
      `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the use of a credentials
      file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace Public Cloud region
      (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Build an Isolated Network
  gather_facts: False

    - name: Network create request
        module: rax_network
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        label: my-net
        state: present


creates / deletes a Rackspace Public Cloud queue.

Options (= is mandatory):

- api_key
      Rackspace API key (overrides `credentials')

- credentials
      File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if
      `api_key' and `username' are provided)

- name
      Name to give the queue

- region
      Region to create the load balancer in

- state
      Indicate desired state of the resource (Choices: present,

- username
      Rackspace username (overrides `credentials')

Notes:    The following environment variables can be used, `RAX_USERNAME',
      to a credentials file appropriate for pyrax. See https://git
      authenticating`RAX_USERNAME' and `RAX_API_KEY' obviate the
      use of a credentials file`RAX_REGION' defines a Rackspace
      Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)

Requirements:    pyrax

- name: Build a Queue
  gather_facts: False
  hosts: local
  connection: local
    - name: Queue create request
        module: rax_queue
        credentials: ~/.raxpub
        client_id: unique-client-name
        name: my-queue
        region: DFW
        state: present
      register: my_queue


Creates, deletes, or modifies rds instances.  When creating an
instance it can be either a new instance or a read-only replica of
an existing instance. This module has a dependency on python-boto
>= 2.5. The 'promote' command requires boto >= 2.18.0.

Options (= is mandatory):

- apply_immediately
      Used only when command=modify.  If enabled, the
      modifications will be applied as soon as possible rather
      than waiting for the next preferred maintenance window.
      (Choices: yes, no)

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

- backup_retention
      Number of days backups are retained.  Set to 0 to disable
      backups.  Default is 1 day.  Valid range: 0-35. Used only
      when command=create or command=modify.

- backup_window
      Backup window in format of hh24:mi-hh24:mi.  If not
      specified then a random backup window is assigned. Used only
      when command=create or command=modify.

= command
      Specifies the action to take. (Choices: create, replicate,
      delete, facts, modify, promote, snapshot, restore)

- db_engine
      The type of database.  Used only when command=create.
      (Choices: MySQL, oracle-se1, oracle-se, oracle-ee,
      sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-se, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-web,

- db_name
      Name of a database to create within the instance.  If not
      specified then no database is created. Used only when

- engine_version
      Version number of the database engine to use. Used only when
      command=create. If not specified then the current Amazon RDS
      default engine version is used.

= instance_name
      Database instance identifier.

- instance_type
      The instance type of the database.  Must be specified when
      command=create. Optional when command=replicate,
      command=modify or command=restore. If not specified then the
      replica inherits the same instance type as the source
      instance. (Choices: db.t1.micro, db.m1.small, db.m1.medium,
      db.m1.large, db.m1.xlarge, db.m2.xlarge, db.m2.2xlarge,

- iops
      Specifies the number of IOPS for the instance.  Used only
      when command=create or command=modify. Must be an integer
      greater than 1000.

- license_model
      The license model for this DB instance. Used only when
      command=create or command=restore. (Choices: license-
      included, bring-your-own-license, general-public-license)

- maint_window
      Maintenance window in format of ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi.
      (Example: Mon:22:00-Mon:23:15) If not specified then a
      random maintenance window is assigned. Used only when
      command=create or command=modify.

- multi_zone
      Specifies if this is a Multi-availability-zone deployment.
      Can not be used in conjunction with zone parameter. Used
      only when command=create or command=modify. (Choices: yes,

- new_instance_name
      Name to rename an instance to. Used only when

- option_group
      The name of the option group to use.  If not specified then
      the default option group is used. Used only when

- parameter_group
      Name of the DB parameter group to associate with this
      instance.  If omitted then the RDS default DBParameterGroup
      will be used. Used only when command=create or

- password
      Password for the master database username. Used only when
      command=create or command=modify.

- port
      Port number that the DB instance uses for connections.
      Defaults to 3306 for mysql, 1521 for Oracle, 1443 for SQL
      Server. Used only when command=create or command=replicate.

= region
      The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of
      the EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used.

- security_groups
      Comma separated list of one or more security groups.  Used
      only when command=create or command=modify.

- size
      Size in gigabytes of the initial storage for the DB
      instance. Used only when command=create or command=modify.

- snapshot
      Name of snapshot to take. When command=delete, if no
      snapshot name is provided then no snapshot is taken. Used
      only when command=delete or command=snapshot.

- source_instance
      Name of the database to replicate. Used only when

- subnet
      VPC subnet group.  If specified then a VPC instance is
      created. Used only when command=create.

- upgrade
      Indicates that minor version upgrades should be applied
      automatically. Used only when command=create or
      command=replicate. (Choices: yes, no)

- username
      Master database username. Used only when command=create.

- vpc_security_groups
      Comma separated list of one or more vpc security groups.
      Used only when command=create or command=modify.

- wait
      When command=create, replicate, modify or restore then wait
      for the database to enter the 'available' state.  When
      command=delete wait for the database to be terminated.
      (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_timeout
      how long before wait gives up, in seconds

- zone
      availability zone in which to launch the instance. Used only
      when command=create, command=replicate or command=restore.

Requirements:    boto

# Basic mysql provisioning example
- rds: >

# Create a read-only replica and wait for it to become available
- rds: >

# Delete an instance, but create a snapshot before doing so
- rds: >

# Get facts about an instance
- rds: >
      register: new_database_facts

# Rename an instance and wait for the change to take effect
- rds: >


Manage registration and subscription to the Red Hat Network
entitlement platform.

Options (= is mandatory):

- activationkey
      supply an activation key for use with registration

- autosubscribe
      Upon successful registration, auto-consume available

- password
      Red Hat Network password

- pool
      Specify a subscription pool name to consume.  Regular
      expressions accepted.

- rhsm_baseurl
      Specify CDN baseurl

- server_hostname
      Specify an alternative Red Hat Network server

- server_insecure
      Allow traffic over insecure http

- state
      whether to register and subscribe (`present'), or unregister
      (`absent') a system (Choices: present, absent)

- username
      Red Hat Network username

Notes:    In order to register a system, subscription-manager requires
      either a username and password, or an activationkey.

Requirements:    subscription-manager

# Register as user (joe_user) with password (somepass) and auto-subscribe to available content.
- redhat_subscription: action=register username=joe_user password=somepass autosubscribe=true

# Register with activationkey (1-222333444) and consume subscriptions matching
# the names (Red hat Enterprise Server) and (Red Hat Virtualization)
- redhat_subscription: action=register
                       pool='^(Red Hat Enterprise Server|Red Hat Virtualization)$'


Unified utility to interact with redis instances. 'slave' Sets a
redis instance in slave or master mode. 'flush' Flushes all the
instance or a specified db.

Options (= is mandatory):

= command
      The selected redis command (Choices: slave, flush)

- db
      The database to flush (used in db mode) [flush command]

- flush_mode
      Type of flush (all the dbs in a redis instance or a specific
      one) [flush command] (Choices: all, db)

- login_host
      The host running the database

- login_password
      The password used to authenticate with (usually not used)

- login_port
      The port to connect to

- master_host
      The host of the master instance [slave command]

- master_port
      The port of the master instance [slave command]

- slave_mode
      the mode of the redis instance [slave command] (Choices:
      master, slave)

Notes:    Requires the redis-py Python package on the remote host. You can
      install it with pip (pip install redis) or with a package
      manager. the redis
      master instance we are making slave of is password protected
      this needs to be in the redis.conf in the masterauth

Requirements:    redis

# Set local redis instance to be slave of melee.island on port 6377
- redis: command=slave master_host=melee.island master_port=6377

# Deactivate slave mode
- redis: command=slave slave_mode=master

# Flush all the redis db
- redis: command=flush flush_mode=all

# Flush only one db in a redis instance
- redis: command=flush db=1 flush_mode=db


Adds or removes Red Hat software channels

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      name of the software channel

= password
      the user's password

- state
      whether the channel should be present or not

= sysname
      name of the system as it is known in RHN/Satellite

= url
      The full url to the RHN/Satellite api

= user
      RHN/Satellite user

Notes:    this module fetches the system id from RHN.

Requirements:    none

- rhn_channel: name=rhel-x86_64-server-v2vwin-6 sysname=server01 url= user=rhnuser password=guessme


Manage registration to the Red Hat Network.

Options (= is mandatory):

- activationkey
      supply an activation key for use with registration

- channels
      Optionally specify a list of comma-separated channels to
      subscribe to upon successful registration.

- password
      Red Hat Network password

- server_url
      Specify an alternative Red Hat Network server URL

- state
      whether to register (`present'), or unregister (`absent') a
      system (Choices: present, absent)

- username
      Red Hat Network username

Notes:    In order to register a system, rhnreg_ks requires either a
      username and password, or an activationkey.

Requirements:    rhnreg_ks

# Unregister system from RHN.
- rhn_register: state=absent username=joe_user password=somepass

# Register as user (joe_user) with password (somepass) and auto-subscribe to available content.
- rhn_register: state=present username=joe_user password=somepass

# Register with activationkey (1-222333444) and enable extended update support.
- rhn_register: state=present activationkey=1-222333444 enable_eus=true

# Register as user (joe_user) with password (somepass) against a satellite
# server specified by (server_url).
- rhn_register:

# Register as user (joe_user) with password (somepass) and enable
# channels (rhel-x86_64-server-6-foo-1) and (rhel-x86_64-server-6-bar-1).
- rhn_register: state=present username=joe_user


This module can be used to join nodes to a cluster, check the
status of the cluster.

Options (= is mandatory):

- command
      The command you would like to perform against the cluster.
      (Choices: ping, kv_test, join, plan, commit)

- config_dir
      The path to the riak configuration directory

- http_conn
      The ip address and port that is listening for Riak HTTP

- target_node
      The target node for certain operations (join, ping)

- validate_certs
      If `no', SSL certificates will not be validated. This should
      only be used on personally controlled sites using self-
      signed certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

- wait_for_handoffs
      Number of seconds to wait for handoffs to complete.

- wait_for_ring
      Number of seconds to wait for all nodes to agree on the

- wait_for_service
      Waits for a riak service to come online before continuing.
      (Choices: kv)

# Join's a Riak node to another node
- riak: command=join target_node=riak@

# Wait for handoffs to finish.  Use with async and poll.
- riak: wait_for_handoffs=yes

# Wait for riak_kv service to startup
- riak: wait_for_service=kv


Creates and deletes DNS records in Amazons Route53 service

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key.

= command
      Specifies the action to take. (Choices: get, create, delete)

- overwrite
      Whether an existing record should be overwritten on create
      if values do not match

= record
      The full DNS record to create or delete

- ttl
      The TTL to give the new record

= type
      The type of DNS record to create (Choices: A, CNAME, MX,

- value
      The new value when creating a DNS record.  Multiple comma-
      spaced values are allowed.  When deleting a record all
      values for the record must be specified or Route53 will not
      delete it.

= zone
      The DNS zone to modify

Requirements:    boto

# Add as an A record with 3 IPs
- route53: >

# Retrieve the details for
- route53: >
  register: rec

# Delete A record using the results from the get command
- route53: >
      record={{ rec.set.record }}
      type={{ rec.set.type }}
      value={{ rec.set.value }}

# Add an AAAA record.  Note that because there are colons in the value
# that the entire parameter list must be quoted:
- route53: >

# Add a TXT record. Note that TXT and SPF records must be surrounded
# by quotes when sent to Route 53:
- route53: >


Adds or removes (rpm --import) a gpg key to your rpm database.

Options (= is mandatory):

= key
      Key that will be modified. Can be a url, a file, or a keyid
      if the key already exists in the database.

- state
      Wheather the key will be imported or removed from the rpm
      db. (Choices: present, absent)

- validate_certs
      If `no' and the `key' is a url starting with https, SSL
      certificates will not be validated. This should only be used
      on personally controlled sites using self-signed
      certificates. (Choices: yes, no)

# Example action to import a key from a url
- rpm_key: state=present key=

# Example action to import a key from a file
- rpm_key: state=present key=/path/to/key.gpg

# Example action to ensure a key is not present in the db
- rpm_key: state=absent key=DEADB33F

> S3

This module allows the user to dictate the presence of a given
file in an S3 bucket. If or once the key (file) exists in the
bucket, it returns a time-expired download URL. This module has a
dependency on python-boto.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aws_access_key
      AWS access key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.

- aws_secret_key
      AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the
      AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.

= bucket
      Bucket name.

- dest
      The destination file path when downloading an object/key
      with a GET operation.

- expiration
      Time limit (in seconds) for the URL generated and returned
      by S3/Walrus when performing a mode=put or mode=geturl

= mode
      Switches the module behaviour between put (upload), get
      (download), geturl (return download url (Ansible 1.3+),
      getstr (download object as string (1.3+)), create (bucket)
      and delete (bucket).

- object
      Keyname of the object inside the bucket. Can be used to
      create "virtual directories", see examples.

- overwrite
      Force overwrite either locally on the filesystem or remotely
      with the object/key. Used with PUT and GET operations.

- s3_url
      S3 URL endpoint. If not specified then the S3_URL
      environment variable is used, if that variable is defined.

- src
      The source file path when performing a PUT operation.

Requirements:    boto

# Simple PUT operation
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt src=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=put
# Simple GET operation
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt dest=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=get
# GET/download and overwrite local file (trust remote)
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt dest=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=get
# GET/download and do not overwrite local file (trust remote)
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt dest=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=get force=false
# PUT/upload and overwrite remote file (trust local)
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt src=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=put
# PUT/upload and do not overwrite remote file (trust local)
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt src=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=put force=false
# Download an object as a string to use else where in your playbook
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/desired/key.txt src=/usr/local/myfile.txt mode=getstr
# Create an empty bucket
- s3: bucket=mybucket mode=create
# Create a bucket with key as directory
- s3: bucket=mybucket object=/my/directory/path mode=create
# Delete a bucket and all contents
- s3: bucket=mybucket mode=delete


The [script] module takes the script name followed by a list of
space-delimited arguments. The local script at path will be
transfered to the remote node and then executed. The given script
will be processed through the shell environment on the remote
node. This module does not require python on the remote system,
much like the [raw] module.

Options (= is mandatory):

- creates
      a filename, when it already exists, this step will *not* be

= free_form
      path to the local script file followed by optional

- removes
      a filename, when it does not exist, this step will *not* be

Notes:    It is usually preferable to write Ansible modules than pushing
      scripts. Convert your script to an Ansible module for bonus

# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- script: /some/local/ --some-arguments 1234

# Run a script that creates a file, but only if the file is not yet created
- script: /some/local/ --some-arguments 1234 creates=/the/created/file.txt

# Run a script that removes a file, but only if the file is not yet removed
- script: /some/local/ --some-arguments 1234 removes=/the/removed/file.txt


Toggles SELinux booleans.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      Name of the boolean to configure

- persistent
      Set to `yes' if the boolean setting should survive a reboot
      (Choices: yes, no)

= state
      Desired boolean value (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    Not tested on any debian based system

# Set (httpd_can_network_connect) flag on and keep it persistent across reboots
- seboolean: name=httpd_can_network_connect state=yes persistent=yes


Configures the SELinux mode and policy. A reboot may be required
after usage. Ansible will not issue this reboot but will let you
know when it is required.

Options (= is mandatory):

- conf
      path to the SELinux configuration file, if non-standard

- policy
      name of the SELinux policy to use (example: `targeted') will
      be required if state is not `disabled'

= state
      The SELinux mode (Choices: enforcing, permissive, disabled)

Notes:    Not tested on any debian based system

Requirements:    libselinux-python

- selinux: policy=targeted state=enforcing
- selinux: policy=targeted state=permissive
- selinux: state=disabled


Controls services on remote hosts.

Options (= is mandatory):

- arguments
      Additional arguments provided on the command line

- enabled
      Whether the service should start on boot. At least one of
      state and enabled are required. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      Name of the service.

- pattern
      If the service does not respond to the status command, name
      a substring to look for as would be found in the output of
      the `ps' command as a stand-in for a status result.  If the
      string is found, the service will be assumed to be running.

- runlevel
      For OpenRC init scripts (ex: Gentoo) only.  The runlevel
      that this service belongs to.

- sleep
      If the service is being `restarted' then sleep this many
      seconds between the stop and start command. This helps to
      workaround badly behaving init scripts that exit immediately
      after signaling a process to stop.

- state
      `started'/`stopped' are idempotent actions that will not run
      commands unless necessary.  `restarted' will always bounce
      the service.  `reloaded' will always reload. At least one of
      state and enabled are required. (Choices: started, stopped,
      restarted, reloaded)

# Example action to start service httpd, if not running
- service: name=httpd state=started

# Example action to stop service httpd, if running
- service: name=httpd state=stopped

# Example action to restart service httpd, in all cases
- service: name=httpd state=restarted

# Example action to reload service httpd, in all cases
- service: name=httpd state=reloaded

# Example action to enable service httpd, and not touch the running state
- service: name=httpd enabled=yes

# Example action to start service foo, based on running process /usr/bin/foo
- service: name=foo pattern=/usr/bin/foo state=started

# Example action to restart network service for interface eth0
- service: name=network state=restarted args=eth0


This module allows setting new variables.  Variables are set on a
host-by-host basis just like facts discovered by the setup
module.These variables will survive between plays.

Options (= is mandatory):

= key_value
      The `set_fact' module takes key=value pairs as variables to
      set in the playbook scope. Or alternatively, accepts complex
      arguments using the `args:' statement.

# Example setting host facts using key=value pairs
- set_fact: one_fact="something" other_fact="{{ local_var * 2 }}"

# Example setting host facts using complex arguments
- set_fact:
     one_fact: something
     other_fact: "{{ local_var * 2 }}"


This module is automatically called by playbooks to gather useful
variables about remote hosts that can be used in playbooks. It can
also be executed directly by `/usr/bin/ansible' to check what
variables are available to a host. Ansible provides many `facts'
about the system, automatically.

Options (= is mandatory):

- fact_path
      path used for local ansible facts (*.fact) - files in this
      dir will be run (if executable) and their results be added
      to ansible_local facts if a file is not executable it is
      read. File/results format can be json or ini-format

- filter
      if supplied, only return facts that match this shell-style
      (fnmatch) wildcard.

Notes:    More ansible facts will be added with successive releases. If
      `facter' or `ohai' are installed, variables from these
      programs will also be snapshotted into the JSON file for
      usage in templating. These variables are prefixed with
      `facter_' and `ohai_' so it's easy to tell their source. All
      variables are bubbled up to the caller. Using the ansible
      facts and choosing to not install `facter' and `ohai' means
      you can avoid Ruby-dependencies on your remote systems. (See
      also [facter] and [ohai].)The filter option filters only the
      first level subkey below ansible_facts.

# Display facts from all hosts and store them indexed by I(hostname) at C(/tmp/facts).
ansible all -m setup --tree /tmp/facts

# Display only facts regarding memory found by ansible on all hosts and output them.
ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_*_mb'

# Display only facts returned by facter.
ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=facter_*'

# Display only facts about certain interfaces.
ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_eth[0-2]'


The [shell] module takes the command name followed by a list of
space-delimited arguments. It is almost exactly like the [command]
module but runs the command through a shell (`/bin/sh') on the
remote node.

Options (= is mandatory):

- chdir
      cd into this directory before running the command

- creates
      a filename, when it already exists, this step will *not* be

- executable
      change the shell used to execute the command. Should be an
      absolute path to the executable.

= free_form
      The shell module takes a free form command to run

- removes
      a filename, when it does not exist, this step will *not* be

Notes:    If you want to execute a command securely and predictably, it may
      be better to use the [command] module instead. Best
      practices when writing playbooks will follow the trend of
      using [command] unless [shell] is explicitly required. When
      running ad-hoc commands, use your best judgement.

# Execute the command in remote shell; stdout goes to the specified
# file on the remote
- shell: >> somelog.txt


This module works like [fetch]. It is used for fetching a base64-
encoded blob containing the data in a remote file.

Options (= is mandatory):

= src
      The file on the remote system to fetch. This `must' be a
      file, not a directory.

Notes:    See also: [fetch]

ansible host -m slurp -a 'src=/tmp/xx'
   host | success >> {
      "content": "aGVsbG8gQW5zaWJsZSB3b3JsZAo=",
      "encoding": "base64"


Retrieves facts for a file similar to the linux/unix 'stat'

Options (= is mandatory):

- follow
      Whether to follow symlinks

- get_md5
      Whether to return the md5 sum of the file

= path
      The full path of the file/object to get the facts of

# Obtain the stats of /etc/foo.conf, and check that the file still belongs
# to 'root'. Fail otherwise.
- stat: path=/etc/foo.conf
  register: st
- fail: msg="Whoops! file ownership has changed"
  when: st.stat.pw_name != 'root'

# Determine if a path exists and is a directory.  Note we need to test
# both that p.stat.isdir actually exists, and also that it's set to true.
- stat: path=/path/to/something
  register: p
- debug: msg="Path exists and is a directory"
  when: p.stat.isdir is defined and p.stat.isdir == true

# Don't do md5 checksum
- stat: path=/path/to/myhugefile get_md5=no


Deploy given repository URL / revision to dest. If dest exists,
update to the specified revision, otherwise perform a checkout.

Options (= is mandatory):

= dest
      Absolute path where the repository should be deployed.

- executable
      Path to svn executable to use. If not supplied, the normal
      mechanism for resolving binary paths will be used.

- force
      If `yes', modified files will be discarded. If `no', module
      will fail if it encounters modified files. (Choices: yes,

- password
      --password parameter passed to svn.

= repo
      The subversion URL to the repository.

- revision
      Specific revision to checkout.

- username
      --username parameter passed to svn.

Notes:    Requres `svn' to be installed on the client.

# Checkout subversion repository to specified folder.
- subversion: repo=svn+ssh:// dest=/src/checkout


Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via

Options (= is mandatory):

- config
      configuration file path, passed as -c to supervisorctl

= name
      The name of the `supervisord' program/process to manage

- password
      password to use for authentication with server, passed as -p
      to supervisorctl

- server_url
      URL on which supervisord server is listening, passed as -s
      to supervisorctl

= state
      The state of service (Choices: present, started, stopped,

- supervisorctl_path
      Path to supervisorctl executable to use

- username
      username to use for authentication with server, passed as -u
      to supervisorctl

# Manage the state of program to be in 'started' state.
- supervisorctl: name=my_app state=started

# Restart my_app, reading supervisorctl configuration from a specified file.
- supervisorctl: name=my_app state=restarted config=/var/opt/my_project/supervisord.conf

# Restart my_app, connecting to supervisord with credentials and server URL.
- supervisorctl: name=my_app state=restarted username=test password=testpass server_url=http://localhost:9001


Manages SVR4 packages on Solaris 10 and 11.These were the native
packages on Solaris <= 10 and are available as a legacy feature in
Solaris 11.Note that this is a very basic packaging system. It
will not enforce dependencies on install or remove.

Options (= is mandatory):

= name
      Package name, e.g. `SUNWcsr'

- proxy
      HTTP[s] proxy to be used if `src' is a URL.

- response_file
      Specifies the location of a response file to be used if
      package expects input on install. (added in Ansible 1.4)

- src
      Specifies the location to install the package from. Required
      when `state=present'.Can be any path acceptable to the
      `pkgadd' command's `-d' option. e.g.: `somefile.pkg',
      `/dir/with/pkgs', `http:/server/mypkgs.pkg'.If using a file
      or directory, they must already be accessible by the host.
      See the [copy] module for a way to get them there.

= state
      Whether to install (`present'), or remove (`absent') a
      package.If the package is to be installed, then `src' is
      required.The SVR4 package system doesn't provide an upgrade
      operation. You need to uninstall the old, then install the
      new package. (Choices: present, absent)

# Install a package from an already copied file
- svr4pkg: name=CSWcommon src=/tmp/cswpkgs.pkg state=present

# Install a package directly from an http site
- svr4pkg: name=CSWpkgutil src= state=present

# Install a package with a response file
- svr4pkg: name=CSWggrep src=/tmp/third-party.pkg response_file=/tmp/ggrep.response state=present

# Ensure that a package is not installed.
- svr4pkg: name=SUNWgnome-sound-recorder state=absent


Will install, upgrade and remove packages with swdepot package
manager (HP-UX)

Options (= is mandatory):

- depot
      The source repository from which install or upgrade a
      package. (Choices: )

= name
      package name. (Choices: )

= state
      whether to install (`present', `latest'), or remove
      (`absent') a package. (Choices: present, latest, absent)

- swdepot: name=unzip-6.0 state=installed depot=repository:/path
- swdepot: name=unzip state=latest depot=repository:/path
- swdepot: name=unzip state=absent


This is a wrapper around rsync. Of course you could just use the
command action to call rsync yourself, but you also have to add a
fair number of boilerplate options and host facts. You still may
need to call rsync directly via `command' or `shell' depending on
your use case. The synchronize action is meant to do common things
with `rsync' easily. It does not provide access to the full power
of rsync, but does make most invocations easier to follow.

Options (= is mandatory):

- archive
      Mirrors the rsync archive flag, enables recursive, links,
      perms, times, owner, group flags and -D. (Choices: yes, no)

- copy_links
      Copy symlinks as the item that they point to (the referent)
      is copied, rather than the symlink. (Choices: yes, no)

- delete
      Delete files that don't exist (after transfer, not before)
      in the `src' path. (Choices: yes, no)

= dest
      Path on the destination machine that will be synchronized
      from the source; The path can be absolute or relative.

- dest_port
      Port number for ssh on the destination host. The
      ansible_ssh_port inventory var takes precedence over this

- dirs
      Transfer directories without recursing (Choices: yes, no)

- existing_only
      Skip creating new files on receiver. (Choices: yes, no)

- group
      Preserve group (Choices: yes, no)

- links
      Copy symlinks as symlinks. (Choices: yes, no)

- mode
      Specify the direction of the synchroniztion. In push mode
      the localhost or delegate is the source; In pull mode the
      remote host in context is the source. (Choices: push, pull)

- owner
      Preserve owner (super user only) (Choices: yes, no)

- perms
      Preserve permissions. (Choices: yes, no)

- recursive
      Recurse into directories. (Choices: yes, no)

- rsync_path
      Specify the rsync command to run on the remote machine. See
      `--rsync-path' on the rsync man page.

- rsync_timeout
      Specify a --timeout for the rsync command in seconds.

= src
      Path on the source machine that will be synchronized to the
      destination; The path can be absolute or relative.

- times
      Preserve modification times (Choices: yes, no)

Notes:    Inspect the verbose output to validate the destination
      user/host/path are what was expected.The remote user for the
      dest path will always be the remote_user, not the
      sudo_user.Expect that dest=~/x will be ~<remote_user>/x even
      if using sudo.To exclude files and directories from being
      synchronized, you may add `.rsync-filter' files to the
      source directory.

# Synchronization of src on the control machine to dest on the remote hosts
synchronize: src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path

# Synchronization without any --archive options enabled
synchronize: src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path archive=no

# Synchronization with --archive options enabled except for --recursive
synchronize: src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path recursive=no

# Synchronization without --archive options enabled except use --links
synchronize: src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path archive=no links=yes

# Synchronization of two paths both on the control machine
local_action: synchronize src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path

# Synchronization of src on the inventory host to the dest on the localhost in
pull mode
synchronize: mode=pull src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path

# Synchronization of src on delegate host to dest on the current inventory host
synchronize: >
    src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path

# Synchronize and delete files in dest on the remote host that are not found in src of localhost.
synchronize: src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path delete=yes

# Synchronize using an alternate rsync command
synchronize: src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path rsync_path="sudo rsync"

# Example .rsync-filter file in the source directory
- var       # exclude any path whose last part is 'var'
- /var      # exclude any path starting with 'var' starting at the source directory
+ /var/conf # include /var/conf even though it was previously excluded


This module manipulates sysctl entries and optionally performs a
`/sbin/sysctl -p' after changing them.

Options (= is mandatory):

- ignoreerrors
      Use this option to ignore errors about unknown keys.
      (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      The dot-separated path (aka `key') specifying the sysctl

- reload
      If `yes', performs a `/sbin/sysctl -p' if the `sysctl_file'
      is updated. If `no', does not reload `sysctl' even if the
      `sysctl_file' is updated. (Choices: yes, no)

- state
      Whether the entry should be present or absent in the sysctl
      file. (Choices: present, absent)

- sysctl_file
      Specifies the absolute path to `sysctl.conf', if not

- sysctl_set
      Verify token value with the sysctl command and set with -w
      if necessary (Choices: yes, no)

- value
      Desired value of the sysctl key.

# Set vm.swappiness to 5 in /etc/sysctl.conf
- sysctl: name=vm.swappiness value=5 state=present

# Remove kernel.panic entry from /etc/sysctl.conf
- sysctl: name=kernel.panic state=absent sysctl_file=/etc/sysctl.conf

# Set kernel.panic to 3 in /tmp/test_sysctl.conf
- sysctl: name=kernel.panic value=3 sysctl_file=/tmp/test_sysctl.conf reload=no

# Set ip fowarding on in /proc and do not reload the sysctl file
- sysctl: name="net.ipv4.ip_forward" value=1 sysctl_set=yes

# Set ip forwarding on in /proc and in the sysctl file and reload if necessary
- sysctl: name="net.ipv4.ip_forward" value=1 sysctl_set=yes state=present reload=yes


Templates are processed by the Jinja2 templating language
( - documentation on the template
formatting can be found in the Template Designer Documentation
( additional variables
can be used in templates: `ansible_managed' (configurable via the
`defaults' section of `ansible.cfg') contains a string which can
be used to describe the template name, host, modification time of
the template file and the owner uid, `template_host' contains the
node name of the template's machine, `template_uid' the owner,
`template_path' the absolute path of the template,
`template_fullpath' is the absolute path of the template, and
`template_run_date' is the date that the template was rendered.
Note that including a string that uses a date in the template will
resort in the template being marked 'changed' each time.

Options (= is mandatory):

- backup
      Create a backup file including the timestamp information so
      you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered
      it incorrectly. (Choices: yes, no)

= dest
      Location to render the template to on the remote machine.

- others
      all arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here,
      as well as the [copy] module (except the the 'content'

= src
      Path of a Jinja2 formatted template on the local server.
      This can be a relative or absolute path.

- validate
      validation to run before copying into place

Notes:    Since Ansible version 0.9, templates are loaded with
      `trim_blocks=True'.Also, you can override jinja2 settings by
      adding a special header to template file. i.e.
      `#jinja2:variable_start_string:'[%' ,
      variable_end_string:'%]'' which changes the variable
      interpolation markers to  [% var %] instead of  {{ var }}.
      This is the best way to prevent evaluation of things that
      look like, but should not be Jinja2.  raw/endraw in Jinja2
      will not work as you expect because templates in Ansible are
      recursively evaluated.

# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- template: src=/mytemplates/foo.j2 dest=/etc/file.conf owner=bin group=wheel mode=0644

# Copy a new "sudoers file into place, after passing validation with visudo
- action: template src=/mine/sudoers dest=/etc/sudoers validate='visudo -cf %s'


The [unarchive] module copies an archive file from the local
machine to a remote and unpacks it.

Options (= is mandatory):

- copy
      Should the file be copied from the local to the remote
      machine? (Choices: yes, no)

= dest
      Remote absolute path where the archive should be unpacked

= src
      Local path to archive file to copy to the remote server; can
      be absolute or relative.

Notes:    requires `tar'/`unzip' command on target hostcan handle `gzip',
      `bzip2' and `xz' compressed as well as uncompressed tar
      filesdetects type of archive automaticallyuses tar's `--diff
      arg' to calculate if changed or not. If this `arg' is not
      supported, it will always unpack the archivedoes not detect
      if a .zip file is different from destination - always
      unzipsexisting files/directories in the destination which
      are not in the archive are not touched.  This is the same
      behavior as a normal archive extractionexisting
      files/directories in the destination which are not in the
      archive are ignored for purposes of deciding if the archive
      should be unpacked or not

# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- unarchive: src=foo.tgz dest=/var/lib/foo


Interacts with HTTP and HTTPS web services and supports Digest,
Basic and WSSE HTTP authentication mechanisms.

Options (= is mandatory):

      Any parameter starting with "HEADER_" is a sent with your
      request as a header. For example, HEADER_Content-
      Type="application/json" would send the header "Content-Type"
      along with your request with a value of "application/json".

- body
      The body of the http request/response to the web service.

- creates
      a filename, when it already exists, this step will not be

- dest
      path of where to download the file to (if desired). If
      `dest' is a directory, the basename of the file on the
      remote server will be used.

- follow_redirects
      Whether or not the URI module should follow redirects. `all'
      will follow all redirects. `safe' will follow only "safe"
      redirects, where "safe" means that the client is only doing
      a GET or HEAD on the URI to which it is being redirected.
      `none' will not follow any redirects. Note that `yes' and
      `no' choices are accepted for backwards compatibility, where
      `yes' is the equivalent of `all' and `no' is the equivalent
      of `safe'. `yes' and `no' are deprecated and will be removed
      in some future version of Ansible. (Choices: all, safe,

- force_basic_auth
      httplib2, the library used by the uri module only sends
      authentication information when a webservice responds to an
      initial request with a 401 status. Since some basic auth
      services do not properly send a 401, logins will fail. This
      option forces the sending of the Basic authentication header
      upon initial request. (Choices: yes, no)

- method
      The HTTP method of the request or response. (Choices: GET,

- others
      all arguments accepted by the [file] module also work here

- password
      password for the module to use for Digest, Basic or WSSE

- removes
      a filename, when it does not exist, this step will not be

- return_content
      Whether or not to return the body of the request as a
      "content" key in the dictionary result. If the reported
      Content-type is "application/json", then the JSON is
      additionally loaded into a key called `json' in the
      dictionary results. (Choices: yes, no)

- status_code
      A valid, numeric, HTTP status code that signifies success of
      the request.

- timeout
      The socket level timeout in seconds

= url
      HTTP or HTTPS URL in the form

- user
      username for the module to use for Digest, Basic or WSSE

Requirements:    urlparse, httplib2

# Check that you can connect (GET) to a page and it returns a status 200
- uri: url=

# Check that a page returns a status 200 and fail if the word AWESOME is not in the page contents.
- action: uri url= return_content=yes
  register: webpage

- action: fail
  when: 'AWESOME' not in "{{ webpage.content }}"

# Create a JIRA issue.
- action: >
        uri url=
        method=POST user=your_username password=your_pass
        body="{{ lookup('file','issue.json') }}" force_basic_auth=yes
        status_code=201 HEADER_Content-Type="application/json"

- action: >
        uri url=
        method=POST body="name=your_username&password=your_password&enter=Sign%20in"
        status_code=302 HEADER_Content-Type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  register: login

# Login to a form based webpage, then use the returned cookie to
# access the app in later tasks.
- action: uri url=
            method=GET return_content=yes HEADER_Cookie="{{login.set_cookie}}"


Manages packages with `urpmi' (such as for Mageia or Mandriva)

Options (= is mandatory):

- force
      Corresponds to the `--force' option for `urpmi'. (Choices:
      yes, no)

- no-suggests
      Corresponds to the `--no-suggests' option for `urpmi'.
      (Choices: yes, no)

= pkg
      name of package to install, upgrade or remove.

- state
      Indicates the desired package state (Choices: absent,

- update_cache
      update the package database first `urpmi.update -a'.
      (Choices: yes, no)

# install package foo
- urpmi: pkg=foo state=present
# remove package foo
- urpmi: pkg=foo state=absent
# description: remove packages foo and bar
- urpmi: pkg=foo,bar state=absent
# description: update the package database (urpmi.update -a -q) and install bar (bar will be the updated if a newer version exists)
- urpmi: name=bar, state=present, update_cache=yes


Manage user accounts and user attributes.

Options (= is mandatory):

- append
      If `yes', will only add groups, not set them to just the
      list in `groups'.

- comment
      Optionally sets the description (aka `GECOS') of user

- createhome
      Unless set to `no', a home directory will be made for the
      user when the account is created or if the home directory
      does not exist. (Choices: yes, no)

- force
      When used with `state=absent', behavior is as with `userdel
      --force'. (Choices: yes, no)

- generate_ssh_key
      Whether to generate a SSH key for the user in question. This
      will *not* overwrite an existing SSH key. (Choices: yes, no)

- group
      Optionally sets the user's primary group (takes a group

- groups
      Puts the user in this comma-delimited list of groups. When
      set to the empty string ('groups='), the user is removed
      from all groups except the primary group.

- home
      Optionally set the user's home directory.

- login_class
      Optionally sets the user's login class for FreeBSD, OpenBSD
      and NetBSD systems.

- move_home
      If set to `yes' when used with `home=', attempt to move the
      user's home directory to the specified directory if it isn't
      there already. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      Name of the user to create, remove or modify.

- non_unique
      Optionally when used with the -u option, this option allows
      to change the user ID to a non-unique value. (Choices: yes,

- password
      Optionally set the user's password to this crypted value.
      See the user example in the github examples directory for
      what this looks like in a playbook. The `FAQ
      passwords-for-the-user-module>`_ contains details on various
      ways to generate these password values.

- remove
      When used with `state=absent', behavior is as with `userdel
      --remove'. (Choices: yes, no)

- shell
      Optionally set the user's shell.

- ssh_key_bits
      Optionally specify number of bits in SSH key to create.

- ssh_key_comment
      Optionally define the comment for the SSH key.

- ssh_key_file
      Optionally specify the SSH key filename.

- ssh_key_passphrase
      Set a passphrase for the SSH key.  If no passphrase is
      provided, the SSH key will default to having no passphrase.

- ssh_key_type
      Optionally specify the type of SSH key to generate.
      Available SSH key types will depend on implementation
      present on target host.

- state
      Whether the account should exist.  When `absent', removes
      the user account. (Choices: present, absent)

- system
      When creating an account, setting this to `yes' makes the
      user a system account.  This setting cannot be changed on
      existing users. (Choices: yes, no)

- uid
      Optionally sets the `UID' of the user.

- update_password
      `always' will update passwords if they differ.  `on_create'
      will only set the password for newly created users.
      (Choices: always, on_create)

Requirements:    useradd, userdel, usermod

# Add the user 'johnd' with a specific uid and a primary group of 'admin'
- user: name=johnd comment="John Doe" uid=1040

# Remove the user 'johnd'
- user: name=johnd state=absent remove=yes

# Create a 2048-bit SSH key for user jsmith
- user: name=jsmith generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048


Manages virtual machines supported by `libvirt'.

Options (= is mandatory):

- command
      in addition to state management, various non-idempotent
      commands are available. See examples (Choices: create,
      status, start, stop, pause, unpause, shutdown, undefine,
      destroy, get_xml, autostart, freemem, list_vms, info,
      nodeinfo, virttype, define)

= name
      name of the guest VM being managed. Note that VM must be
      previously defined with xml.

- state
      Note that there may be some lag for state requests like
      `shutdown' since these refer only to VM states. After
      starting a guest, it may not be immediately accessible.
      (Choices: running, shutdown)

- uri
      libvirt connection uri

- xml
      XML document used with the define command

Requirements:    libvirt

# a playbook task line:
- virt: name=alpha state=running

# /usr/bin/ansible invocations
ansible host -m virt -a "name=alpha command=status"
ansible host -m virt -a "name=alpha command=get_xml"
ansible host -m virt -a "name=alpha command=create uri=lxc:///"

# a playbook example of defining and launching an LXC guest
  - name: define vm
    virt: name=foo
          xml="{{ lookup('template', 'container-template.xml.j2') }}"
  - name: start vm
    virt: name=foo state=running uri=lxc:///


Waiting for a port to become available is useful for when services
are not immediately available after their init scripts return -
which is true of certain Java application servers. It is also
useful when starting guests with the [virt] module and needing to
pause until they are ready. This module can also be used to wait
for a file to be available on the filesystem or with a regex match
a string to be present in a file.

Options (= is mandatory):

- delay
      number of seconds to wait before starting to poll

- host
      hostname or IP address to wait for

- path
      path to a file on the filesytem that must exist before

- port
      port number to poll

- search_regex
      with the path option can be used match a string in the file
      that must match before continuing.  Defaults to a multiline

- state
      either `present', `started', or `stopped'When checking a
      port `started' will ensure the port is open, `stopped' will
      check that it is closedWhen checking for a file or a search
      string `present' or `started' will ensure that the file or
      string is present before continuing (Choices: present,
      started, stopped)

- timeout
      maximum number of seconds to wait for

- connect_timeout

# wait 300 seconds for port 8000 to become open on the host, don't start checking for 10 seconds
- wait_for: port=8000 delay=10

# wait until the file /tmp/foo is present before continuing
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo

# wait until the string "completed" is in the file /tmp/foo before continuing
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo search_regex=completed


Manages filesystem user defined extended attributes, requires that
they are enabled on the target filesystem and that the
setfattr/getfattr utilities are present.

Options (= is mandatory):

- follow
      if yes, dereferences symlinks and sets/gets attributes on
      symlink target, otherwise acts on symlink itself. (Choices:
      yes, no)

- key
      The name of a specific Extended attribute key to

= name
      The full path of the file/object to get the facts of

- state
      defines which state you want to do. `read' retrieves the
      current value for a `key' (default) `present' sets `name' to
      `value', default if value is set `all' dumps all data `keys'
      retrieves all keys `absent' deletes the key (Choices: read,
      present, all, keys, absent)

- value
      The value to set the named name/key to, it automatically
      sets the `state' to 'set'

# Obtain the extended attributes  of /etc/foo.conf
- xattr: name=/etc/foo.conf

# Sets the key 'foo' to value 'bar'
- xattr: path=/etc/foo.conf value=bar

# Removes the key 'foo'
- xattr: name=/etc/foo.conf state=absent


Installs, upgrade, removes, and lists packages and groups with the
`yum' package manager.

Options (= is mandatory):

- conf_file
      The remote yum configuration file to use for the

- disable_gpg_check
      Whether to disable the GPG checking of signatures of
      packages being installed. Has an effect only if state is
      `present' or `latest'. (Choices: yes, no)

- disablerepo
      `repoid' of repositories to disable for the install/update
      operation These repos will not persist beyond the
      transaction Multiple repos separated with a ','

- enablerepo
      Repoid of repositories to enable for the install/update
      operation. These repos will not persist beyond the
      transaction multiple repos separated with a ','

- list
      Various (non-idempotent) commands for usage with
      `/usr/bin/ansible' and `not' playbooks. See examples.

= name
      Package name, or package specifier with version, like
      `name-1.0'. When using state=latest, this can be '*' which
      means run: yum -y update. You can also pass a url or a local
      path to a rpm file.

- state
      Whether to install (`present', `latest'), or remove
      (`absent') a package. (Choices: present, latest, absent)

Requirements:    yum, rpm

- name: install the latest version of Apache
  yum: name=httpd state=latest

- name: remove the Apache package
  yum: name=httpd state=removed

- name: install the latest version of Apche from the testing repo
  yum: name=httpd enablerepo=testing state=installed

- name: upgrade all packages
  yum: name=* state=latest

- name: install the nginx rpm from a remote repo
  yum: name= state=present

- name: install nginx rpm from a local file
  yum: name=/usr/local/src/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm state=present

- name: install the 'Development tools' package group
  yum: name="@Development tools" state=present


Manages ZFS file systems on Solaris and FreeBSD. Can manage file
systems, volumes and snapshots. See zfs(1M) for more information
about the properties.

Options (= is mandatory):

- aclinherit
      The aclinherit property. (Choices: discard, noallow,
      restricted, passthrough, passthrough-x)

- aclmode
      The aclmode property. (Choices: discard, groupmask,

- atime
      The atime property. (Choices: on, off)

- canmount
      The canmount property. (Choices: on, off, noauto)

- casesensitivity
      The casesensitivity property. (Choices: sensitive,
      insensitive, mixed)

- checksum
      The checksum property. (Choices: on, off, fletcher2,
      fletcher4, sha256)

- compression
      The compression property. (Choices: on, off, lzjb, gzip,
      gzip-1, gzip-2, gzip-3, gzip-4, gzip-5, gzip-6, gzip-7,
      gzip-8, gzip-9, lz4, zle)

- copies
      The copies property. (Choices: 1, 2, 3)

- dedup
      The dedup property. (Choices: on, off)

- devices
      The devices property. (Choices: on, off)

- exec
      The exec property. (Choices: on, off)

- jailed
      The jailed property. (Choices: on, off)

- logbias
      The logbias property. (Choices: latency, throughput)

- mountpoint
      The mountpoint property.

= name
      File system, snapshot or volume name e.g. `rpool/myfs'

- nbmand
      The nbmand property. (Choices: on, off)

- normalization
      The normalization property. (Choices: none, formC, formD,
      formKC, formKD)

- primarycache
      The primarycache property. (Choices: all, none, metadata)

- quota
      The quota property.

- readonly
      The readonly property. (Choices: on, off)

- recordsize
      The recordsize property.

- refquota
      The refquota property.

- refreservation
      The refreservation property.

- reservation
      The reservation property.

- secondarycache
      The secondarycache property. (Choices: all, none, metadata)

- setuid
      The setuid property. (Choices: on, off)

- shareiscsi
      The shareiscsi property. (Choices: on, off)

- sharenfs
      The sharenfs property.

- sharesmb
      The sharesmb property.

- snapdir
      The snapdir property. (Choices: hidden, visible)

= state
      Whether to create (`present'), or remove (`absent') a file
      system, snapshot or volume. (Choices: present, absent)

- sync
      The sync property. (Choices: on, off)

- utf8only
      The utf8only property. (Choices: on, off)

- volblocksize
      The volblocksize property.

- volsize
      The volsize property.

- vscan
      The vscan property. (Choices: on, off)

- xattr
      The xattr property. (Choices: on, off)

- zoned
      The zoned property. (Choices: on, off)

# Create a new file system called myfs in pool rpool
- zfs: name=rpool/myfs state=present

# Create a new volume called myvol in pool rpool.
- zfs: name=rpool/myvol state=present volsize=10M

# Create a snapshot of rpool/myfs file system.
- zfs: name=rpool/myfs@mysnapshot state=present

# Create a new file system called myfs2 with snapdir enabled
- zfs: name=rpool/myfs2 state=present snapdir=enabled


Manage packages on SuSE and openSuSE using the zypper and rpm

Options (= is mandatory):

- disable_gpg_check
      Whether to disable to GPG signature checking of the package
      signature being installed. Has an effect only if state is
      `present' or `latest'. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      package name or package specifier wth version `name' or

- state
      `present' will make sure the package is installed. `latest'
      will make sure the latest version of the package is
      installed. `absent'  will make sure the specified package is
      not installed. (Choices: present, latest, absent)

Requirements:    zypper, rpm

# Install "nmap"
- zypper: name=nmap state=present

# Remove the "nmap" package
- zypper: name=nmap state=absent


Add or remove Zypper repositories on SUSE and openSUSE

Options (= is mandatory):

- description
      A description of the repository

- disable_gpg_check
      Whether to disable GPG signature checking of all packages.
      Has an effect only if state is `present'. (Choices: yes, no)

= name
      A name for the repository.

= repo
      URI of the repository or .repo file.

- state
      A source string state. (Choices: absent, present)

Requirements:    zypper

# Add NVIDIA repository for graphics drivers
- zypper_repository: name=nvidia-repo repo='' state=present

# Remove NVIDIA repository
- zypper_repository: name=nvidia-repo repo='' state=absent